Today, in most educational systems, textbooks are the main means of education, and the importance of textbooks in focused educational systems such as Iran, which determines and implements almost all educational factors based on their content, is more than other types of educational systems in Other countries, and teachers and students rely on and depend on books in teaching and learning activities. The less the content of textbooks will be to help create a suitable platform for fostering thought, it will, on the one hand, help the creation of powerful and innovative people, and, on the other hand, help maintain the independence, growth and prosperity of the community. One of the criteria of the country's chemistry curriculum for content organization is that the content provided in the textbook actively engages students in learning and provides an opportunity to present their views and ideas in the classroom. For this purpose, this paper analyzes the content of the text, images and activities of the first chapter of the first elementary school curriculum, based on the active and inactive content of the book, according to William Rumi's method.