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The purpose of present study was to investigate monitoring pressure on decision making and relate it to decision specific reinvestment. Subjects were 25 expert Ping-Pong players in which they performed a Ping-Pong simulated decision making task using option generation method under two conditions of low and monitoring pressure. Also, the Persian version of decision specific reinvestment scale and competitive sport anxiety inventory-2 were used. Results of multivariate analysis of variance with repeated measure revealed that pressure had a significant effect on cognitive anxiety (P≤ 0. 05). Also, the results revealed that there were significant differences between some decision-making variables including first option quality, dynamic inconsistency and generation time under low and monitoring pressure (P≤ 0. 05). Decision reinvestment only could predict the first option quality changes. Thus coaches and athletes are offered to have knowledge about the different pressure conditions and expert athletes to avoid the self-focus intentions under pressure.

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The aim of this study was to determine the relative contribution of mental toughness of badminton men's skilled players in explaining thire performance. 24 male badminton players in Tehran and Alborz teams performed two competitions under pressure with players of the same level. The competitions were filmed in presence of a national badminton team coache. Aslo The players completed sport mental toughness questionnaire. In order to evaluate the performance, performance notational analsysis and effective shots, successful shots and unsuccessful or unforced errors indexes were used. Regression analysis showed that mental strength significantly explains 48% of Performance under in skilled badminton players (p<0/001). These results support previous research in the field of mental toughness and alos improv The results also support previous research in the field of mental strength plays a decisive role in the internal validity of the studies improved the internal validity of the literature.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate of collective efficacy and sport emotion and also the predictive factors of collective efficiency sources by sport emotion in healthy and disabled athletes which was done in a retrospective method. 41 disable athlete and 43 healthy athlete were selected by cluster sampling method from team sports. Sport emotion and collective efficacy questionnaire for Sports were used. Data were analyzed by Multivariate Analysis of variance and multiple regression at significant level 0. 05. The results showed significant difference in sport emotion and collective efficacy among of healthy and disable athletes. Further analysis showed significant differences only in anxiety and anger between healthy and disabled athletes groups. In addition, sport emotions predicted 31% and 15% of collective efficacy variability in disabled and healthy athletes respectively. The importance of experiences and also anxiety and anger regulation in disabled sports and happiness in healthy athletes was discussed.

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The aim of present study was to examine the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Therapy on job stress and job self-efficacy. The statistical population included all physical education instructors in swimming, volleyball and basketball in Qom Department of Physical Education. In this pretest– posttest experimental research with control group, 30 instructors were selected through convenience sampling method and randomly divided into experimental group and control group. The experimental group underwent eight– sessions of mindfulness-based therapy program and the control group did not receive any intervention. Data were collected using Job Stress Questionnaire and self-efficacy questionnaires. Collected data were analyzed using covariance analysis. The results showed a significant difference in job stress and job self-efficacy (between the experimental and control groups after the intervention. Therefore, using mindfulness-based therapy techniques is effective in reducing job stress and increasing job self-efficacy among physical education instructors.

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The behavior of the child is one of the important dimensions of his mental health and will have significant results in his future life markedly. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of aerobic exercises on stress, anxiety and depression in children with inferiority behavioral disorder. 30 students with inferiority behavioral disorder were selected by Using of cluster sampling. To measure the research variables Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist and the des-form questionnaire of 21 questions were used. The executive protocol also included an aerobic exercise in 12 sessions of 60 minutes. Covariance analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the mean post-test scores of the experimental group and the control group's post-test, in the amount of stress, anxiety and depression. Therefore, aerobic exercises are beneficial to reduce the stress, anxiety and depression of children with inborn behavioral disorders.

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The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies in difficulty of decision making on the accuracy of forehand top spin in table tennis. The 29 skilled male players with 21. 20± 9. 24 years old were divided into 3 Meta cognitive strategies (MCS), groups cognitive strategies (CS), and control group. The level of difficulty of decision making was determined by colour of ball and impact place during forehand top spin. Pre-test was performed and then, subjects practiced 15 blocks of 20 trials in during the acquisition phase, after 48 hours, the retention and transfer tests were performed. The data in acquisition phase were analyzed by ANOVA with repeated measures, and retention and transfer tests were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the meta cognitive strategies group and other groups in retention and transfer phases. The findings suggested that applying meta-cognitive strategies could help to improve skills which requires difficulty of decision making.

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The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of communication skills training on the resilience and exercise self-efficacy of adolescent athletes. To this end, 30 adolescent athletes were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups (15 individuals per group). The experimental period consisted of twelve 90-min sessions of communication skills training that lasted four weeks. Measurements were performed pre-test and post-test using the Conner and Davitson Resilience (2003) and Bandura Exercise Self-Efficacy (1997) scales and the data was subjected to covariance analysis at the 95% confidence level. The results showed that, after controlling for pre-test levels, the levels of resilience and exercise self-efficacy in the experimental group were significantly higher than in the control group. This indicates that communication skills training is an effective way to increase resilience and exercise self-efficacy in adolescent athletes.

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The present study was conducted to answer the question of whether the initial working memory scores can be used to predict the Poomsae performance after 10 training sessions. For this purpose, 60 subjects aged 18-24 years participated in this research. They were first evaluated by a working memory test and entered the training phase of Poomsae. Then, the relationship between the working memory variables and the Poomsae performance scores was investigated in the last session. The results showed that different components of working memory test predict different subtypes of the Poomsae performance. In general, the current findings suggest that working memory is an important factor in determining the success of beginners in the Poomsae performance. This research can be considered as a preliminary study in the field of predicting the performance based on cognitive characteristics.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of mediator of self-determination theory in perfectionism, burnout and engagement in athletes. The statistical population of this study included athletes who attended the Premier League and national team in Tehran, and 300 athletes were completed Perfectionism, Burnout, Engagement, Psychological Need Thwarting, Basic Need Satisfaction questionnaires. Pearson correlation test and structural equations were used to analyze the data. The findings showed that perfectionism's concerns had a positive relationship with The Psychological Need Thwarting and burnout. On the contrary, the perfectionist strivings had a positive relationship with the Basic Need Satisfaction and athlete engagement, and the negative relationship with the Psychological Need Thwarting and burnout. Psychological Need Thwarting had positive relationship with the athlete's burnout and negative relationship with perfectionist strivings and Basic Need Satisfaction. Conversely Basic Need Satisfaction had positive relationship with the athlete engagement and negative relationship with the athlete's burnout. As it is expected, the relationships between perfectionism-engagement and perfectionism-burnout-are justified, despite the provision of basic psychological needs.

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The descriptive methodology was used to investigate the relationship between mental toughness and athlete burnout in injured professional athletes. The available sample was consisted of 142 professional injured athletes, aged from 15 to 35 in different fields. Data collection was performed based on mental toughness and athlete burnout questionnaires. The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient, simple regression and t-test. The results indicated that athletic mental toughness with a correlation coefficient of-0. 42 had a negative strong correlation with the athlete burnout of injured athletes. The regression showed, 18% of athlete burnout variance which is explained by the variance of mental toughness. Independent t-test confirmed the significant difference between mental toughness and athlete burnout of injured male and female athletes. It can be concluded that athletes with higher mental toughness have less chance of athlete burnout during the period of injury.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the failure-aggression theory of violence among spectators from Esteghlal and Persepolis teams of Tehran from a criminological point of view. In this semi-experimental study 386 independent supporters of Tehran's Independence and Propulsion method were selected randomly. The research data were a questionnaire. The researcher has been compiled in two parts of individual information and practice with 30 questions. In two levels descriptive and non-analytic statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient) are used. The PASS version 19 was used at the significant level of P = 0. 05. The findings of this study emphasized the overcoming of violence in the verbal dimension and subjects such as failure to attend the stadium the popular team's defeat inadequate judging of the referee and the inappropriate play of the popular team the violence of football fans is effective. Overcoming the variable of the defeat of the popular team and the judge's inadequate judgment.

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NAJI MORTEZA | Naji Ahmad Ali

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The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of situational awareness training on cognitive emotion regulation and shooting performance. The research design is semi-experimental; with pre-test, post-test and control group. The statistical population consisted of students of one of military educational centers in Tehran and the research sample consisted of Twenty-two students who were selected through convenience sampling method and randomly divided in either experimental or control group. The experimental group received situational awareness training based on the Andesley theory. Then, after completing the Gravinsky Cognitive-emotional Regulation questionnaire, a standard shooting test was administered. Data was analyzed through multivariate covariance test and results showed that short-term positional awareness training significantly enhances emotional regulation and shooting performance in the post-test stage. This research showed the importance of situational awareness in cognitive emotion regulation and shooting performance.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in mental representation in golf putting task due to random and blocked practice. Thirty participants were divided into random, blocked and control groups. First, the initial mental representation level of participants was measured and they performed 18 trials as pre-test. Then, they practiced the intended task for six consecutive days. A week after the last practice session their final mental representation level was measured and performed 18 trials as retention test. Results showed that random group had more errors than blocked group during acquisition, but performed more accurate than this group during retention. In addition, it was showed that random group have a more structured mental representation than blocked group and this representation is more like the skilled participants. This results showed that the cause of better learning by random group than blocked group probably is due to production of a more structured mental representation of the task.

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The purpose of this study was to compare the motor memory function and the motivation of progress in male and female students with different daily rhythm. The statistical sample included 50 morning active participants (25 females and 25 males) and 40 evening active participants (17 females and 23 males). Research tools included Horn Stenberg's Morning-Evening Questionnaire, Hermann's Progress Motivation Questionnaire, and Chain Color Matching Software. Findings showed that the progression for the variable of motor memory function of the interactive effect of gender on the daily rhythm was not significant. Comparison of means showed that evening active males had the highest mean of motor memory, while morning active females had the weakest level of motor memory function. For the progress motivation variables, results showed that the interactive effect of gender and daily rhythm was not significant, but the main effect of the daily rhythm was significant. The results of Tukey post hoc test showed that there was a significant difference between the progress motivation in males with evening rhythm and progress motivation of females with morning rhythm. Male students with an evening rhythm had the lowest score of progress motivation, and female students with the morning rhythm had the highest score of progress motivation.

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This study aims at comparing the visual and sensory-motor imagery skills in soccer referees with less and more mistakes. This was a causal-comparative study and was applied in terms of purpose. Participants included 30 male referees from Fars province who were voluntarily selected and according to average monitoring scores were grouped into two groups of referees with a less mistakes (17 referees) and referees with a more mistakes (13 referees). Marx visual imagery questionnaire (1973) and Isaacs et al motor imagery questionnaire (1986) were used to assess the imagery skills of the referees. Data analysis by independent t-test showed that the referees with less mistakes have higher visual and sensory-motor imagery skills than those with more mistakes, and this helps them to have a lower number of mistakes in their refereeing. Based on the results, referees are advised to use mental imagery skills to improve their performance.

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