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This study investigated self-efficacy in siblings of slow paced children, based on the visibility of the disability.30 adolescent students with slow paced siblings participated in this study that 15 of them had slow-paced siblings with visible clinical symptoms and others had slow paced siblings without these symptoms. They were chosen by simple random sampling and their self-efficacy was examined via child and adolescent self-efficacy questionnaire (Muris, 2001). To analyze the data, the multivariate variance analysis methods (MANOVA) and the point-biserial correlation coefficient were used. Findings indicated that total self-efficacy (p<0.01), educational self-efficacy (p<0.01), and emotional self-efficacy (p<0.05) among the siblings of the slow paced children with clinical visible symptoms are less than siblings of a slow paced child without symptoms. In addition, a meaningful relationship has been found in the visible clinical symptoms among the siblings of a slow paced child with total self-efficacy (p<0.01), educational (p<0.01), and emotional (p<0.01). The current study indicates the effective role of clinical visible symptoms along with the slow pacing feature in child, regarding to self-efficacy of his/her adolescent siblings.

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This study aimed to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and attachment styles with achievement motivation high school girls in region 3 of Tehran. In this descriptive study, the correlation with multistage cluster sampling was used. The research community, the high school girls in Tehran were academic year 95-1394. The sample were 60 high school girls Region 3 Tehran. After selecting subjects and consent, Adult attachment style questionnaire Collins – Read and general self-efficacy questionnaire of Sherer and achievement motivation questionnaire Abdkhodai - school forms for data collection completed by the participants were answered.In this study, Cronbach's alpha coefficient calculated for secure attachment 0.81, avoidant attachment style 0/78 and anxious attachment style 0.85 vary from respectively. Self-Efficacy Questionnaire Sherer Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated for the study was 92.0. Validity achievement motivation using Cronbach's alpha coefficient showed equivalent to 90.0.Data obtained using the version 16 software SPSS, the statistical analysis was performed. The findings suggest that, forecasts based on achievement motivation, selfefficacy (t=9.40, b=0.78) and secure attachment style (t=2.53, b =0.39) on the surface there a≤.05. Because of the slope coefficient is calculated in terms of attachment anxiety (t=0.02, b =-0.01) and avoidance (t=0.14, b =-0.01) at a significance level a≤0.05 is not statistically significant, to predict scores on achievement motivation is not based on their scores on the subscales.Thus, by analyzing the data, it can be concluded that the positive and significant relationship between selfefficacy and secure attachment with achievement motivation subjects.

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The present study has been carried out to study effectiveness of positive psychotherapy intervention program on psychological wellbeing and positivenegative affects of mothers with Autistic children. This research was experimental research with pre post and follow up tests. Through an experimental design, 24 mothers with autistic children in Tehran autism rehabilitation centers (April2 Autism center) were selected as statistical sample and randomly divided into two groups: experimental (n=12) and control (n=12) groups. The research assessment was Riff (1989), psychological wellbeing scale and Watson etc. (1988) positive and negative affects scale (PANAS). Rashid and Seligman Positive psychotherapy intervention program (2013), were implemented in 9 sessions (two sessions each week) for experimental group. The data were analyzed by using MANCOVA and repeated measures tests. Finding confirms that positive psychotherapy intervention program lead to increased psychological wellbeing and positive affect and also cut down negative affect of mothers with autistic students (P<.05). Based on this results it seems that applying of positive psychotherapy intervention program has so effect on autistic children mothers mental and psychological states.

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One of the important cognitive impairments that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can be associated with, is the defect in the process of decision-making or risky decisionmaking.The aim of this study was to compare the performance of groups with different types of ADHD with normal children at the risky decision making process. The methodology of this research was descriptive and placed among the correlational researches. The study population included 10 to 15 years old children with ADHD disorder referred to Salamat-e Ravan Clinic (Dr Mohammadi) & Rouzbeh Hospital of Tehran. Finally 45 patients were chosen purposefully among the community members (15 patient for each types of ADHD) And 20 normal children were chosen conveniently to participate in the study.Participants were diagnosed by a psychiatrist and based on DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and by Conner's Parent Rating Scale. To assess the performance of risky decision-making, Iowa gambling task (IGT) was used. Data were analyzed using one way ANOVA and by SPSS Statistics software package version 23. The results demonstrated that children with each of three types of ADHD compared to normal children are more likely to make risky decisions and also, hyperactivity and impulsivity (p<.05) are stronger predictors for risky decision-making than others.

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The aim of this study is to predict the emotional behavioral disorders in children with epilepsy on family communication processes and optimism of their parents was to study the correlation and regression design was used to study the relationship between variables. The population consisted of parents and children with epilepsy hospital in 2015 are useful.To select a sample of children with epilepsy and their parents from random sampling method was used and the sample size was 250. Research tools optimistic nature scale, YOUTH behavioral and emotional problems scale, self-report scale of family communication process (SFPS). In order to analyze the hypothesis multiple regression were used. The results showed that the level of significance (0.01) between parent communication process in scale with conduct problems, inattention, hyperactivity, anxiety and depression and function of social adaptation of children's shy and there is a significant negative correlation and significance level (0.05) communication between the parents and there was no physical complaints. Regression analysis also shows that 45.9 percent of the variance in behavioral problems, emotional regression by family processes and optimism parents and 20/3 percent of the variance in emotional and behavioral disorders can be explained by the scales of the family.

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This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of group cognitive - behavioral therapy on performance of third-grade students with dictation learning disability of Tehran in the 2015-2016 academic years. The study was pre-test and post-test with control group. The sample consisted of 40 students with dictation learning disability that the two experimental and control groups of 20 people each were selected. The experimental group had 9 meeting of the 120-minute group counseling and control group did not receive any advice. The instrument used was researcher made test of dictation for children. Data were analyzed by analysis of covariance, Mean, standard deviation, Levin test. Finings results showed that experimental group in comparison to the control group gained significant reduction in write performance dictates. On the other hand, there was significant difference between the two groups at P<0.05 and generally improve the performance of students with dictation learning disability.Conclusion: The results showed that cognitive-behavioral therapy could be used to improve writing performance.

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When a disabled child is born, the family cycles changes and the need to adjust and consider the new expectations and realities. So, the styles of confronting and coping of mothers with children as a stressful situation and their personal backgrounds will be considered. The aim of the study was, prediction of life satisfaction based on coping style and hardiness in the mothers of mentally retarded children. Method: This study utilized a descriptive correlational design and population in this study consists of all mothers with children with mental retardation living in Tehran that 260 people were selected through multiple stage sampling. The tools were Coping Questionnaire (by Mouse and Blyngz, 1981) hardiness scale (by Kvbasa, 1979) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (by Diener et al, 1985). Multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the. The results showed that all three dimension of coping styles (cognitive, behavioral, and avoidance) and two dimension of hardiness (challenge and commitment) were significant predictor for Satisfaction with Life. Coping styles with stress and components of cognitive, behavioral, and avoidance and hardiness personality traits and components of challenge and commitment are key factors in life satisfaction. So to these concepts in the life satisfaction of individuals especially this mothers should be given special attention.

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The present research is intended to determine the effectiveness of integrating of multi-sensory teaching methods and sensory integration practices on the symptoms of reading and writing disorders of Elementary students. This research was quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest design with control group. The research participants were divided as two experimental and control groups as the available sample. Measurement tools include researcher-made spelling test and reading tests (front). The experimental group received sensory integration training programs and multi-sensory teaching methods; however, the subjects in the control groupdidn’t receive intervention. Results of findings were analyzed using statistical software SPSS and covariance analysis. The results showed that mean scores of pre-test of reading and writing of experimental group were higher than post-scores of reading and writing of control group. Overall, the obtained findings in this study indicates that using multi-sensory teaching integrated methods and sensory integration practices improved the symptoms of reading disorder (understanding the text and reducing reading error) and writing disorder (auditory memory, visual memory, sensitivity listening, attention and learning difficulties) in students in the experimental group.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between creative and classroom goal structure (through the mediation of Thinking Styles) in secondary school students.This research method is multivariate correlation. The study population consisted of all secondary school students in Islamshahr (12, 000 persons). Using Cochran formula and stratified random sampling, 315 students were selected. Data has been collected by visual creativity Torrance (1995), Thinking Styles of Sternberg and Agnr (1998) and goal perception of class questionnaire (PALS, Midgley et al., 2000). The data have been analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and path analysis (using statistical software LISREL). Evaluation of the direct and indirect effects showed that: There is a significant correlation between the approach - performance in the classroom through the mediation of hierarchical thinking styles, liberal, holistic and external with creativity.mentioned variables predict 56 percent of the variance of scores in creativity. Among three structure of mastery, approach - avoidance function and performance, only structure approach - creative performance is significant. The estimated value of the direct effect on the performance approach of the legislator thinking style, hierarchical, liberal, outward and narrow is significant (p<0.01) Its hierarchical style, outer, narrow is significant creative and free thinking. The estimated amount of the direct effect of hierarchical thinking, open-minded, narrow and outside of creativity in 0.05P≤ level is significant.

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