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Objective: This study was designed to investigate the alteration of renal SOD, GSH and alpha-tocopherol in an in vivo model of renal ischemia/reperfusion (IR).Materials and Methods: Experiments were performed on pentobarbital anesthetized rats. After tracheotomy, the right femoral artery was cannulated and the mean arterial pressure was recorded. A midline laparatomy was performed, and the renal arteries were carefully separated from surrounding tissues. In IR group, rats were subjected to bilateral renal artery occlusion for 40 min followed by 6h reperfusion.Results: IR caused significant decrease in renal GSH and SOD compared to control group. There were no significant changes in renal and plasma a-tocopherol levels.Conclusion: In this work, renal antioxidants were demonstrated changing in a systematically organized relationship under ischemia-reperfusion. This graded utilization of antioxidants should be considered in antioxidant therapy.

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Objective: The objective of investigation was to study the spatial arrangement of the cartilage canals in chick tibial upper chondroepiphysis by computerized reconstruction. Materials and Methods: Chick eggs from Hybro strain was obtained and incubated at 38±0.5Cº and humidity of 50%. The eggs were opened on days 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 and 16 of incubation and their right upper tibial chondroepiphysis were dissected and fixed with Bouin's fluid. The specimens were then processed and embedded in paraffin wax.Five micrometer sagittal serial sections were prepared, stained with H&E (Hematoxilin and Eosin) and used in reconstruction. A zeiss microscope, equipped with Camera Lucida was used for drawing profiles of the canals and perichondrium. Using version 14 of Auto CAD, three-dimensional images were built and observed from numerous points of view.Results: The first cartilage canal was appeared at day 10 in condylar region. A few hours later, the tubercular canal was formed. In general, the canals were penetrated from three distinct surfaces: the anterior and superior surfaces of the tubercle and the posterior surfaces of the medial and lateral condyles. Immediately after entering, nearly all the canals were extended toward the medial or lateral aspects of the chondroepiphysis from which no canals took their origin. All of the cartilage canals connected with the perichondrium and their branching did not follow a specific pattern.The condylar canals did not unite with the tubercular ones.Conclusion: The cartilage canals in upper tibial chondroepiphysis of the chick embryo which took their origin from three distinct surfaces have a rather complex arrangement.Tubercular canals did not unite with that from condyles.

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Objective: The aim of this study was evaluation the formulation of spironolactone cream and comparative evaluation of oral and local spironolactone efficacy in management of hirsutism.Materials and Methods: 77 patients with hirsutism were randomized to use spironolactone cream (n=39) or spironolactone tablets (n=38). Before beginning the study, hirsutism scores of both groups were measured and no significant difference was observed between them. All the patients used their medications for 7 months and were visited by a dermatologist monthly. After the course of treatment, the hirsutism score was measured for all of them and compared with the base score at the beginning of the treatment.Results: Among tablet-receiving patients, in 15.8% hirsutism score significantly decreased (p<0.05). In 44.7% there was a non-significant decrease iri hirsutism score and the scores in 39.5% of them didn't change.In contrast, 55.8% of patients used spironolactone cream, had significant decrease in their hirsutism score and in the rest of the patients of this group, although the scores decreased, it was not significant. In cream-receiving patients, no one experienced side effects while in patients took oral spironolactone, drug adverse effects including headache, nausea and menstrual dysfunction were seen in 40% of cases.Conclusion: Using spironolactone cream compared with tablet was associated with significant decrease of hirsutism score and less side effects. As hirsutism needs a long term therapy, it seems that local therapy with cream is much better in treating hirsute patients.

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Introduction: The objectives of this research were to study the changes of electrical potential of a full thickness skin incision by a non-invasive method during the three weeks of healing process and to determine its relationship with the wound surface area.Materials and Methods: 13 male albino guinea pigs, weighing 350-400 grams, were used. A full thickness skin incision, 2.5 cm of length, was made on the right side of spinal column at a distance of 1 cm to spinous processes. The differential potential of the wound site was measured before, immediately after the injury and also through the healing process until the 21 st day. The wound surface area was measured during the healing process too.Results: before wounding, the electrical potential of the intact skin was - 0.05±1.75 mv. Immediately after the injury, potential reached to 2.66±1.07 mV and at the next day reached to the peak value of 6.36±1.65 mV. Afterwards, the potential of the wound site began to decrease. A significant correlation, R2 = 0.86, was found between the wound potential changes and wound surface area.Conclusions: The closure of the wound surface occurs faster than/the wound potential returns to normal value of the intact skin. It appears that the return of wound potential to the level of before injury needs return of skin structure and function to the natural level.According to the present study, the measuring of wound potential by this non-invasive method can be used as an objective and practical method for evaluation of healing process, especially in human studies.

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Objective: Extraction and purification of beta-glucan from the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its effect on phagocytosis and TNF a secretion in BALB/c mice.Materials and methods: First, soluble  b-glucan was extracted from the yeast cell wall by alkaline-acid treatments (glucan-S1). The protein of this preparation was removed by DEAE sephacel chromatography (glucan-S2). Subsequently, mannan was removed from this fraction by means of con-A sepharose column (glucan-S3). Then, Purified b-glucan (glucan-S3) was injected into BALB/c mice intraperitoneally. Blood was collected at days 4 and 7 after injection; Phagocytic activity and TNFa. secretion were assayed by chemiluminescence's and ELISA methods, respectively.Results: According to the results of chemiluminescence method, intraperitoneally administration of glucan-S3 increased phagocytic activity of neutrophils at days 4 (p=0.002) and 7 (p=0.0005) when compared to control. Moreover, the ELISA results showed that in treatment group, mean secretion of TNF a significantly increased at days 4 W=0.0005) and 7 (p=0.0005) compared to control.Conclusion: These results suggest that b-glucan can be used to immunize individuals as prophylactic and/or therapeutic immunostimulant alone or in combination with other immunomodulatory agents.

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Aim: There are controversial findings about the role of cagA gene in H. pylori infection. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of cagA+ strain of Helicobacter pylori and to evaluate its correlation with endoscopic findings. Materials and methods: Of 152 gastric biopsies taken by endoscopy in Baghiatallah hospital, Tehran-Iran, positive samples of H. Pylori were detected by rapid urease test.Results were confirmed by PCR using the ureC primers. Using designed primers for cagA gene amplification, cagA positive and negative strains were detected and endoscopic findings between them were compared.Results: 54 cases (35.5%) were H. pylori positive. Among them, the prevalence of cagA gene was 35.18% (19 cases). In cagA+ strains, frequencies of atrophic gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal deformity and duodenal ulcer were higher than those in cagA strains.There was reverse correlation between the presence of cagA gene and the severity of esophagitis.Conclusion: Due to increasing rates of H.pylori infection and in order to decrease treatment cost and limitation of culture as a gold standard method. The results suggest the PCR method using cagA and ureC based primer, as a sensitive and rapid method for diagnosing of H.pylori between clinical isolates.

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Objective: Infants of diabetic mothers are at increased risk of congenital heart diseases.The objective of this study was comparison of heart anomalies in infants of diabetic and non-diabetic mothers.Materials and methods: In this case-control study, the prevalence of heart diseases (based on echocardiography findings) and congenital anomalies was compared in 32 infants of diabetic mothers and 32 infants of healthy mothers. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS. All echocardiographic parameters were compared between two groups.Result: Left ventricle internal diameter, septal thickness, decreased left ventricular internal space, cardiac output and left ventricular mass were significantly higher in infants of diabetic mothers (P<0.05). In 19 infants of diabetic mothers and 9 infants of healthy mothers a variety of heart anomalies were seen (P=0.035).Conclusion: This study showed that diabetes of mothers is an essential factor in occurrence of ventricular hypertrophy and heart anomalies in infants.

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Objective: Determination of trigger factors, incidence time, delay time and delaying factors in patients with acute myocardial infarction referred to selected military hospitals in Tehran city in year 2005.Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional research which included 200 patients of acute myocardial infarction. These patients were gathered by convenience sampling method in military hospitals in Tehran city in 2005.Results: 73.5% of patients were male. Mean age was 56 years old. The most common risk factors were hypoactivity 79%, stress 66.5%, hyperlipidemia 43.5%, and smoking 42%. The most frequent week day of heart attack was Saturday (the first work day in Iran) (24%). The most frequent time of heart attack was 8 am - 12 Noon (32%). Trigger factors of disease in order of frequency were tension 40.5%, anger 31.5%, smoking 30.5%, waking up 29% and heavy activity 28.5%. After heart attack occurrence, the mean time of delay to take the patient to hospital was about 4 hours and 54 minutes and the most frequent reasons in order of frequency were self-treatment 51.5%, expectation of natural recovery 50% and unawareness 49%.Conclusion: Delaying factors reveals a need of comprehensive public training and providing enough transmission facilities for patients.

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Objective: In this study, migraine triggering factors were analyzed. By identifying these factors and removing them, the recurrence of migraine attacks could be prevented as much as possible.Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 300 patients who referred to neurological clinic of Baqiyatallah Hospital in the first six months of 2005 were evaluated and the effective factors in their attacks were collected by questionnaire.Results: The most frequent reported factors in 78 male patients were lack of enough sleep (69.2% OR=3/2), fatigue (64.1%) and stress (61/5%) and the least contributing factors were drugs and fatty food (2.6% OR=115). The most common factors in all 222 female patients were stress and fatigue (65.8%) and the least contributing factors were tea and coffee (1.8%); whereas sexual activity and drugs were not reported in this group. The frequency of contributing factors of migraine in all 300 patients was as.follow: fatigue (65.3%), stress (64.7%), sleeping disorders (64.7%), hunger (48.7%), physical activity (41.3%), perfumes (46%), seasons (23.3%), climate changes (21.3%), cheese (11.3%), canned foods (11.3%), chocolate (10%), fatty foods (4.7%), onion (3.3%), pickles (3.3%), condiments (2.7%), tea and coffee (1.3%) and drugs (0.7%). The most frequently cited triggering factor in both genders was fatigue (65.3%). There was no relation between the triggering factors and the gender and the type of migraine.Conclusion: Informing the patients with migraine about the headache triggering factors is beneficial in reducing the intensity and the frequency of migraine attacks.

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Introduction: In the current study, we intended to evaluate the effects of propofol and thiopental sodium on APGAR and neurobehavioral scores of the neonates and the variation of hemodynarnic indices and their possible side effects on the mothers.Materials and Methods: In this double blind randomized clinical trial, 50 patients with ASA class I undergoing cesarean section were randomly separated into two equal groups. For anesthesia in the first group thiopental 5 mg/kg and in the second group propofol 2 mg/kg were used. Time of induction of anesthesia, time of child birth, time of uterus incision and duration of surgery were recorded. Neonates APGAR scores in 1 and 5 minutes and neurobehavioral examinations in 8-12 hours after section were detected. The results were compared using SPSS software and t-test.Results: Time of uterus incision, time of child birth and duration of surgery did not have any significant difference in the two groups. No significant difference was detected in the hemodynamic variations in the mothers of the two groups. No significant difference was detected in the APGAR scores in 1 minute (p=0.602) and 5 minutes (p=0.322) in the neonates of the two groups and no significant difference was detected in the mean of neurobehavioral scores of two groups (p=0.546).Conclusion: Considering the absence of any differences in the APGAR scores and neurobehavioral scores in the neonate of the two groups, this conclusion can be driven that propofol is the suitable alternative for induction anesthesia in cesarean section.

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Introduction: Considering the pitfalls of measuring urinary .protein for detecting proteinuria & importance of proteinuria in pregnant women, is necessary to recognizing method that is both faster and easier. One of these methods is using Pr/Cr Ratio is urinary sample that its validity is controversial in different studies. In this study we tried to compare between Pr/Cr ratios in random urinary sample with a standard method that' is now available for pregnant women suspected to preeclampsia.Materials and methods: In a "process research" study that was done in Bagiyatallah hospital in Tehran during 3 years on 121 pregnant women that their gestational ages was above 24 weeks and they were suspected to preeclampsia. In this study two.methods of measuring urinary random Pr/Cr ratio of collected of 24 hrs urine as a standard method was performed in patients. Sensitivity & specificity of this test for measuring proteinuria was calculated in different levels.Results: 50% of 121 patients contributed in studies had significant proteinuria in 24 hrs urinary sample. Results showed that Pr/Cr ratio levels below 0.12 concluded apparent proteinuria and best level for distinguishing proteinuria was 0.19 and above that had (90%) Sensitivity and 70% specificity. All false negative cases had below 400 mg Pr in 24 hrs collected urine. 15 cases of 18 false positive had 250-300 mg level. Correlative coefficient of study was 0.82 (P<0.001).Conclusion: In this study there was a strong relation between Pr/Cr & preeclampsia. Best level for predicting significant proteinuria was above 0.19. It assumes with wider studies determining random urinary Cr/Pr ratio is a faster & simpler way & is a good alternative for 24hrs urine collection.

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Introduction: Posterior mediastinal cysts are rare and constitute a small but important diagnostic group of mediastinal masses. The aim of presenting this case is to highlight rarity and unusual presentation.Case Report: A case of mesenchymal cyst located on the posterior mediastinum extending into the retroperitoneum in a 45-year-old man who was presented with sciatic pain in his left lower extremity was referred to our clinic. Preoperative MRI study revealed evidence of a left L5-S1 disc herniation and a 10 cm aortic aneurism anterior to the spinal column (T10-L1). Radiologic studies showed a large homogeneous unilocular cystic mass in the mediastinum (between the aorta and vena cava) extending into the retroperitoneal space across the diaphragm. Diagnosis was confirmed with histopathologic examinations.Conclusion: Surgical resection is the treatment of choice for most cysts occur in the mediastinum but some authors do not recommend surgical removal as primary treatment for small and asymptomatic simple mediastinal cysts. Excision of simple mediastinal cysts is indicated for diagnostic purposes only.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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