In this study, two hand-written questionnaires were prepared to collect information from Iran Sports Complexes and to determine the effective factors on productivity of sports complexes. Through the first questionnaire (to collect information about sports complexes), information related to gyms, open play grounds and swimming pools were collected and through the second one (to determine factors on productivity of sports complexes physical education experts' point of view), 10 effective factors on productivity of these complexes were identified. The productivity model of sports complexes is presented, as blows: To analyze the information, we used statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and ... and inferential statistics such as Friedman variance analysis test, Chi-Square test (X2), Kolomogorov-smironov test and Spearman rank-order correlation test. One of the important results obtained from this research is that the sports complexes do not enjoy proper productivity and the distribution of these sports complexes has not followed any special codes. The 10 effective factors on productivity of sports complexes were tested using Friedman variance analysis test and ranked in this manner. The model of productivity in sports complexes was designed using this method. The Following factors were classified on priority: Manpower, Management, Equipment and facilities, financial status, organizational chart, evaluation and supervision, time and manner of activity, planning, customer orientation and maintenance. Via Friedman variance analysis test, the sub-factors of effective factors on productivity were tested and a significant difference was observed among all sub-factors. The results obtained are in conformity with all researches related to productivity and the role of man power and management has been recognized as vital and important in productivity.