The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting on the development of electronic-book in order to provide an appropriate model. Population of this study is secondary school teachers of Esfahan city the number of 1876 men and women formed. 320 person were selected with multi-stage cluster sampling from areas 2, 3 and 5 of Esfahan education. For data collection, the library and field methods were used. The instruments were questionnaire on four factors for the attractiveness of electronic books(availability, the ability to interact with books, multimedia books and flexibility of the book), motivation to learn and develop attractive electronic books. The validity content and its reliabilitybyAlphaKronbakh 93/0=α was calculated. For data analysis, descriptive statistics (including table frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression) were used. The results showed, among four aspects of availability, The ability to interact with books and flexibility, Multimedia of the book has significant relationship with the development of attractive of e-books, at 05/0>P. Learning motivation, was the mediating variable between the four dimensions(availability, reliability and flexibility of interacting with books, multimedia books being) with the development of the attractiveness of electronic books in the 05/0> P, respectively. The results showed that experimental research has been fitted relatively good.