Persian Gulf is most strategical environmental source in Middle East. Annually more than 150 thousand tons of oil & petroleum from leaking natural forms, the plateau operation, shipping and etc will enter this. More than 57% petroleum pollution of Persian gulf which contain shipping, more than 32% from natural lekage and plateau operating and 11% from sewage and rivers. Studies showed that the production of oil-contaminated water ports in the 2000 A.D, Manama, Mahshahr, Khark, Basra, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arabic Emirates, respectively equivalent to 418.3, 4183.2, 28.6, 87.4, 10321, 14.4, 0.2, 678.1, 8.1thousand tons. Reseaches show that these in this research solving main problems from Persian Gulf and presents principles of environmental managing.