Norms have an important role in human life, more than the vision show in the specialized courses framework of clinical psychology, Educational Sciences and sociological theories can be drawn. The effect’s domain of choice or spreading the norms influence incorporates all dimensions of individual and social actions of people. Identifying the norms in people’s life and social, survey the way effect on direction of individual and social actions and criticism of norms’ pathology, especially considering the increasing influence of media, and Iran’s science attachment to west countries has become to a serious need. The answer of this need first requires accurate apprehension of norm and its application for human’s life. In order to address this important issue, this paper is examined the concept of the so-called norm in terms of conceptual study. Then, based on the principles governing the process of perception, is presented a theoretical model of the three functions of the norms for a human action. Finally, on the basis of this model the formations of the concept of normality and abnormality, the Validity of the norms as well as the different forms of the norm disturbances have been described. Contemplate the way of the models’ formation, the concepts of abnormal and normal, indicating norms’ damage to the three basic forms: The falling of norms’ validity, deliberately create doubt about the validity of norms as power tools, with the aim of directing and controlling the population and social groups, is done as well as the simultaneous presence of conflicting norms in the minds and actions of people.