Aim and Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between some of anthropometric variables and basic motor abilities in primary school boys aged 9 -11 years of Birjand.Materials and Methods: The population was 650 boys’ students in fourth and fifth grade in birjand city, those 129 students (9-11 years old) randomly were selected as sample group. Anthropometric measurements such as: height, weight, sitting height, shoulder width, knee height, Q angle, hand length, thigh length, foot length, heel width, the width of the front foot, thigh circumference, arms circumference, legs circumference, arms circumference were measured. Moreover, the basic motor abilities tests, including balance test, jumping test, agility test and flexibility was done. The statistical analysis was done, using the Pearson correlation coefficients between anthropometric indices and basic motor skills.Results: The results showed significant relationship between jumping and thigh and shank girths (p£ 0.05). Moreover, the same results were found between balance test and shank girth, weight and heel width. The results also indicated the significant negative correlation between agility and height, weight, knee height, thigh height, and foot height.Conclusion: Generally the results suggested that the some parameters can be considered as important factor for talent selection between children and adolescent.