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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (پیاپی 79)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (79)
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Climate change and temperature increase are considered as important ecological issues on which a lot of studies have been done in recent years. The increase in average global temperature and its variations, which are a part of all climate change theories, act as indicators of climate change. Climate changes in a region can be traced through the examination of average temperature variation. Estimates suggest that the average temperature of earth will show an increase of 0/7 to 2 degrees centigrade up to the year 2030. According to different climate change models, the increase in temperature results from the variations in climate conditions and different predictions and conclusions have been made in many parts of the world. Keeping with these predictions, the average temperature in the global scale will bring about a change of climate between 3.5 to 5 degrees centigrade in different settings up the year 2050. Furthermore, rapid change of temperature in different regions will also show great differences in different regions. The present essay is a part of a research titled: The study of climate change in the plain of Mashhad. The studied region is located in the 58'-20' longitude and 60°-8' eastern and 36°-0' latitude and 37°-5' northern in Khorasan Razavi Province which, according to the existing data, has an average annual temperature of 12.4 and an average precipitation of 278/6. The synoptic stations of Mashhad and Golmakan and 8 vapor estimation stations and 25 precipitation stations located in the plain were used to obtain the required meteorological data. The periodical temperature variation is a distinct phenomenon in any climate. The study of climate change and global heating deal with temperature changes during long term data gathering periods. The simplest study method for temperature changes is the regression method between temperatures and the time of their occurrence. The Mankendal and Letenmyer methods are two data gathering methods that were used to study the process of temperature change in the plain of Mashhad. The temperature change process was studied at two possible levels of 1 and 5. Letenmyer and Mankendal methods in the levels of 1 and 5 percent were used to study temperature change process every month. The results indicated that an increasing course was presented in most of the months. Through linear, symbolic and type two regression method an increasing curse was determined for every one of the three parameters (Minimum, average and maximum). This increasing temperature process was especially more obvious in minimum temperature. Temperatures were compared with each other in different data gathering periods and the triple average of temperature at the levels of 1 and 5 percent showed a meaningful difference in the last 25 years. This difference was more remarkable in the last ten years with long term average. In the Letenmyer and Mankendal methods in the levels of 1 and 5 percent, the process of temperature change was studied for every month and the results indicated an increasing process in most of the months. The temperature change in each year was calculated by the long term average and the results showed positive and increasing change process in every month. The annual temperature change average in the plain of Mashhad was studied during the data gathering period with the long term average of a 50 year period. In this case the temperature data indicates a positive process in the region and on the whole temperature changes were remarkable in the plain of Mashhad. These changes can be named as an index of climate change.    

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    4 (79)
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Ardabil, located in high latitude, and having certain topography conditions and enjoying effective climate systems in the region, has a particular kind of climate. Having long lasting frosts, it has special bio-climatological circumstances. On the basis of the results derived from the OLGY criterion; it was determined that the weather in Ardabil is definitely cold about 53/77 percent of the year, and there is a moderate comfort in the shade only about 11/9 percent of the year and 34 percent of the time, one can enjoy a good weather in the sun. Therefore, for the maximum utilization of this environmental condition in designing the open spaces and passages; the different types of yard and passages were drawn on the diagram of motion route of the sun in Ardabil latitude. It was found that in Ardabil; the direction of optimum location of yard is east- south with an inclination in the direction of west - south. As for the streets and the passages, and lanes the optimum direction is south-west with 30° to take full advantage of 2 factors of sunlight, and temperature. This prevents cold wind currents and as a result long frost and ice cover over the surface of the passages and streets.      

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    4 (79)
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Implementation of watershed management activities has been started so far to prevent the ill-effects of improper utilization of natural resources but the performance evaluation of watershed management treatments in targeting goals has not yet been scientifically and logically conducted in Iran. In this article, the application of qualitative method in the evaluation of implemented watershed management projects was therefore considered. The case study was conducted in a part of Kan watershed known as Keshar, located in western Tehran, the capital of Iran, and comprises 2840 ha and 1000 population. In order to achieve the goal, the questionnaire method and Chisquare Test were used. The variations made on flood frequency, water turbidity, migration rate, barren lands utilization and crop yield were then evaluated. Almost 100 questionnaires were randomly distributed among male and females in upper and lower Keshar out of which 40 questionnaires were finalized for statistical analysis. The effectiveness of watershed management activities on considered factors was supposed as well. Hypothesis and correlation coefficient was then calculated whereas the effect of the measures was designated by hypothesis one. The results obtained from questionnaire analysis showed that the performance of watershed management measures in reducing the numbers of flood and water turbidity was found good and these activities could affect on crop yield, migration rate and barren lands utilization at the rate of 63, 55 and 37%, respectively. The Chisquare analysis also verified the effectiveness of watershed management measures in reducing flood frequency and water turbidity at the respective level of corre1tion of 90.3 and 96% whereas the effectiveness of the same activities on other studied factors was found to be statistically insignificant. Considering the results obtained during the present study, besides emphasizing the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of performance of watershed management measures in achieving proposed goals, the cerebration of Chi square Test owing to ease application and significant accuracy in performance evaluation of watershed management projects using qualitative techniques is advised.    

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (79)
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This research has been done in part of Hormozgan province, study time variations in precipitation, and to survey dry-wet periods and the possibility of forecasting them in future. We used Z standard Index to calculate drought, wetness, duration, and the rate of precipitation. Then, by using Time Series Holt Wintes Model, we predicted the weather for the following years. Monthly rain data of three synoptic stations were used: Bandar Abas, Minab and Bandar Lengeh, during thirty seven (1966-2002) years. Results indicate the occurrence of three drought and two wet periods. It was also revealed that droughts will be weak or medium with long duration, while wet years will be of short life. Based on Time Series Holt Winters Model, the investigation of the observed and predicted data values, shows two decrease and increase sinuous cycles. The first includes 20, (1966-1985), and the second 17, (1986-2002), years; prediction of the decrease of the next two years, almost completes this cycle.    

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (79)
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The alluvial fan of the Rouen river is one of the biggest alluvial fans of the northern slope of Alla Dagh. This alluvial fan formed as a result of different materials erosion into the drainage basin of the Rouen river and laying these materials in the end part of this drainage basin. In forming and developing this alluvial fan different factors, contributed. These factors can be classified into two groups of external and internal ones. The tectonic role between internal factors is more important than other factors. The different signs and indications on the area indicate that the area is active in view of tectonic activity. The most important of these are the existence of some active faults, in the region, the deviation profile and reference profile and also the proportion of the width to the depth of the valleys. Affecting the place of the settlement of the alluvial fan, increasing the gradient and, therefore the transportability and amount of sediment in the Rouen river, tectonic activities have contributed to the formation and development of Rouen river alluvial fan. Semi arid climate of the area, as one of the important external factors with an effect on the weathering, stream flow, mass movement and sediment supply in the drainage basin above the Rouen river alluvial fan play their own role in forming and developing this alluvial fan. Hydrology of the area with product and transport and laying sedimental materials also play its own role in forming and developing this alluvial fan. Sensitive and low resisting litology of the area and lack of resisting stones among igneous and metamorphic ones cause acceleration of the weather beaten process. This factor has created conditions for sedimentation increase. In this way, it was effective in forming and developing the alluvial fan of the Rouen river. In addition, human activities in recent years have caused an increase in sedimental load of the Rouen river and sediments also contribute to developing the alluvial fan of the Rouen river, in turn.      

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    4 (79)
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Basically, the word cooperation, in different societies, is a comprehensive concept that includes a mutual relationship between an individual to individual, the individual to a group or a group to another group and its application is not time and location bound. In fact cooperation conveys a kind of collective interaction that supplies the needs and benefits of the individual members and mankind, disregarding political concerns, is in need of it. The existence of an assortment of political, economical, social and cultural organizations in different societies and on the international scale is a clear and lively evidence of this social and historical need of modem man. However, different political and economical systems have treated the subject according to their own views to the extent that in capitalist systems, cooperation is based on economical liberalism in which the individual's freedom of action without the government's interference is advocated; while, in socialist systems, with the view of communal production, cooperative economy is considered as a governmental and pre-arranged economy. In the Islamic system cooperative economy is also considered as one of the important economical basis and has been emphasized in many aspects. However, in practice, cooperation has not received a remarkable status in Islamic countries. The aim of this study is to outline the position and the role of cooperation in economical and social systems and its effect on the political economy governing the societies leading them toward a dynamic or static operation of them, since sound geographical interpretation can not be obtained in the darkness of ignorance. The research hypotheses that form the basis of the aims of this study are as follows:   ·         From the historical point of view, the cooperation sector has always been one of the most suitable methods of man's cultural adaptation to his environment, on the one hand, and the mutual solution to the problems of human societies, on the other hand.  ·         Despite economical, social and technological developments of man and most importantly the supremacy of governmental and private sectors on the economy of the societies, the cooperation sector is still considered as an important human trend in economy and society. ·         Concerning the different views of governmental, economical and political systems governing the societies, the cooperation sector has been more successful in the systems which give it more freedom and where the government doesn't interfere with its activities. The method of research in this study is mainly based on the analytical comparative method. It is analytical because the plan provides the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the phenomena and their relationship with each other and it is comparative because it puts special importance op the similarities and differences that are in big social unit. The main results of this study are indicative of the fact that cooperation and corporation of human being in different social and economical spheres, in theirs traditional and modem's forms, have' always been influential. However, its traditional form has experienced disintegration in the process of economical, social and technological developments but the semi modem and modem forms of it are still playing important roles in the social economy, having benefited form the past experiences and having undergone the necessary alterations. In the meanwhile this important component in the economical systems is based on the non interference of the governments in the direct form and giving proportionate freedom to the activities of corporations which brings about remarkable success for it. It seems that if we want to consolidate the role and the status of cooperation in the society it is urgent to prepare the ground for collective cooperation of different social groups in the process of decision making, planning, execution and supervision on corporation activities and government should maintain its supervisory and supportive role.      

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (79)
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There are different ethnic groups, races and tribes living in the different geographical areas of our vast country, Iran, each of which constitute a pant of the present population. There are usually some differences in the composition of these racial groups. The Province of Khorasan is one of the areas in which one confined varied racial and ethnic groups. Studying human structural adaptation to the environment is one of the objectives of bio-anthropology as a field of study that are sought in many researches. In This Research we have collected and archived the a-b ridge for diverse population (diverse tribes) living in Khorasan. Dermatoglyphic properties of 100 randomly chosen people of 4 tribes were established using InkPad. Data analysis was performed by studying quantity and quality of dermal ridges as well as the or relation of line a-b. Analysis of dermal ridges for line a-b in these groups of population as well as results of other studies showed that dermatoglyphics could be accounted as heritable factor with high correlation from generation to generation in every sub population. Such studies confirm Bonnevie's studies.    

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