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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Aim: This study compares loneliness among adolescents with and without attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).Method: Hundred-thirty subjects in the present study are all students of second class of middle school in the state schools of Hamedan, in the academic year 2012-2013. Sixty-five students with and 65 without ADHD were sampled. The subjects were selected through a cluster sampling. The instruments used in the study were Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Inventory and Asher Loneliness Scale. We used independentt -test to analyze the data.Results: The results of this study showed that adolescents with ADHD experienced bigger amount of loneliness.Conclusion: Accordingly, we conclude thatteens who feel lonely in attention deficit disorder/ hyperactivity are more common in adolescents. Therefore, taking advantage of psychological services to help these children is approved.

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Aim: The present study aims at investigating the effectiveness of mindfulness-based training on the adjustment of students with dyscalculia.Methods: The research method is quasi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design on the control group. The statistical population of the study consists of students with dyscalculia in fourth and fifth grades of elementary school in the academic year 2014-15. The subjects received special services at Sanandaj rehabilitation centers for students with dyscalculia. Total 30 subjects were randomly selected and assigned to two control and experimental groups of 15 per each. The control group participated in Hooker and Fodor’s teaching mindfulness to children program (2008). Before and after the program, Adjustment Inventory for School Students (AISS) (Singha and Sing 1993) was administered to both groups. Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was used to analyze the data.Results: The findings show that mindfulness-based training is significantly effective on emotional adjustment of the student (P>0.05), but no significant effectiveness was found on the students’ social adjustment(P>0.05). Generally speaking.Conclusion: the findings of the present study are in parallel with those of previous studies, according to which, behavioral, cognitive treatment-based training show effectiveness on psychological problems of students with dyscalculia.

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Aim: The present study was aimed to compare results of reaction time and Stroop test in math learning disorder and dyslexia in Urmia city.Methods: Method of study was descriptive- comparative. The study population consisted of all students in the fourth, fifth and sixth grade in 2014-2015 academic years in Urmia city. The sample consisted of 40 students with learning disabilities in math and reading that was selected by convenience sampling method. Inclusion criteria included existence of dyscalculia and dyslexia; fourth, fifth and sixth grade and exclusion criteria included having any physical, mobility disabilities, blindness, intellectual disability, autism and behavioral disorders. Tools included Raven's Progressive Matrices, Math Test: Reading Dyslexia Test; Stroop Test. Data was analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) with SPSS-22 software.Results: Study results show there is no significant difference between learning disability in math and reading in a variety of reaction time (optional simple- and clean). As well as there is a significant difference in Stroop test 1 & 3 cards between learning math and reading disorders but there was no significant difference in 2 & 4 cards.Conclusion: According to results of this study, maintenance of cognitive abilities in the field of information processing speed and attention, information processing speed and attention to special assignments amplifier reading disorder can be used to increase the awareness of parents of children with learning disabilities.

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Aim: The purpose of this study, the feasibility of virtual learning life skills courses for blind students (with an emphasis on human resources) is.Methods: The population consisted of all teachers and administrators involved in the education of blind students in Tehran were 91-90. The sample consists of 99 individuals, who were selected by simple random sampling, form. To collect data from the questionnaire contains 22 questions Attitude 4 option was used.Data collected in spss-21 software using chi-square test and Spearman correlation coefficients were analyzed.Results: The results indicate that the positive relationship between attitudes of teachers, administrators and professionals are learning life skills.Conclusion: The results show that the higher the learning of life skills in their blind goes up And learning can be used to learn some lessons and school life skills, used to be blind.

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Aim: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of educating children's literature on emotional and behavioral problems of orphaned children.Methods: The methodology of this research was quasi experimental with pretest, posttest and follow up and control group. Among orphan children and children with uncaring parents 20 children aged 3 to 6 years old selected by Convenience sampling method and randomly assigned into experimental group (10 children) and control group (10 children). Data collected using problems and strengths questionnaire (teacher form) in pretest, posttest and follow-up stages.The questionnaire is used for ages 3-16 and includes 5 subscales: emotional signs, conduct problems, hyperactivity, attention deficit, peer relationship problems and prosocial problems.For the experimental group, 10 one-hour sessions to teach children's literature including story, poetry, song and lullaby have been held and any intervention wasn' t applied for the control group, too. In posttest, both groups were assessed. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance with repeated measures.Results: The results revealed a significant difference through mean scores in both groups.Conclusion: The findings suggested that teaching children's literature reduce four behavioral and emotional disorders including emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity, and problems with peers and also increased appropriate behaviors in children (P£0.05). Follow-up showed that the results are lasting during time.

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The current study was aimed to compare alexithymia and emotional creativity among gifted and normal female students. This descriptive study was to causal-comparative type and its population that all high school female students in second-grade at Tehran, among which the number of 307 students (144 normal students and 163 gifted students) were selected by multistage clustering sampling method, who completed Toronto Alexithymia Scale (Bagby, Parker and Taylor, 1994) and emotional creativity inventory (April, 1999). For analyzing the data, Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate analysis of variance were used. Results of the research showed that there is a significant negative association between emotional intelligence and emotional creativity in both groups of students (gifted and normal). Only in gifted students there was a positive and significant relationship between the subscale of effectiveness/authenticity and alexithymia. There was also a significant difference in scores of alexithymia and emotional creativity between both groups, such that scores of alexithymia in normal students and scores of emotional creativity in gifted students were higher than the other group.The higher the students’ emotional creativity is, the better and easier they would be able to know and express their emotions, and they can consequently communicate better with others.

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Aim: The aims of this study were applicability of the Wisc-R tests to diagnose learning disorder in bilingual (Arabic- Persian) children. for overtake aims, Were compared children of bilingual (Arabic- Persian) and monolingual (Persian) with learning disorder in two Wisc-R and Bender Gestalt tests.Methods: The study population composed of all primary school students (boys and girls) with learning disabilities whom were being studied in the educational and rehabilitation centers in Ahvaz city during the academic year of 2010-2011.this sample was contain of 58 students with learning disorders (28 students of bilingual Arabic- Persian and 30 students of Persian Language) that were selected by simple random. For gathering of data, Wisc-R and Gestalt tests were used. Obtained data were analysed using MANOVA and ANOVA statistics metod.Results: The results showed between two groups, in all sub-scale tests of verbal (Information, Similarities, Arithmatic, Vocabulary, Comprehension and Digit span) and some non-verbal sub-scale tests of (the Picture arrangement and Object assembly) there were significant differences. Also The results indicated that between two groups, in verbal, non-verbal, and total scale Wisc-R, there was significant differences. While the two groups in the visual-motor perception quotient (Bender Gestalt test), there was not significant difference.Conclusion: The test of Wisc-R. due to inadequacy of children's language in verbal section, and cultural factors in the non - verbal section, not applicable enough for bilingual Arabic- Persian students.

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Aim: The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effectiveness of music therapy on reading skills in cochlear implants students.Methods: The study poopulation was cochlear implants students in Tehran.20 students (8 boys and 12 girls) who were to Baghiyat allah cochlear implant center selected through randomly sampling method. Randomly 10 students were replaced in experimental group (music therapy and rehabilitation) and 10 students were replaced in the control group (rehabilitation). For experimental group music therapy at 24 consecutive sessions (over six months) for 1 hour was administered but control group only attended at rehabilitation sessions For experimental group music therapy and rehabilitation session were held but control group only receive rehabilitation.Results: At table-2 the research descriptive variable index including mean, standard deviation, for experimental and control groups at three stages of pre-test, post-test and track test have been reported. table-3 the sum of calculated f in terms of the impact of the groups equals 9.425 which is significant at 0.01 level.Conclusion: On the basis of the research findings it can be said that music therapy measures are effective at improving reading skill abilities of schools students with cochlear implants. Results of ANOVA with repeated measure showed significant difference in reading skills and hearing ability.

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Aim: Diabetes is a common chronic disease of childhood that manages and controls the disease and treatment requirements have high impact on quality of life of parents (especially the mother as the primary caregiver) and child. This study has aimed to predict the quality of life of mothers of children with diabetes.Methods: This is a descriptive study of 90 mothers of children with diabetes patients Diabetes Association Tehran were selected by convenience sampling method and an Iranian version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (IRQOL) and Folkman and Lazarus Coping Strategies Questionnaire completed.The data was analyzed by Pearson correlation and stepwise regression analysis using SPSS 20 software.Results: The results showed that there is a positive relationship between quality of life and self-control components and there is negative relationship between component and escape accountability and avoidance. Each of the above components was predictor of mothers' quality of life (P<0.05).Conclusion: The results suggested that interventions about training of adaptive coping strategies can be taken to improve the quality of life in mothers.

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