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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The study aims at designing and offering a causal model for the relationship between metacognitive reading strategies and academic delay of gratification on Shiraz student-teachers' critical thinking. The research is of descriptive-correlational kind. The research samples included 234 student-teachers selected through single-stage cluster sampling method in Shiraz City. Data was gathered using metacognitive reading strategies (Mokhtari and Richard, 2002), academic delay of gratification (Bembenutty and Karabenick, 1998) and California critical thinking (Facione and Facione, 1990) questionnaires. Data was analyzed by path analysis. The results showed that the proposed model fit the data. It was also concluded that academic delay of gratification and problem solving metacognitive strategy have a significant impact on critical thinking. The impact of metacognitive, supportive and problem-solving strategies on academic delay of gratification was also positive and significant. The academic delay of gratification had also a significant effect on critical thinking. The findings demonstrated that improving metacognitive reading strategies and academic delay of gratification could played a vital role critical thinking. Therefore, according to the results of this study, implementation of educational programs in problem-solving skills and academic delay of gratification for promoting students′ critical thinking is recommended to be considered by educational authorities.

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This study aims at examining the effect of multimedia teaching of praying on cognitive, emotional and psychomotor skills in third grade female students. The research method was semi-experimental and enjoyed pretest-posttest with control group. The samples included 60 students in the third grade of elementary school in Kermanshah Education District 1 (in academic year of 2017-2018). These samples were selected through continence sampling from two classes. They were divided randomly in two groups of 30. Data gathering was done through questionnaire. The validity was confirmed by experts. The reliability was also confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. The questionnaire, first, were distributed among samples for pretest. The experimental group then received multimedia training for 35 days in ten sessions of one hour. After training, both groups were re-tested. Data were analyzed through covariance analysis using SPSS software. Results showed that there was a significant difference (P <0. 01) in the mean scores of cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor skills in the experimental group at post-test. According to the results, multimedia training can be considered as an appropriate and effective way of acquiring students' cognitive, emotional and psychomotor skills.

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The present study aims at compiling a questionnaire and measuring its reliability and validity for assessing the teachers' effective teaching method. In order to reach the research goal, 422 of teachers teaching in Hamedan schools were selected to complete the questionnaires. The validity of the questionnaire was assessed using factor analysis. Afterwards, 8 factors were extracted. Based on research theoretical framework and the questions posed by the agents, these factors were named as: holestic teaching, identifying and solving learning problems, lesson planning, creating a learning climate, evaluating, creating a positive atmosphere in the classroom, time management and using positive amplifiers. The reliability of the questionnaire was also estimated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. According to the results, the alpha coefficients of the eight factors were satisfactory. The smallest alpha coefficient was for time management (0. 75) and the largest coefficient was obtained for holistic teaching (0. 81). The overall reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was 0. 93.

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This research examined the impact of management style on organizational optimism with respect to the mediating role of psychological climate in Farhangian University, South Khorasan Province, Iran. This descriptive-correlational research is of applied kind and was done through structural equation modeling. The samples are 145 lectures of Farhangian University selected by convenience method. In order to collect data, Management style questionnaire (Luthans, et al. ), psychological climate questionnaire (Koys & Decotiis) and organizational optimism questionnaire (Smith, eta al. ) were used. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by the convergent and divergent validity; the reliability of the measuring instruments was also confirmed by Cronbach's alpha method, hybrid reliability and factor loadings. Furthermore, the structural equation modeling and PLS2 Software were used for data analysis. Findings revealed that management style is not significantly related to organizational optimism, though there is a significant relationship between psychological climate and organizational optimism. Therefore, the major hypothesis of this study stating that psychological climate plays a meditating role in management style and organizational optimism relationship was approved. It was concluded that more than 67% of the total effect of management style indirectly can be explained by the psychological climate.

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This research aims at modeling a learning organization for elementary school students in Tehran, Iran. The present study is applied in terms of purpose; it is exploratory (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of data; indeed, it is data-based in qualitative define and cross-sectional in quantitative part. The statistical population of the present study consists of 30 academic specialists and educational experts in the qualitative dimension and 175 managers in the quantitative dimension. The 30 samples selected through snowball sampling in qualitative dimension and 120 samples selected randomly in quantitative dimension. The validity and reliability were confirmed by experts. In qualitative dimension, the measuring tool was a semi-structured interview compiled by open coding and axial coding chosen through coding by experts and Delfi method. In qualitative dimension, the measuring tool was a 140-item questionnaire which was developed by converting the saturated interview form of experts through giving weight to the indicators. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through Cronbach's alpha (= 0. 93); its validity was also obtained through content validity which was relatively high. In qualitative dimension, the data analysis was carried out in three stages of open-axis-selective coding. After expert confirmation, this pattern obtained 5 dimensions, 19 components, and 140 indicators. In qualitative dimension, confirmatory factor analysis was performed consisting of 5 dimensions, 19 components and 132 indicators.

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The aim of this study was to determine the structural relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, attitudes toward knowledge sharing, perceived behavioral control, subjective norms, intentions of knowledge sharing and knowledge sharing behavior of teachers in female conservatories of Isfahan City, Iran. The sample size was 256 estimated through Krejcie andMorgan Sample Size Determination (1970). The questionnaires were randomly distributed among teachers. Data was gathered through Buck's subjective norms questionnaire (Buck et al., 2005), Kankanhalli's intrinsic and extrinsic motivation questionnaire (Kankanhalli, et al., 2005) and Hill (1987), Buck's attitudes toward knowledge sharing questionnaire (Buck et al., 2005), Chao and Hu's perceived behavioral control questionnaire (2001), Buck and Kim's knowledge sharing behavior questionnaire (2002). The results showed that the model fits well with the research data. It can be concluded, therefore, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, attitudes toward knowledge sharing, perceived behavioral control, subjective norms, and intention of knowledge sharing are influential factors in teachers' knowledge sharing behavior.

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This study aims at investigating epistemological foundations of education through virtual social networks. This descriptive research enjoyed a theoretical study approach to analysis data and explain scientific references and documents. In This study, the different forms of distance learning and its educational-philosophical schools and related researches were examined. The results showed that social networks are powerful tools to create an educational environment. These networks enjoying connectivism can be introduce as a new generation of distance learning method. Moreover, the function of epistemological under the notion of the educational philosophy of connectivism were explained for the key elements of education through virtual social networks.

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This study aims at determining the students' motivational profiles and comparing the three components of academic procrastination through person-centered analysis. This descriptive study is of causal-comparative kind. According to Morgan Table, 199 students in eighth and ninth grades of 2nd Qom Educational Administration District were selected through multistage cluster sampling. The samples were asked to complete Elliot and Mc. Gregor Achievement Goal Questionnaire (2001) and Savari's Academic Procrastination Questionnaire (2012). Cluster analysis and multivariate analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. Cluster analysis revealed four motivational profiles for the students: 14/1% were placed in performance-avoidance goal cluster; 22/6 % were placed in the mastery goals-oriented and performance-oriented cluster; 25/1 % were placed in the non-motivational cluster; and finally, 38/2 % were placed in multiple motivation cluster. The academic procrastination of non-motivational cluster and performance-avoidance goal cluster were higher than the other clusters (p<0. 001). The findings will help those involved in the field of education to improve students' motivations by planning appropriate educational program.

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The present study aims to explore the possible relationship between intellectual capital and the teachers' organizational effectiveness. This applied research enjoys a descriptive-correlation approach to gather quantitative data. The study sample includes 261 primary school teachers of Bahersatn County, Tehran, Iran selected among 817 teachers. In order to collect data, twoquestionnaires were used to survey the samples including 160 female and 101 maleteachers. The first questionnaire was Bontis Intellectual Capital (1998) including 42 questions; and the second questionnairewas Parsons Organizational Effectiveness (1969) including 28 questions. Data were analyzed through Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between teachers' intellectual capital and organizational effectiveness in elementary schools. Teachers are the human capital of Ministry of Education. Therefore, the quality of education and services should improve in order to train good students who can be the human capital of the society.

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The first-borns' superiorities over latter-borns in terms of personality, intelligence, and academic achievement are a part of a phenomenon known as "Birth Order" effect. The theories of birth order discus the difference in intelligence and functions of those with birth order. Among these theories Resource Depletion Hypothesis and Confluence Model are prominent. According to these theories the superiority of first-borns over latter-borns can be explained based on their intelligence and academic achievements. This research aims at explaining the role spiritual intelligence, social skills and creativity in relationship between birth order and academic achievement in students. This research is a kind of correlation research based on structural equation modeling method. The 250 samples were selected among 1472 students in 10th grade of Urmia City high schools in the academic year of 2017-2018. Each variable got a coefficient (15). Data gathering tools included the King's Intelligence Scale (2008), Foster and Inerbisent's Social Skills Scale (1992), and Torrance Creativity Scale (1993). The academic achievement was also achieved with Grade Point Average. The findings showed that there is a positive relationship between the birth order, spiritual intelligence, social skills and creativity with academic achievement in students. Furthermore, the research model was confirmed. In general, 38% of academic achievement can be explained by birth order, spiritual intelligence, social skills and creativity. Moreover, birth order showed a positive and direct effect on academic achievement. However, it showed an indirect effect on academic achievement with the presence of spiritual intelligence, social skills and creativity. Based on the results, it can be concluded that paying attention to birth order and variable such as spiritual intelligence, social skills and creativity can improve learners' academic achievement.

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This study aims at examining the roles of academic burnout and academic resilience as mediators in the relationship between academic vitality and quality of life in schools. This descriptive research enjoyed a correlation methods of assessment (path analysis). The 354 samples were selected among 4570 high school students in Savojbolagh County, Karj, Iran in the academic year of 2017-2018. These samples were chosen based on Korjesi and Morgan table (1970) through randomly-multi clustering sampling. Data were collected using Marsh and Martin Lifelong Learning Questionnaire (2006), the Button and Williams's Quality of Life at Schools Questionnaire (1981), Bressu, Salonova and Schiofili's Educational Burnout Questionnaire (2007) and Samuels'Academic Resilience (2004). The reliability of the questionnaires was assessed using Cronbach's Alpha Test. Data were analyzed through Structural Equation Method (SEM). The results showed that academic vitality, academic burnout and educational resilience had a direct effect on the quality of life at the school. It can also be concluded that the variables of academic burnout and academic resilience played as a mediator among the academic vitality and quality of life in the schools.

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This study aims at investigating the role of Organizational Culture and Organizational Training Climate on teachers' informal learning. The research enjoys a correlation method. The 251 samples were selected randomly among 449 teachers in Jask City (in academic year of 2015-2016). Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed through Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression. The results showed that the Organizational Training Climate (r = 0. 17) and Organizational Culture (r = 0. 28) had a positive and significant relationship with informal learning. There was also a significant relationship between Training Climate and job support (r = 0. 18) and organizational support (r = 0. 23). This significant relationship was also clear among organizational culture, organizational participation (r = 0. 21), integrity (r = 0. 35), flexibility (r = 0. 20) and management (r = 0. 23) components with informal learning at the level of 01. 0. The organizational support (of Organizational Training Climate) with B = 0. 05 and the component of stability and integration (of Organization Culture) with B=0. 11 had the ability to anticipate the informal learning. Therefore, it can be concluded that the improvement and development of Training Climate and Organizational Culture can influence the teachers' informal learning.

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