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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The theory of the overturned pyramid, introducing three levels for translation (lexicon, sentence, speech) analyses features and problems relating to every level. By using this theory, we offer to examine the first two levels (lexical and syntactic) in the process of the translation of French in Persian and vice versa. The accent put on certain grammatical features of the syntax as mode, the aspect, the time and complex sentence, and direct and indirect speech, allows to the translator to conceive a kind of syntax compared between both languages to analyze difference and likeness.

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In the framework of contrastive linguistics and with introducing cognitive and linguistic approaches, this research tries to focus on the cases of similarities and differences in the numerical system of Persian and French languages that in its turns concerns morphological and phonological system of these languages. The findings of this study have several dimensions. We have shown that both languages use two principal operations in mathematics such as multiplication, summation or the composition of both of them in order to express the numbers in the decimal, the hundreds and the thousandth systems. However both languages use simple numerals for expressing “ one to ten “ . In both languages the arrangement of smaller number in complex numerals is the same in the operation of multiplication and in the summation operation the bigger number is anterior to smaller one. It is also necessary to note that in Persian language historically, we have some phonetic and phonological changes in the numeral system of this language. There are also the cases of divergences in expressing numerals in Persian and French, because the former lacks the grammatical category of gender and the latter apply this property to a vast majority of grammatical relationships in the language. In Persian numerated words have no plural form; on the contrary in French these words have the plural one with regard to their correspondent numerals. These cases of divergences are the matter of importance in which the teachers must pay such a special attention to this point, because the Iranian students have lots of problems in confronting numerical system in French.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this research we tried to analyze the Persian translation of three of Eric Emmanuel Schmitt’ s narratives: Milarepa, Mr. Ibrahim and the flowers of Koran and Oscar and the lady in pink, using theoretical observations of Umberto Eco, stating that the translation must be world by world. This formula separates him from other theorists who see only two approaches toward translation: sourcier or cibliste which means source language or target language translation. We also applied Louis Hjelmslev’ s theory of language to analyze our corpus and answer the following questions: how can the translator convey the Ideology and the “ possible world” of the author? With which linguistic means he can transfer another cultural world to his own proper world? How can he remain faithful to the author’ s unique style, while conveying his world at the same time? Our goal in this analysis is to show the process which the translator follows to achieve the world by world translation. This work consists of three different chapters in which we explained the theoretical observations of U. Eco and also the translator’ s choices in order to realize whether he succeeded to convey the possible world of the script or not. We have also tried to show the difficulty of the translations due to the cultural and language differences between French and Farsi and the path the translator has chosen to challenge and overcome them. And to conclude our research we have stated that the translator has been indeed successful to convey the possible world, in many parts. But concerning the form of the text there has been deviations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Riffaterre considers two different readings of poetry as possible; heuristic reading and retroactive reading. In heuristic reading, the primary meaning of the text is reveled trough the common significant implications of language. Retroactive reading, will allow the reader to organize the mental associations that engage a deeper sense. In fact, the heuristic reading leads to an initial meaning and the retroactive reading brings the discovery of latent implications of textual infrastructures. For the case study, this paper has selected one of the world's most famous poems "Freedom" written by French twentieth century poet Paul É luard. Firstly, we aim to present a detailed explanation of what is called "retroactive reading" and secondly, we try to apply this special reading to the poem "Freedom" and according to the analytic conceptions like concentrated semiotic system, we willstudy the interpretative possibilities of this poem. In retroactive reading which is done by verifying of semantic accumulation and descriptive systems, the various symbolic and iconic aspects of the signs in the poem "Freedom" are feasible. The retroactive reading of "freedom" refers to the fact that the thematic of this poem like "common past", "common history" and "the familiar nature", like many other signs of this poetry, they gradually abandon their normal significations and become vast and strange symbols. It can be said that Paul É luard has intelligently employed an organized system of signs for constructing and transmitting of the presupposed meaning. So the reader, who wants to gain a deeper understanding of this poem, has no other way but a process of decoding on accumulations and descriptive systems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays the importance of educational technology and digital environment is an undeniable fact. The important point is to be aware of various training dimensions of the educational technology and to introduce them to the teachers and students. The number of researches about the same subject clarifies the importance of educational Technology. First of all, we should inform this importance to the teachers and students and prepare their minds to use these technologies in training and learning processes. Therefore, we should realize social representations, level of knowledge and their interest or in using such a technology. In this research, we are going to focus on the students’ social representations about these technologies and how effective could they be on the students' autonomy. We are going to indicate that the students' social representations have a huge influence on their prevalent practices of these technologies and also have a proximate influence on the students' autonomy in their learning process. Our Sample Rate is some of the students of foreign languages in the Faculty of Languages and foreign literature, university of Teheran. Our research device was the interview and, according to quantitative approach, we parsed the response. At the end, we are going to provide a table of the usages of the training technologies that the students referred. Our aim is to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the digital environment to present a pattern to help future researches.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The philosophy of Lacan’ s psychoanalysis has affected many of human’ s bio-intellectual field under domination of thought. And it has answered many questions about language, speech and unconscious in the form of psychoanalysis discussions. Lacan, French philosopher and psychoanalyst, could have considered the question of the presence of language, speech and the unconscious under the form of the elements like delirium of neurotic patients, paradox of the other, Subject, paternal metaphor, modals, inner desire and desired object in order to find an answer to some of the philosophic psychoanalysis enigmas. The general concepts of Lacan are connected in sequence and are sometimes considered ambiguous. In his idea, the symptoms can be meaningful. These symptoms have a systematic language and complex structure by themselves. On the other hand, the “ structure” of Lacan is an intersubjective structure that has to do with a collection of the psychic-hidden facts of the subject. In this study, despite the elements and criteria of structuralism and also with determination of place structuralism, linguistics and psychoanalysis by Lacan, we’ ll try to indicate his perception of language, signification and speech in the sequences of “ significance” and “ sign” and also the role of philosophy in psychoanalysis definition of Lacan.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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