



Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) is a conceptual entity–relationship model developed by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and is from a user’s perspective and based on his needs. Relation types between entities are mentioned in the FRBR pattern but the elements that link related resources and make relationships are not identified. Therefore, this study determines relationship-making elements in IRANMARC based on relationships present in the first group entities of Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records pattern.Methods: This study is a comparative research in an analytical perspective and is conducted based on library studies. All relation types present in FRBR first group entities are extracted and translated from FRBR manual, part 5 and RDA, J addition. Then they were matched with data elements of IRANMARC through four methods of identifiers, documented access points, structured and unstructured descriptions and the results are represented in tables.Result: by matching all the data elements of IRANMARC 10 blocks with the relation types between FRBR first group entities in RDA, J addition, it was clear that 44 element in IRANMARC are match able with relation types in the level of work, 41 element in IRANMARC are match able with relation types in the level of expression, 17 elements are match able with relation types in the level of manifestation, and 10 elements are match able with relation types in the level of item.Conclusion: Our findings show that there is at least one relational field in UNIMARC format for representing various bibliographic relation types. Data elements of IRANMARC 4xx block are to a great extent matched with bibliographic relationship titles in FRBR, and present relations between related works can be represented by these relational fields.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Applying information technology (IT) effectively, is one of the key factors for organizational success in gaining competitive advantages and delivering better services to customers. Incremental growth of IT innovations and solutions, however result in challenges in aligning IT strategies with business strategies (IT-alignment), and consequently applying IT effectively. Although various models and methods have been developed during recent decades to overcome such challenges, still IT-alignment is among the top ten issues for IT managers. Technology road mapping (TRM) is an effective approach for aligning business strategies with technology planning and management. However, this approach has not been applied officially in the context of IT for solving IT-alignment problems. In this research, first we review and analyze issues and unsolved challenges in the area of IT alignment, based on recent surveys in this area. Second, we elaborate and analyze the concept of technology road mapping by focusing on its theoretical and experimental aspects. Then, we depict a systematic mapping between different conceptual aspects of technology road mapping as an approach, and the unresolved issues of IT-alignment, to evaluate how much TRM can be an effective approach for addressing IT-alignment issues. Finally, the concept of information technology road mapping is elaborated and a prototype of this roadmap is developed for a service-oriented organization.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main solution to the problems of persistency and uniqueness in identification of digital objects in a web environment is provided by using digital Identifiers instead of the URL. The main basic of this solution is resolution mechanism that is used in digital identifier systems. Resolution is the use of indirect names instead of URLs; what worked for the DNS (Domain Name System) in stabilizing internet hostnames should work for digital object references. Considering that this mechanism is known as the technical backbone of the digital identifier systems, these systems are trying different ways to implement this mechanism with high technical and content quality. Accordingly, performance evaluation of the resolution Structure in digital identifier systems is considered in this study. To achieve this goal, two-step process was designed and implemented on the basis of illustrative evaluation method. In the first step, the basic framework of metadata structure component evaluation was designed with Delphi method. Designed basic Framework in this step contains 9 performance indicators: Conceptual and technical persistency of resolution, Interoperability, reliability, speed and performance, scalability, multiple resolution, Internet functionality and no need to install. In the second step, according to the designed basic framework, an illustrative comparison of 6 well-known worldwide digital identifier systems was carried out, using TOPSIS method. Results of this study revealed that DOI, Handle and UCI identifier systems show high performance in their metadata structure, PURL and ARK systems respectively have mediocre and low efficiency in this component and URN Systems do not have any performance in this component due to the lack of Implemented resolution structures. Analysis of the results also indicated that the main reasons for high performance systems are using of Web proxy as a user interface, increase the speed and performance using solutions such as replication and cache and implementation of multiple resolution mechanisms. The results of this study can be used by researchers of this field and administrators and users of these systems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: The main purpose is to analyze the management system of ISBN between the member countries and also to explore how national institutions work according to functions suggested by ISBN International Agency.Methodology: The method of the research is survey and the statistical population is the total delegacies of the ISBN Agency including 160 countries which 66 active delegacies were answered for the questionnaire. A researcher-developed questionnaire is the main tool for gathering data which then analyzed by descriptive statistic methods like frequency, percentage and the like.Findings: The findings showed that 42% of the countries offer ISBN to the publishers with no charge.60.6 % of the countries developed bibliographic databases for works having ISBN.74.2% represent publisher’s information to the International Agency for publishing in Publishers International ISBN Directory (PIID). However, 42.2% of agencies edit erroneous ISBN assigned by the publishers to the works. Copy-cataloging, distribution, bibliographic search are respectively among the best functions. In 27% of the countries, publishers know enough about the ISBN system. As mentioned by the member countries, national libraries and publishers unions are the most important supporters of the ISBN system, workshops and conferences are the most important ways to increase knowledge and motivation of the publishers For using ISBN, and using mass media, instructional workshops, regional and international conferences are the most important strategies for improvement of ISBN system.Conclusion: ISBN system is not as desired according to efficiency and publishers’ incentives for using it. Development of e-book readers and tablets and their incuriosity towards ISBN, some new standards like DOI and ISAN, and similarity of ISBN to EAN are among the threats to ISBN future. It is of high importance for ISBN system to redefine its nature, structure, performance and efficiency.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Information systems have main role in any organization. These systems beside their effect on decision making of managers and organizational experts provide their services for internal or external customers of organizations. Along this approach appropriate performance of information systems could be introduced as main goal of chief managers. Research information systems work based on this framework then for their augmentation quality problems should well analyzed to lead their better performance. In this paper based on a case study root-cause approaches of quality problem solving of dissemination system of theses and dissertations called GANJ are investigated. Results show that identification and categorization of quality problems could be achieved by root-cause analysis. Furthermore corrective actions for improvement of these systems effectively could be defined.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim: The aim of this study was to survey on citation accuracy of thesis was defended in spring 2014 to winter 2015 in Faculty of psychology and educational sciences in Shahid Beheshti University. Research Method: it was an applied research and data gathering was survey. The study population consisted of 42 theses that were defended in spring 2014 to winter 2015. The total number of citations of the 42 theses cited approximately was 1878 citation and 320 citations to verify compliance with the APA style selected. Data, through direct observation and search in databases and search engines was mustered; the data on the checklist was introduced.Results: The results indicates that 262 source documents reviewed a total of 663 citation errors that most errors were related to supervision, as well as not retaining the authenticity of female students than male students, survey on citation phd students than master students, Latin citation references to persian Citation references was a lot. Conclustion: The results showed that on average each citation a citation error is 53/2 to various Several factors can be found in happening of unfavorable situation in theses, including lack of student knowledge from the importance of integrated citations in academic text, lack of reasercher knowledge from references management software such as (End Note & pajoohyar). We can suggest some solution in order to optimize citiation management and copying in theses.such as allocating some part of thesis score in to validity of citiation provided, holding educational workshops of resource management and organizing unit in university to verify thesis citations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Although e-learning provides abilities and potential facilities to develop the scientific and educational boundaries, but likely how these changes and developments affect the boundaries, it' snot explicit for us. So, the ambiguities lead to appear pervasive social and ethical problems and issues around the technological artifact. Attention to the relation between e-learning and society (as a target population) is very important to achieve new conceptualization related to the e-learning ethics. Therefore, to explain the normative relation between e-learning and society, it could suggest some proper conceptual frameworks for the e-learning ethics, so that the suggestion is main goal of the e-learning ethics. In this article, in order to define and analytic study of alternative conceptual frameworks in the e-learning ethics based on two philosophical approaches, namely technological determinism and social construction of technology, Jefferies-Stahl-McRobb analytical model provides the analytic comparison ground. According to the philosophical approaches, finally, after analyzing nature of e-learning ethics, these are achieved alternative definitions of e-learning ethics based on the trilogy model of pedagogy, information ethics, and ethics.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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