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Introduction: According to the World Health Organization eating disorder is one of the most challenging diseases of adolescents with a developing prevalence. Aim: The present study was aimed at comparing the effect of schema therapy and CBT on modifying early maladaptive schemas in patients with bulimia nervosa considering parental bonding. Method: The study had an experimental method was used in this study with pretest-posttest design and followed-up with control group. The study population included all patients from 16 to 23 years of age with eating disorders who had referred to psychiatry centers of in Tehran. Purposive sampling was used in this study in which, by performing psychological screening, 39 patients were diagnosed to have Bulimia nervosa. Finally, the selected patients were matched in two experimental groups and one control group. The data was collected through two questionnaires (Parental Bonding Questionnaire and Young Schema) and diagnostic interviews based on diagnostic criteria for eating disorders and psychiatric diagnosis. Results: The main problems of the patients included having cuts, being rejected, autonomy, and impaired performance. However, they were less vulnerable in other areas including orientation and violating restrictions. Conclusion: The findings of this study can be helpful in the etiology of bulimia nervosa disorder based on the systematic approach and pave the way for further research in this area.

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Introduction: Heart disease is one of the most commonly known diseases around the world. Aim: This study aims to investigate the status of sexual satisfaction with marital stress, matital satisfaction and psychological symptoms of coronary artery bypass patients and their relationship. Method: This study is descriptive-correlational. The sample of this study was a group of 300 people who were selected in a targeted way among cabg heart patients who were referred to Tehran Heart Hospital to participate in a rehabilitation program. Hudson Sexual Satisfaction, Anrich 47, Tehran Stockholm Marital Stress and Dass 21 Questionnaires were used for data collection. Pearson Descriptive and Correlative Statistics and spss-24 Multivariable Regression were used for analysis. Results: In the findings of this study, there was a reverse and significant correlation between sexual satisfaction and depression, stress, anxiety and marital stress, but there was no significant correlation between sexual satisfaction and marital satisfaction. The result of Multiple Regression Analysis showed that marital satisfaction, marital stress, anxiety, depression and stress structures can explain 0. 01% of changes in sexual satisfaction. Conclusion: It can be said that by controlling each of these components, other psychological components will be affected.

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Introduction: Migraine headache is one of the most common complaints in neurology clinics. Aim: This study was conducted to investigate the Educational Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Approach (CBT) Coupled with Relaxation on Migraine Pain. Method: The research method was based on semi-experimental, pretest-posttest in relation to the control group. The statistical population of this study included all female patients with migraine who referred to Sanandaj Psychiatric Clinics in 2015, 24 of patients (12 controls, 12 experimental) were selected among female patients with migraine problem based on available simple random sampling. The Najjarian migraine headache symptom Questionnaire were used as pretest and post-test them. In the experimental group, cognitive-behavioral education along with relaxation was presented in 8 sessions, but no training was conducted in the control group. Covariance analysis was used to analyze the Data. Results: The results showed that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) training on migraine pain reduction has been effective in reducing migraine pain in female experimental group who referred to psychiatric clinics (P <0. 05). Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, cognitive-behavioral training can be used to relieve migraine pain.

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Introduction: Schizophrenia is one of the chronic psychiatric disorders that positive and negative symptoms, particularly negative ones, causes reducing performance in personal, social, and family performances. Aim: The present study is aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS) in combination with pharmacotherapy on negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Method: This is a single-subject method with multiple baseline and follow-up design. Four patients with schizophrenia diagnosis by psychiatrist were selected via purposive and convenience sampling method. The negative symptoms were measured using the Andresen’ s Negative Symptom Scale (1982). Patients entered the intervention phase step by step and received stimulation with intensity of 2 mA in their cortical region of the Left Dorso – Lateral Prefrontal Cortex in ten sessions. At the end of the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth sessions, they were interviewed and their scores were recorded. Two weeks follow up was done. To analyze the data trend and stability index was used. Results: The results indicated that the Trans cranial Direct Current Stimulation in combination with pharmacotherapy has the highest effectiveness on alogia (poverty of speech) and Attention-Deficit in all four subjects. But its effects on the affective flattening or blunting and avoliton-apathy, anhedonia-asociality depending on the patient's age, the duration of suffering from the disease, and medicinal diet of patients are different. Conclusion: Based on results it can be said that Trans cranial Direct Current Stimulation in combination with pharmacotherapy can be effective in reducing negative symptoms of schizophrenic patients.

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Introduction: The relationship between resiliency and marital burnout has received both theoretical and empirical support. However, less is known about the mechanisms by which resiliency may influence marital burnout. Aim: ehT aim of present study was to investigate the mediating role of self-differentiation in the relationship between resiliency and marital burnout among married women in Tehran. Method: The research design was descriptive– correlational, where, 200 participants selected through available sampling. Couple burnout Scale (CBS), Conner and Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) and Differentiation of Self Inventory (DSI) were coducted to collect data. Then collected data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and path analysis. Results: Path analysis results showed that resiliency had a significant negative direct effect on marital burnout (P <0. 01, ß =-0. 212), whilst it had a significant positive direct effect on self – differentiation (P <0. 01, ß = 0. 459). Also, Path analysis showed that indirect effect of resiliency on marital burnout through self-differentiation (P <0. 05, ß =-0. 096) was significant. Conclusion: The present study highlighted the mediating role of self-differentiation as an underlying mechanism between resiliency and marital burnout. Therefore, developing self-differentiation in married women could be a good way to protect them in the face of adversities during marital life.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: One of the most important strategies for treatment and preventing recurrence of addiction is group cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Aim: The purpose of this study was assess the effectiveness of group cognitive behavioral therapy on continence in addicts Who recruited to Tehran centers Residence of Addiction Treatment. Method: This was a semi experimental study using pre – test and post-test with control Group and follow-up. In order to conduct the experiment, among all addiction treatment centers in Tehran, the sound of kindness center was selected purposefully and twenty addicts who reoffered to this center were selected and assigned in two group randomly: experimental group (n=10) and control group(n=10). All the participants were evaluated via the Continence questionnaire. Group cognitive behavioral therapy was performed in 8 sessions for experimental group and control group did not receive any treatment. The statistical method of MANOVA was used to analyze the data. Results: Data analyze revealed that average of scores post-test and follow-test continence increased in experimental group and did not change in control group. This increase in experimental group in the post-test and follow-test was meaningful from statistically vision. (p<0. 5). Conclusion: conclusions demonstrated the effectiveness of group cognitive behavioral therapy on continence in addicts Who Reoffered to Tehran centers Residence of Addiction Treatment.

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Introduction: One of the most significant negative emotions is competitive anxiety, which is one of the main causes of athletes' performance decline. . Aim: The present study aimed to examine the relationship between emotion-regulation strategies and competitive anxiety in elite Taekwondo athletes. Method: The research method was descriptive-correlational. For the purpose of the study, one hundred and twenty taekwondo athletes were selected via random sampling method from among the Iranian population of Taekwondo athletes' participating in South Korean Ambassador Cup. They completed three questionnaires including Emotion regulation questionnaire (EQR), Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT) and Revised Competitive State Anxiety– 2 (CSAI-2R). The data were collected and analyzed by Pearson correlation, multiple regression, and ANOVA tests. Results: The results showed a significant relationship between emotion-regulation strategies and competitive anxiety. Moreover, reappraisal strategy negatively and suppression strategy positively predicted dimension of competitive anxiety variance, but this prediction reversed with Self-Confidence. In addition, the data indicated that the men use significantly more reappraisal and less suppression strategies than female. Conclusion: According to these results, it seems that emotion-regulation strategies have effective role in dimensions of competitive anxiety, and the level of Taekwondo Athletes' anxiety is correlated with these strategies.

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Introduction: Psychological interventions are the one of requirements for effective treatment of substance users during abstinence period. Aim: The aim of this study was comparing the effectiveness of the training of cognitive behavioral coping skills and mindfulness based relapse prevention in reducing psychological symptoms of people with substance dependency under methadone maintenance treatment. Method: This study was conducted via experimental method with a pretest-posttest design and a control group. People with substance dependency referring to Ardabil centers of addiction treatment in the second half of 2017 comprised statistical population. The sample was sixty people, selected by cluster sampling and was assigned randomly to three 20 member groups of cognitive-behavioral coping skills; mindfulness based relapse prevention and control group. SCL-90-R was used to gather data in two pretest and posttest stages. The collected data were analyzed by multivariate covariance and bonferrony posthoc test. Results: The results showed that there are significant differences between the scores mean of three groups in the variables of somatic complaints, depression, aggression and psychosis. The results of boferrony test also showed that there are not significant differences between two experimental groups in somatic complaints, depression and aggression. But, the mindfulness-based relapse prevention alone was effective on reducing the psychosis. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the using of cognitive-behavioral coping skills training and mindfulness-based relapse prevention can be useful psychological intervention for reducing psychological symptoms of people with substance dependency.

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The intolerability of uncertainty is defined as an inherent characteristic of the set of negative beliefs about uncertainty and its consequences, which include the tendency to react negatively to emotional, cognitive, and behavioral levels to unknown situations and events. Considering the extent of the intolerance of uncertainty structure in the research literature of emotional disorders, and especially the significant growth of studies in this field over the past few years, the selection of appropriate and precise tools for the research and therapeutic purposes related to this structure is of great importance. Instruments such as the intolerance if uncertainty scale-27 items, the intolerance of uncertainty scale-12 items, the intolerance of uncertainty inventory, the situation-specific intolerance of uncertainty scale, the disorder-specific intolerance of uncertainty scale and the uncertainty response scale has been designed and validated. The purpose of this study is to introduce these tools, provide a short history, present detail psychometric properties, and at the end of each tool, bring a unique feature for both researchers and therapists. This allows professionals to choose the appropriate tools for their intended purpose.

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Introduction: Play therapy is effective in improving the cognitive problems of children with learning disabilities. Aim: The objective of this study is to examine effectiveness of cognitive games (games based on executive functioning) on the cognitive flexibility of the students with dyscalculia. Method: In this study which we have used the pre-test, post-test quasi-experimental design / plan with control group, 20 students with dyscalculia who were selected through purposive sampling, were randomly divided into control and experimental groups (each group n=10). Wisconsin executive function test has used to assess cognitive flexibility performance. The data resulting from the study has analyzed by MANCOVA. Results: The finding have shown that experimental group compared to control group have significant difference in the results of the test after participating in the intervention. Conclusion: Cognitive games can improve the cognitive dysfunction of children with math disorders.

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Introduction: According to the increasing of aged people, paying attention to their mental health plays an important role in the society. As a result, the first step in achieving a healthy and active aging society is to recognize the status of the elderly in terms of physical, psychological and social dimensions. Aim: This study is designed to investigate the relationship between optimism and subjective vitality with the mediating role of resiliency. Moreover, this study is practical as purpose and also descriptive – correlation as performance area. Method: Among all elderly people of Sanandaj, the 200people have been chosen as population by availability sampling method. It has used the Sheer and Karoor's questionnaire to gather information, also the Ryan and Fredrick's subjective vitality questionnaire and the Konor's and Davidson's resiliency questionnaire. It is utilized the path analysis to analyze information. Results: The findings have been confirmed the previous studies. Moreover, this study is practical in positive psychology training scope in old age. Conclusion: The results of this test showed that optimism, both direct and indirect, has a positive effect on subjective vitality. Also, the effect of resiliency on mental uplift is significant (P≤ 0. 05).

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Introduction: Student counseling is one of the most important preventive strategies in the university. The consultant's professor is a member of the faculty who has accepted the consulting and consulting services with an invitation, and helps the student to match his interests and abilities with an educational program and an interim evaluation of his progress at the university. Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the attitude and knowledge of counselors in educational counseling its related factors were in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. Method: In this descriptive-analytical study, a total of 110 faculty members from Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences in all disciplines and colleges were selected through census sampling. The data collection tool was a questionnaire including demographic information of faculty members, a questionnaire of 18 questionnaires and a questionnaire on knowledge of the duties of counselor professor 20 questions were completed. After collecting information, data were analyzed using SPSS 22 software, Pearson correlation, T test and ANOVA statistical tests. Results: The highest frequency of positive attitude toward educational counseling in the subjects was moderate with a relative frequency of 74. 5%. The highest frequency of awareness of the duties of counselor in the subjects was 64. 22%. There was a significant relationship between the level of knowledge about the duties of the consultant's counselor and the attitude toward educational counseling in the subjects. )P<001( Conclusion: Having a high attitude toward academic counseling and knowing the duties of the consultant's professor on average in the subjects can be a good and suitable field for raising awareness and participating in the provision of services to the students.

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