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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Objective: This work was performed to investigate the effect of strategic planning on the organizational effectiveness via mediation of organizational flexibility by providing a model of the Youth and Sports Ministry and Sports Federations.Methodology: This research work was descriptive and a correlation analysis based on the structural equation model. The research population was composed of all the senior managers, middle and operational, employed in the Ministry of Youth and Sports and Sports Federations in 2016.Due to the small number of participants, the number of the sample were considered equal to the number of population statistics. A total of 60 questionnaires were distributed, and a total of 46 questionnaires were received. The questionnaire-revised strategic planning and organizational flexibility Yazdan- panah and Soltani (2016), and the 20-item Hesou organizational effectiveness (2002) were used, the reliabilities of which were confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. The descriptive and inferential statistics and the structural equation model were used.Results: The results obtained show that the structural equation modeling, strategic planning, organizational flexibility, and organizational flexibility have positive and significant effects on the organizational effectiveness, and a flexibility mediating role on the relationship between strategic planning and effectiveness. Among the variables involved, organizational flexibility, flexibility, technology, and research had significant impacts on the organizational effectiveness. However, the variables educational flexibility, structural flexibility, and financial flexibility had the greatest impacts on the organizational effectiveness.Conclusion: In order to achieve these objectives, the program should be used to strengthen the educational flexibility, structural flexibility, and financial flexibility in sports organizations to strengthen the effectiveness of strategic plans.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Although strong inter- personal communication can produce better results for teams, there are many obstacles in the way of an effective communication in sport teams. The present study aimed to identify some of the obstacles facing sport teams by focusing on the ' coach-athlete dyad'.Methodology: This work was a descriptive survey, which was conducted using the Delphi technique. The data was collected in two stages, as what follow. In the first stage, the theoretical sources were studied, and seven categories of factors hindering effective communications including lingual, attitudinal, conceptual, physical, environmental, semantic, and cultural barriers were extracted. In the second stage, the Delphi method was used to obtain the views of the experts regarding these factors. The studied population included two groups. The first group included the faculty members of the universities active in the fields related to this study including human resource management, communication, media, and sport management. The second one included the faculty members of physical education departments who were certified instructors and had been a national coach or athlete. The Delphi group was selected through a targeted non- random sampling, and included 20 members.Results: Twelve factors received the most agreement among the experts, and eight factors yielded the least consensus. The experts' highest agreement was on the lack of trust between the couch and the athletes, and the least was on the limited time during the tournaments for communication. The highest average score (2.73) was for the conceptual barrier with a standard deviation of 0.11, and the lowest average score (1.86) was related to the physical barriers with a standard deviation of 0.86.Conclusion: Overcoming lingual, attitudinal, cognitive, physical, environmental, semantic, and cultural barriers will lead to an effective communication and conformity of the coach- athlete views, and consequently, improvement and success of teams.

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Objective: The aim of this research work was to compare the existing and desirable situations of employment opportunities for graduates of Sports Science in the Golestan Province.Methodology: The research method used was a causal comparative one, and it was carried out as a field study. The studied population included the elites and experts of Sports Science graduates involved in the public and private sport sectors in the Golestan Province (professors, teachers, and experts of youth, sports, and coaches) (N=420). The sample was selected using the Cochran formula and simple random sampling (n=200). To gather the data, the modified questionnaire affecting employment opportunities Bromand (2010) was used, whose validity was confirmed by the sports management professors. The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient (a=0.87). For data analysis, the descriptive and inferential statistics methods were used.Results: The results obtained showed that there was a significant difference between the current and desired conditions of all the employment opportunities (education, sports services, health-related, coaching, and media) for the Sports Science graduates.Conclusion: The difference between the current and desired conditions of all the employment opportunities shows less use of all the opportunities for employment of the graduates of Sports Science. Planning and special attention can be used for maximum employment and entrepreneurship in sports.

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Objective: The purpose of this research work was to study the relationship between the perceived organizational support and job performance of Golestan province Physical Education teachers.Methodology: The present work was a descriptive research of correlational type, and it was done as a field study. The population of the study consisted of all the Physical Education teachers of the Golestan province (N=650) whose sample size was determined by the Cochran formula and the random simple sampling method (n=242). To collect data, questionnaires of perceived organizational support (Yavas & Babakus, 2009) and job performance (Bobbin & Boles, 2004) were used. Also to test the research hypotheses, the Pearson correlation and the multiple regression methods were used.Results: The findings showed that there were significant and positive correlations among the five dimensions of perceived organizational support and job performance. Also in the regression analyses, the results obtained showed that training and empowerment had the ability to predict the Physical Education teachers’ job performance.Conclusion: It is recommended to the Golestan province director of education and school principals with proper organizational support of Physical Education teachers’ help to improve the job performance of these teachers.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to design codes of ethics for the physical education managers of Iran’s armed forces.Methodology: This was an applied research work based on goal, exploratory by type and field study by the data gathering method. The statistical population included the physical education managers of Iran’s armed forces (N=560) according to the Morgan statistical samples estimated (n=234) using the stratified random sampling method. In order to collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. The content validity was approved by the Lawshe test (CVR=0.84) using Cronbach's alpha, the reliability of which was approved (a=0.83). For statistical analysis, the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used.Results: The results of the exploratory and confirmatory analyses revealed that codes of ethics could be explained and fitted in six categories including the behavior toward law, team work, honesty in speech and justice in behavior, financial responsibility, and professional behavior and deontology. Also all factors had significant positive relations with the concept of code of ethics of managers of armed forces.Conclusion: According to the findings, it is recommended to the physical education managers of Iran’s armed forces to behave their subordinates and clients according to the developed codes of ethics.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the moral disengagement questionnaire in sport.Methodology: The research method was descriptive, which was done through the field method. The statistical population of this study was the athletes in Iran, out of which 422 questionnaires were collected. The measurement instrument used was a questionnaire of 32-item moral ddisengagements qquestionnaires in sport (Boardley & Kavussanu, 2007) with six sub- scales (conduct reconstrual, advantageous comparison, non-responsibility, distorting consequences, dehumanization, and attribution of blame). The validity of the questionnaire was accepted after translation by professors of sport management specialists. The statistical methods used were descriptive indices for describing data, Cronbach’s alpha for determining validity and confirmatory factor analysis to determine the structural validity.Results: The analytical results obtained showed (a=0.87) the reliability of the moral disengagement questionnaire. All questions had a significant relationship with their agent in the reliability of structure, amount of relationship, and T-value, and they could be good predictors for their agent. X2/df=1.89, RMSEA=0.067, NFI=0.99, CFI=0.98, IFI=0.99, AGFI=0.98, and GFI=0.97 also confirmed the goodness of models. Also the results about the relations of factors with the meaning of moral disengagement showed that all factors could be good predictors for the concept of moral disengagement.Conclusion: Questionnaire moral disengages a reliable and valid measure that can be used to evaluate moral disengagement in the field of sports, and reliable and consistent results are achieved.

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Objective: The aim of this research work was to study the relation between the spiritual leadership and the quality of work life with psychological empowerment among staff of Sport and Youth Organization of the Kurdistan Province.Methodology: The method of research was descriptive- correlation. The population including all the employees of Sport and Youth Organization of the Kurdistan Province consisted of 84 individuals. As the population was limited, the census method was used, and the questionnaires were distributed among all staff. The data collection instruments were questionnaires of Fry’s spiritual leadership (2005), Walton’s quality of working life (1973), and Whetten and Cameron’s psychological empowerment (1998). The apparent and content validity of the questionnaires were confirmed by ten experts. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to test the reliability. The alpha coefficient for the questionnaire of spiritual leadership was 0.94, for the questionnaire of quality of working life was 0.91, and for the questionnaire of psychological empowerment was 0.92. The data analysis was done by the Pearson correlation and the multiple regression test.Results: Data analysis indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between the spiritual leadership and the quality of work life with psychological empowerment.Conclusion: According to the results obtained, it is highly recommended to the managers of organizations, private managers of Sport and Youth Organization of Kurdistan province, to create a favorable spiritual leadership and quality of work life and strengthen psychological empowerment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the thinking style and self-efficacy in the Youth and Sport Office managers of cities in the Tehran Province.Methodology: This study was an applied and survey one. The population was all the Youth & Sport Office managers of cities in the Tehran Province (N=114). The sample was considered an equal population. The Strenberg (1991) thinking style questionnaire and the Nezami et al.(1996) self- efficacy questionnaire were used to collect data. The internal reliabilities of both questionnaires were confirmed by Cronbach's alpha, which were determined to be 0.82 and 0.74, respectively. Data analysis was performed by the Pearson Correlation, multiple regression, and t-test.Results: The results obtained showed that there was a positive significant relationship between the self- efficacy and all of the thinking styles. According to regression analysis, the legislative, global, liberal, external, and hierarchic thinking styles were the most important predictors for self- efficacy in sport managers.Conclusion: With regard to the results obtained and the low average of conservative thinking style in both men and women, it is necessary to provide the necessary facilities to learn the conservative thinking style for all sport managers.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the human resource management practices on maintenance of sport board volunteers’ in the Markazi Province.Methodology: The research method was of a correlation kind. The statistical population consisted of all directors, vice presidents, and secretaries of sport boards of the Markazi Province (146 persons). The census sampling method was used. Data collecting was done by a researcher-made questionnaire. The data was analyzed by the regression method.Results: The results obtained showed that there was a statistical significant relationship between the human resource management practices and the maintenance of sport board volunteers in the Markazi Province. In this regard, the effects of appointment, orientation and instruction, recruitment, and also appreciation and motivation upon maintenance of volunteers were 0.49, 0.27, 0.23, and 0.18, respectively.Conclusion: Human resource management practices have influences on volunteers maintaining in sport boards. Therefore, it is suggested that human resource management practices, especially appointment, orientation and instruction, recruitment, and also appreciation and motivation is used to maintain sport board volunteers in the Markazi Province.

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Objective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the impact of coach changes on the performance of football clubs in the Iranian premier league.Methodology: The statistical community of the present study contained all the clubs that participated in 12 seasons of Iranian football clubs premier league from 2001 to 2013. The whole data was extracted from the archive of Iran premier league organization and the Foolad Mobarakeh Sepahan sport club. Improvement or degradation of football clubs in each season compared to the previous season based on coach changes or stability was investigated. The data was analyzed with one-way Anova using the Gabriel post hoc test and the independent sample t-test in a significance lower than 0.05.Results: The results obtained demonstrated that coach stability had a significant effect on the improvement of performance, and successive changes of coaches had a significant impact on degradation of performance. These results showed that the coach changes caused a 1.48 decline in their rank on the league schedule, and coach stability caused a 1.19 improvement in their rank on the league schedule.Conclusion: Generally, analysis of the results supported the hypothesis that coach stability provided enough time for employing new players and implementation of their tactics and work philosophy that eventually improved the performance of the clubs.

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