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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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تحقیق حاضر با هدف بررسی و مقایسه عملکرد برخی از عضلات ناحیه کمربند شانه (دو سربازویی، دلتویید، سینه ای بزرگ و سه سربازویی) در آزمونهای کشش بارفیکس، شنای سوئدی و بارفیکس اصلاح شده، انجام گردید. آزمودنیهای پژوهش حاضر را 14 پسر سالم 12 ساله با میانگین قد 3.23±148 سانتی متر و وزن 2.4±39.23 کیلوگرم و حداکثر دارای  6ماه سابقه ورزشی تشکیل میدادند. عملکرد هر یک از عضلات کمربند شانه با نصب لید و توسط جریان الکتریکی در هنگام اجرای آزمونها ثبت شد. برای تعیین میانگین، انحراف معیار و اختلاف میانگین درصد کارایی عضلات، از آزمون(ANOVA)  استفاده شد (P<0.05). براساس یافته های تحقیق، میتوان اظهار داشت بیشترین میزان فعالیت عضلات دو سربازویی و سه سربازویی در آزمون بارفیکس ایستاده مشاهده شد. همچنین بیشترین میزان فعالیت عضلات سینه ای بزرگ و دلتویید در آزمون شنای سوئدی مشاهده شد. از این رو میتوان نتیجه گرفت دو آزمون بارفیکس ایستاده و شنای سوئدی بر فعالیت عضلات فوق به یک نسبت تاثیر میگذارند. در نتیجه، با توجه به موارد بالا و اجرای راحت تر و عدم نیاز به وسیله، آزمون شنای سوئدی برای اهداف فوق توصیه می شود.

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با توجه به نظریه پیری میتوکندریایی و افزایش استرس اکسیداتیو حین فعالیتهای هوازی، فرض شد که این نوع تمرینات ممکن است در بروز حذف mtDNA عضلات اسکلتی و پیری زودرس دخالت داشته باشد. بدین منظور 60 سر موش صحرایی (wistar 14848) نر دو ماهه در شش گروه ده تایی جایگزین شدند. برای کنترل عوامل مداخله گر، دو گروه از آزمودنیها در دو ماهگی (con1) و پنج ماهگی (con2) کشته شدند. دو گروه نیز در یک برنامه تمرینی سه ماهه (پنج روز در هفته دویدن روی نوارگردان الکتریکی با شیب 6 درصد) (E20=20 m/min, 40 min, E40=40 m/min, 20 min) شرکت داشتند. در انتهای دوره، دو گروه به عنوان آزمودنیهای تمرین نکرده و در پنج ماهگی، فقط برای یک بار روی نوار گردان دویدند (CE20=20 m/min, 40 min, E40=40 m/min, 20 min, slob=6%). یافته های حاصله از روشهایMultiplex PCR  و توالی خوانی نشان میدهد تمرینات هوازی شدید میتواند سبب بروز حذف 4.6 کیلوبازی در mtDNA عضله نعلی شود.

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هدف از این پژوهش، برآورد اعتبار آزمون بی هوازی Rast در سنجش توان گلیکولتیک مردان جوان از جنبه مکانیکی و زیست شیمی است. بدین منظور 25 دانشجوی پسر رشته تربیت بدنی دانشگاه بوعلی سینای همدان به صورت تصادفی انتخاب و براساس پروتکلهای میدانی، Rast و وینگیت را که فعالیتی کوتاه مدت و شدید تا سر حد واماندگی است، اجرا کردند. ویژگیهای آنتروپومتریک و شاخصهای مطلق و نسبی میانگین توان، اوج توان، حداقل توان و شاخص خستگی با کمک فرمولهای ریاضی در هر دو آزمون محاسبه شدند. همچنین از نظر زیست شیمیایی، تغییرات غلظت آنزیم CPK و LDH سرم متعاقب اجرای هر دو آزمون بررسی شد. نتایج نشان داد که بین شاخص مکانیکی توان مطلق این دو آزمون همبستگی قوی وجود دارد درحالی که همبستگی ضلعی بین شاخصهای نسبی و شاخص خستگی آنها مشاهده شد. و از نظر زیست شیمی در آنزیم CPK اختلاف معنی داری نشان داده شد ولی در آنزیم LDH اختلاف معنی دار بود. یافته ها نشان داد آزمون Rast در سنجش توان بی هوازی، آزمونی پایاست و در سنجش مطلق توانهای حداقل، حداکثر و میانگین از اعتبار لازم و کافی برخوردار است.

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زمان واکنش (RT) عاملی بسیار مهم در اجرای ماهرانه است. یکی از عوامل اثرگذار بر RT پیش نشانه است. نتایج تحقیقات انجام شده در مورد این عامل، نشان داده است RT به صورت تابعی از میزان اطلاعات پیش نشانه کاهش می یابد. ولی اکثر این تحقیقات بر روی تکالیف هدف گیری انجام شده است. تحقیق حاضر به منظور آزمودن این فرضیه که RT در یک تکلیف تولید نیرو، تابعی از تعداد پارامترهای پیش نشانه شده است، انجام شد. یک طرح تحقیق 3 عاملی آمیخته بر روی 16 (8 مرد و 8 زن) دانشجوی داوطلب، غیر ورزشکار و راست دست در دامنه سنی 20 تا 25 سال اجرا شد. آزمودنی ها طی پنج جلسه در روزهای متوالی در مجموع 2400 کوشش (هر جلسه چهار دسته 120 کوششی) را با استفاده از دستگاه پیش نشانه کردن پارامتر، در وضعیت های دارای تعداد پیش نشانه مختلف (3-0) انجام دادند. تکلیف مورد نظر مستلزم تولید نیروی ایزومتریکی معین (3 یا 6 کیلوگرم) به سمت داخل یا خارج و با اندام فوقانی راست یا چپ با حداکثر سرعت و دقت ممکن پس از ارایه پیش نشانه و محرک بود.RT  آزمودنی ها در سطوح مختلف متغیر مستقل با استفاده از روش آماری تحلیل واریانس 3 عاملی (تعداد پارامترهای پیش نشانه شده × جنس × جلسه) با سنجش های مکرر 2 عامل تعداد پارامترهای پیش نشانه شده و جلسه (روز) تجزیه و تحلیل شد. نتایج نشان داد با افزایش تعداد پارامترهای پیش نشانه شده RT به طور معنی داری کاهش یافت(P<0.05) . اثر اصلی جنس و جلسه معنی دار نبود (P>0.05)، ولی کلیه اثرهای متقابل معنی دار بود (P<0.05).

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به منظور تاثیر و ارتباط اینتروال بر تعداد ضربان قلب، زمان فعالیت و استراحت دانشجویان کلاس تربیت بدنی که در حال گذراندن واحد یک تربیت بدنی عمومی بوده اند، به مدت 6 هفته به اجرای یک برنامه تمرینی تناوبی که بر درگیری دستگاه بی هوازی تأکید داشت و از تمرینات تناوبی بی هوازی فاکس اقتباس شده بود، پرداختند. آزمودنیها قبل و بعد از تمرینات 6 دقیقه بر روی چرخ کارسنج رکاب زدند. با اندازه گیری ضربان قلب و با استفاده از نوموگرام استراند میزان VO2max هر آزمودنی تعیین شد. نتایج کاهش معنی دار تعداد ضربان قلب زمان فعالیت و استراحت و افزایش VO2max آزمودنیها را نشان داد.

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Low back pain reduces the physical and social activities as well as the joy of life. The ‎objective of this study was to assess the importance of the muscle endurance and ‎anthropometry as risk factors in chronic low back pain as well as the necessity for the ‎continuation of the treatment period. Pain, disability, muscle endurance of trunk ‎flexors and extensors, lower limbs extensors and somatotype of all subjects were ‎measured. All the measurements on patients were repeated after a three-month ‎exercise therapy. Results showed that pain and disability decreased after the treatment ‎by 58% and 53%. On average, muscle endurance of patients was 62% lower than that ‎of the normal group. Anthropometry and somatotype of both groups were similar. ‎After the treatment, the muscle endurance of trunk flexors did not improve, while the ‎endurance in extensors significantly improved by 51% (p=0.01) ‎ The muscle endurance in low back pain patients were affected. The applied exercise ‎therapy reduced significantly the pain and disability, and increased the muscle ‎endurance in extensors. the abnormal flexors endurance is a risk factor for repetitive ‎LBP‏.‏

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Reaction time (RT) is a very important factor in skilled performance. Precue is one of ‎the effective factors on RT. The results of studies on this factor have shown a ‎reduction in RT as the function of precue; but the majority of these researches have ‎been performed on aiming tasks. The present research was performed to test the ‎hypothesis that RT in a force production task is a function of precued parameters. A ‎mixed 3-functional design was performed on 16 (8 male and 8 female) volunteers: ‎non-athlete, right-handed students aged between 20 and 25. The subjects performed a ‎total of 2400 trials over 5 sessions on successive days (4 blocks out of 120 block-trials ‎per session) under different numbers of precue (0-3) using parameter precuing ‎apparatus. This task required the production of defined isometric force (3 or 6 kg) ‎toward inside or outside, with right or left upper limb acting as quickly and accurately ‎as possible after displaying precue(s) and stimulus. The subjects' RT in different levels ‎of independent variables was analyzed using 3-facotr experiment (number of precued ‎parameters* gender * session) with repeated measurements on 2 of these factors (number of precued parameters and session). The results indicated a significant ‎reduction in RT with an increase in the number of precued parameters (P<0.05). The ‎main effects of gender and session were not significant (P>0.05), but all of the ‎interactions were significant (P<0.05).‎

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During a soccer match, players exercised at a relatively high intensity. It is therefore ‎not surprising that fatigue occurs causing performance to fall off in the laer stages o f ‎the match in the second half. Since decision-making as well as technical and tactical ‎aspects are important elements in soccer, towards the end of the match fatigue can ‎cause deteriorations in mental performance. Eric Newsholme et al. 91987) were the ‎first to hypothesize such a role for brain Serotonin (5-HT). Recently hypotheses have been developed and there has been an interest in the ‎possible role of the CNS in fatigue. A few mechanisms have been suggested to cause ‎central fatigue such as changes in neurotransmitters of serotonin, dopamine and ‎acetylcholine. An increase in 5-HT, DA and ACh synthesis and metabolism typically ‎occur in response to an increase in delivery of blood-borne Trp, Tyr and cholin to the ‎brain and central serotonergic, dopaminergic and cholinergic systems activated by ‎stress, exercise, eating, supplementation and medication. Thus fatigue could affect all ‎behavioral and physiological functions that could positively or negatively affect ‎power or endurance of performance. Thirty adult male soccer players were divided ‎into five groups randomly. Placebo group and experimental group whose ingestion ‎flavored water, glucose, BCAAs, lecithin and hydroalchoholic extract of sage, 2.5h ‎before and during soccer-specific intermittent running protocol‏.‏ The peripheral serotonin and dopamine levels were determined through venous blood ‎samples collected throughout the last 2.5 hours, half-time and immediately after ‎soccer-specific intermittent running protocol. Subjects also completed the POMS, ‎CWT, RPE, and measured exercise time to fatigue. Based on our observations that ‎fatigue during soccer-specific intermittent protocol towards the end of the soccer ‎match in adult male soccer players is associated with an increase in barin 5-HT and a ‎reduction of brain dopamine, our working hypothesis is that a low ratio of 5-HT/DA ‎and high ACh level in the brain prevent mental fatigue and subsequently enhance ‎performance in soccer matches. Increased serotonergic activity may induce fatigue ‎through inhibition of the dopaminergic system and or the reduction of motivation to ‎perform. Furthermore, serotonergic activity can affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-‎adrenal axis, thermoregulation, pain, mood, motor coordination and other behaviors or ‎perceptions depending on specific situations such as physical activity‏.‏

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This study examined the velocity, acceleration, ground reaction, stopping and take-off ‎forces, energy and power consumption during running in a hundred-meter event. An ‎electronic telemetry system was designed and constructed for kinematic ‎investigations, while video graph being used to analyze kinetic characteristics for ‎each stride. During the constant speed, the ground reaction force, stopping and take-‎off forces, mean energy and power consumption in each stride were also estimated. ‎The performance criterion was time tp each 10m. We have used Microsoft Excel to ‎trace the variation of velocity and acceleration of each subject. Three male sprinters‎ (tops of a national team) volunteered as subjects for the study. The sprinters records ‎were 10.8 second in the 100-meter run. The study demonstrates how the velocity ‎increases widely at the beginning, remains constant for sometime and then decreases, ‎when the runner reaches the end of the run. On the contrary, the acceleration is ‎maximum just at the take-off, decreases to zero when the sprinter reaches his ‎maximum velocity, decelerates to zero when the sprinter reaches his maximum ‎velocity, and then decelerates arriving to the end of run. The results on force ‎measurements showed that the sprinter with larger strides presents larger ground ‎reaction, stopping and take-off forces which agree well with what the other ‎researchers have obtained‏.‏

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The present investigation aims at determining the depression variables among the ‎athlete vs. non-athlete male and female high school students. It is a descriptive design ‎and has been carried out as a filed study. The participants comprised 800 students, ‎‎400 of which were male and female athlete students and the rest (i.e. 400) were non-‎athlete male and female students. To determine the depression variables, the ‎investigator applied DAS questionnaire for data collection. Results manifested that ‎except for love, there is significant differences between the athlete and non-athlete ‎students in terms of depression variables such as approval, success, perfectionism, ‎justification, definite power, and freedom to vote‏.‏

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Based on mitochondrial aging theory, oxidative stress plays a major role in aging and ‎age related degenerative diseases. Since oxygen consumption and ROS (reactive ‎oxygen species) rate increase during aerobic exercise, we supposed that heavy aerobic ‎training can lead to enhance mtDNA deletion. Two experimental groups of adult male ‎Wistar 14848 rats with 2 month-age were trained by running on a treadmill for 3 ‎months (5day/wk, E40: N=10, 40 m/min, 20 min, E20: N=10, 20 m/min, 40 min, ‎and slob=6%). mtDNA deletion of soleus muscle in these groups were compared with ‎that in two control groups (Con1: N=10, aged 2 months and Con2" N=10, aged 5 ‎months) and two sedentary groups that participated only in aerobic exercises at the ‎end of the study (CE40: N=10, 40m/min, 20min, CE20: N=10, 20 m/min, ‎‎40 min, and slob=6%). Multiplex PCR products based on the agar (2%) indicated that ‎mtDNA deletion (4.6kb0 induced by heavy aerobic training in E40 group. This ‎deletion was not shown in other groups. This result was confirmed by sequencing ‎analysis‏.‏

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The present study was conducted to compare function of some muscles of shoulder: ‎biceps, deltoid, pectorals major and triceps) in pull-up, push-up and modified pull-up ‎tests. Subjects included fourteen 12 year old healthy boys, with average height of ‎‎148±3.23 cm and weight of 39.23±2.4 kg with maximum of a 6 month-athletic period.‎ Function of each muscle in shoulder (biceps, deltoid, pectorals major and triceps) was ‎recorded by lead and electrical current circuit during the test. Statistical analysis using ‎SPSS: PC was performed. ANOVA was employed to test the differences (P<0.05).‎‏ ‏In of pull-up in standing position, biceps and triceps obtained maximum rate of ‎activity muscles. Also, pectorals major and deltoid muscles in push-up were more ‎active than the other muscles. It was concluded that pull-up and push up have similar ‎effects on the activity of the above muscles.‎

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The aim of the present study was to examine and compare happiness in athletic and ‎non-athletic women. 120 female university students (60 athletes and 60 non-athletes) ‎were randomly assigned to two groups and Oxford Happiness Inventory (reliability ‎and validity has been shown in Iran) was used. The results showed that athletic ‎women were in higher level at the five scales (mental health, self-esteem, efficiency, ‎satisfaction and positive mood). Also, there was a significant difference between level ‎of happiness in two groups (P=0.001).‎

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this research 25 male physical education students (age: 22.4 Y., weight: ‎‎66.58±7.53 kg, height: 171±5.16 cm) participated. All subjects performed leg ergometer (Wingate protocol) and Rast Filed test. The finding of this research ‎absolute Wingate Rast Test (R=0.85, P<0.05). No significant relationship was found ‎between estimated manpower in Rast test and retest (R=0.87, P<0.05). Significant ‎relationship was found between estimated peak power Wingate test resistance optimal ‎work load (0.087, 0.075 kp/w); (R=0.99, P<0.05). No significant difference was found ‎between change in CPK enzyme after and before Wingate test (T=0.60, P<0.55). ‎Significant difference in CPK enzyme after Rast test (T=-4.16, P<0.002) showed ‎significant change in LDH enzyme after and before Wingate test (T=2.28, P<0.045) ‎and significant change in LDH enzyme after Rast test (T=-0.67, P<0.513). No ‎significant difference was found between intensive performance (0% HRR) in ‎Wingate and Rast Test (T=-0.51, P<0.167). The results indicate that Rast test has ‎validity and reliability to estimate the anaerobic capacity‏.‏

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Modern methods for practice performable in general classes of body training are very ‎useful, achieving the goals of physical fitness programs such as an increase ‎in the power of heart, respiratory system, blood vessels and improvement of aerobic ‎potential. Surveys of the past reveal that the practices designed on the basis of for ‎tifying an energy instrument cause an increase in the output of that instrument, but the ‎question is raised whether the practices prepared to strengthen an energy instrument ‎are able to overshadow another energy system during a short time. Therefore, a study ‎was carried out on the effects of 6 successive weeks of practice inaerobically on the ‎aerobic power of non-athlete male students‏.‏

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