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The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of plyometrics and weight training on the performance (a60- metre sprint run and explosive power) of physical education students. 30 male P.E. students age between 21 and 23 were selected for this study. Height, weight, 60- m. sprint run, and sergeant jumping power of the subjects were measured in a pre - test. Then the subjects were randomly divided into 3 groups of 10 including: two experimental groups: plyometrics and weight training, and a control group. Maximal muscle strength (quadriceps, gastrocenemius and hamstrings) in the weight training group was also measured. The experimental groups did selected exercises for 8 weeks, 2 sessions per week. The plyometric group, performed deep jump, jump over the cone, lateral obstacle jump, and half - squat jump over the box. Weight training group exercises included weight lifting with leg press, knee flexion, knee extention and toe raise. The total time of training for both groups was 48 minutes. In this training protocol, the control group did not do any specific types of exercise. At the end of training, the "sergeant" jump test and 60-m. sprint run test were administered to the subjects. The data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics (analysis of variance, ANOVA, correlated - T, Tokey's post - hoc test). The following results were concluded from this study: 1. weight training and plyometrics had significant effects on explosive power and running pace of the subjects (p£0.05). 2. No significant difference existed between the weight training and plyometrics in their explosive power and running pace (p£0.05). The results of this study indicated that no significant difference existed between the effects of plyometrics and weight training in explosive power and 60-m. sprint run; and both of trainings affected the mentioned variables equally.

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This study deals with the effects of physical activities on the improvement of students' mental health. In this respect, general health questionnaires were handed out to new students of 1383 in faculty of humanities. Then, the answers were gathered and twenty boys and twenty girls, who had scored the highest with respect to general health, were chosen from among them. They were randomly grouped into four (10 persons in female trial group, 10 in males, 10 in female control group, and 10 in male control group). Physical education (1) was offered to the trial groups before gathering independent variable. There wasn't any significant difference among the four gropes regarding mental health and its range of course. After gathering the independent variable for 12 weeks and 2 sessions each week, a directional analytical variance shwed a significant difference among the four gropes regarding their mental health and its range. Post hoc test revealed the above-mentioned difference between the girls and boys in two trial groups and that of the girls and boys in the two control gropes.

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The aim of the present research was to study the effect of endurance training on pro-inflammatory cytoldnes (TNF-a and IL-6) and insulin resistance index in obese men. In order to achieve the purpose of the study 24 sedentary male subjects (age 35- 48, 16 obese, 8 lean men) from the employees of Sabzevar Tarbiat Moallem University participated in the Study. Experimental subjects were randomly assigned to one of two obese groups: endurance training or control group. The 3 third groups was called lean men control group. Blood samples were taken in fasting state from all subjects. The experimental subjects received endurance training for 13 weeks, 3 sessions per week.The endurance training program included continuous running with an intensity of 75- 85% maximal heart rate. Results showed that endurance training caused a significant decrease in the insulin resistance index and in the fasting serum TNF-a and IL-6 levels of the experimental group in comparison to the obese control group. In addition, results determined that in obese men, baseline state serum TNF-a and IL-6 concentrations and insulin resistance index were significantly higher than those in lean men (P<0.05). In all subjects, there was a significant and positive correlation between serum TNF-a levels and insulin resistance index (r = 0.507) and between serum IL-6 levels and insulin resistance index (r=0.456). We concluded that endurance training caused a decrease in the baseline of pro-inflammatory cytokines levels in obese men. This decrease can be associated with an improvement in the insulin resistance in these men.

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This study investigated a relationship between perceptual-motor abilities and creativity. For a number of years. Researchers knew that the quality of motor abilities depends on the accuracy of perception and the ability of received perception analysis.Fortunately in recent years, special attention is paid to motor experience in development ability and children perceptual-motor abilities. Kephart, as the leader of perceptual- motor method, believes that movement is the foundation of perception and learning progression. And motor learning have a positive effect on mental evolution and educational readiness. Statistical sample, of the present research is 95 students in grade 2 of junior high school in shahriar randomly selected. Observation of test results relating to perceptual-motor abilities (Linkoln-Observations test) and also creativity (Torrance-Guilford Test) were registered and the relationship among variables was obtained through pearson correlation coefficient. Finally a significant relation (P=0.000) was found between perceptual-motor abilities and creativity in (a=0.01).After determining this relationship by analysis the step wise method of, regression was specified. Considering the high degree of relationship between perceptual – motor abilities and creativity. We can predict the creativity merely implementing two factors, accuracy and coordination, a way all the other factors perceptual-motor abilities.

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The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of aerobic exercise and vitamin B6 consumption during 8 weeks on premenstruation in Shahid Chamran Unjversity non- athlete male students.The examinees were grouped randomly to three: exercise group (15 students), vitamin group (15 students) and control group (15 students). Having finished the reexamining stage, filled the premenstrual syndrome questionnaire and gained the primary results, the exercise group did aerobics for 8 weeks, 3 sessions in each week, one hour each session. The maximum heart beat was 65 percent. The vitamin group during 8 weeks consumed a vitamin B6 tablet each day. The control group didn't do aerobics. They didn't consume vitamins or other nutrition complements. Having finished the second stage, the examinees filled the premenstrual syndrome questionnaire for the second time. To analyze the data, Wilcoxon tests, Kruskal – Wallis and Man Whitney were used in the level of a£0.05. The results were as follows: the results of exercise group and the control group, showed a great decrease in the physical and mental symptoms of PMS. The results of vitamin group showed a great decrease only in the physical symptoms. Comparing the results of exercise group with that of the vitamin group and control group showed a great decrease in the mental and physical symptoms of PMS. Vitamin group did not show a great decrease in symptoms as compared with exercise and control group. According to the results of this research, we can say that aerobic exercise and vitamin B6 greatly decrease the mental and physical symptoms of PMS and the decrease in the exercise group was greater than that in other groups.

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The purpose of this study was to describe and compare the curriculum variables of elementary physical education in Iran and some selected countries. For this purpose, sixteen countries or one of their provinces were selected and their curriculums for their elementary education were studied. The data were collected through library. Internet search and questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results showed that in elementary physical education curriculum of the countries under study, the most frequent goals are a development in the knowledge of health and security in physical activities, learning fundamental skills and the most frequent space for physical education in elementary curriculum of the countries under study. The duration of elementary physical education in Iran is 2 hours per week and 7.5 percent of the total curriculum, while it is 2.3 hours per week and 9 percent of total curriculum in the studied countries. To evaluate the methods of physical education in elementary curriculums of the countries under study, observation of students' skill performance is more frequent than physical fitness tests. In this research, the results of the curriculum components of different countries should be compared carefully, since there are many factors influencing physical Education curriculums such as : extra-curriculum, sports programs, educational system of the countries and implementing factors of the curriculum in schools.

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the probable motor - neural adaptation and the time of adaptation following a strength training. Seven body builders from Sanandaj who had at least two years experience in strength training, were selected by questionnaires and trained for six months (4 sessions a week, each 4 times with 8 repetitions of scat, bench press, curl up). Seven non - athlete volunteers also were considered as the control group. In order to analyze the neural adaptation, electromyography parameters including IEMG in maximal voluntary isometric contraction (50%) were measured by surface electromyography method in order to record the motor activation in prime moving muscles of bicpes. Also electroneurographic parameters including nerve conduction velocity (NCV), latency of signal (Latency), amplitude of wave M (amplitude) were measured by musculocutaneous nerve electric simulation of biceps. To be assured of isotropy of subjects concerning their weight, age and height, T test was used while F test was used to examine the harmony of variance (P=0.491, P=0.765, p=0.256 respectively). There were no significant changes in motor - neural system of elite body builders, IEMG (p=0/693), nerve conduction velocity (P=0.573), latency of signal (P=0.421) and amplitude of wave M (p=0.102) after the six- month strength training.

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The aim of this research is to evaluate the physical fitness of male students in guidance schools of Amol and to prepare body norms for them according to the 6-item test of AAHRERD and to compare the results to the norms of Mazandaran and National norms. This research is descriptive and based on the square method. The statistical society included 10583 male students from guidance schools of Amol. For sampling, we chose 1058 students (11, 12, 13 years old) randomly and based on the cluster method. Research tools are AAHPERD test of young body fitness. After gathering test results, to compare the results (11-13 years old) of Amol to national and province norms in the 6-item test of AAHPERD, we used Z mark. Using relation between Z marks and covered percents of curve, we prepared a table of norms. While evaluating the results during the table preparation of 5% norm of the 6-item test, we recognized that with an increase in age, the difference among records would increase in the direction of improvement. According to research results, movement speed, perseverance of shoulder muscles and -body general perseverance (heart and respiration), students of Amol had lower fitness compared to national and province averages, but their perseverance in stomach muscles was higher compared to provce and national averages.

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In this study, two hand-written questionnaires were prepared to collect information from Iran Sports Complexes and to determine the effective factors on productivity of sports complexes. Through the first questionnaire (to collect information about sports complexes), information related to gyms, open play grounds and swimming pools were collected and through the second one (to determine factors on productivity of sports complexes physical education experts' point of view), 10 effective factors on productivity of these complexes were identified. The productivity model of sports complexes is presented, as blows: To analyze the information, we used statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and ... and inferential statistics such as Friedman variance analysis test, Chi-Square test (X2), Kolomogorov-smironov test and Spearman rank-order correlation test. One of the important results obtained from this research is that the sports complexes do not enjoy proper productivity and the distribution of these sports complexes has not followed any special codes. The 10 effective factors on productivity of sports complexes were tested using Friedman variance analysis test and ranked in this manner. The model of productivity in sports complexes was designed using this method. The Following factors were classified on priority: Manpower, Management, Equipment and facilities, financial status, organizational chart, evaluation and supervision, time and manner of activity, planning, customer orientation and maintenance. Via Friedman variance analysis test, the sub-factors of effective factors on productivity were tested and a significant difference was observed among all sub-factors. The results obtained are in conformity with all researches related to productivity and the role of man power and management has been recognized as vital and important in productivity.

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This study was conducted to determine the relationship between the intelligence quotient (IQ) and female swimmers, aged between 11 and 14 time record in 100 m-crawl participating in Games Selection for National Team held in Summer 2001. The subjects selected for this study were 60 experienced female swimmers aged between 11 and 14 among which 40 were selected as the subjects. This was due to their reluctance to take the IQ test. The Digital Chronometer HANHRT (made in Germany) and the Rayban test were used to determine the records as well as to test the IQ of the subjects. The data-based analysis proved that the relationship between the IQ of Iranian female swimmers aged between 11 and 14 and their records in a 100 m-crawl was negatively significant. It is to say that the subjects who scored lower in their time record (faster) showed more intelligence quotient than those scoring higher time record (slower).

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