Introduction: An annual increase in per capita consumption of water in societies, particularly in the dry, semi - dry countries and frequent droughts during the recent years have accelerated demand for application of effluents resulting from industrial activities. Transfer of heavy metal ions into the soil is a function of mass transfer related factors including velocity of water flow and rate of chemical reaction. These compounds infiltrate underground waters, and respect to the potential of these substances to accumulate in different tissues of the body and their cancerogen characteristics as proved through various researches a, strong need is felt to render a careful control on these sources.
Methods: In this research, with pH controllers of batch system, calcium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide were studied both in separate and simultaneous forms. First, 96 water samples with a given amount of chrome and nickel contents were prepared and divided into four different groups with 6 concentrations and environmental conditions. The experimental and non-probable sampling were applied. Sample taking and the counter effects of calcium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide were studied both in separate and simultaneous forms. The amount of remaining concentration was determined by flame application at the Atomic Absorption device.
Results: Among the measured specimen, 50 mg/lit of concentration of calcium hydroxide and 50 mg/lit of concentration of sodium hydroxide along with 80 to 100 percent output proved to render best condition in omitting chrome (+6), chrome (+3), nickel and cadmium from reaction environment. The results also revealed non significant relations of sodium hydroxide (10, 20mg/l) chrome (+6), (50, 100mg/l)with chrome (+3), (10, 20, 50, 100mg/l) Nickel, (1, 5, 50, 100 mg/l) cadmium and significant relations of sodium hydroxide (1, 5, 50, 100mg/l) with chrome (+6), (1,5, 10, 20mg/l) chrome (+3), (1mg/l) Nickel, (10,20 mg/l) and cadmium (P<0.001). The same status was non-significant for calcium hydroxide (5, 10mg/l) with chrome (+6), (upper 10 mg/l) with chrome (+3), (20, 100 mg/l) with Nickel (1, 20 mg/l) with cadmium and significant for calcium hydroxide (1, 20, 50, 100 mg/l) with chrome (+6), (lower 10 mg/l) with chrome (+3), (1,5, 10, 50 mg/l) Nickel, (5, 10,50, 100 mg/l) and cadmium (P<0.001).
Conclusion: The finak conclusion is that all location in the industrial wastewater treatment with control PH is the best way for wastewater treatment.