For some years now, the phenomenon of brain drain in developing countries, and especially in the countries of the Middle East, has attracted the attention of economists. According to economic theories about the economic consequences of brain drain, there are two traditional views. The traditional view of brain drain is considered as a direct reduction of human capital, but in the new perspective, in addition to those considered in traditional perspectives, the positive effects of brain drain are also considered. The main reason for the discussion here is the positive role of brain drain in increasing the motivation to acquire education in the community, the transfer of knowledge and technology through the return of short-term immigration, the formation of the effects of immigration networks and returning income to countries of origin versus The negative impact of brain drain is the reduction of human capital in the country of origin. Therefore, in this research, the clarity of the importance and importance of the effects of brain drain on human capital accumulation, as well as judgments about the traditional and modern perspectives on the brain drain literature in Middle Eastern countries during the period 1991-2010, has been addressed. The results of the study show that the brain drain has a positive effect on the accumulation of human capital in the studied countries and at existing rates of brain drain, 9 countries benefited from brain drain and 5 affected countries. In addition, considering that Iran is suffering from brain drain, it is suggested that by creating favorable conditions for the elites, it is suggested that their survival coefficient in the country be provided.