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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of stimulation of nucleus basalis of Meynert (NBM) on the response properties of barrel cortical neurons in the rat primary somatosensory cortex.Material and Methods: Extra cellular single-unit recording to computer-controlled displacement of whiskers were obtained in layer V of barrel cortex of Wistar male rats. NBM was electrically stimulated and the response properties of neurons in barrel cortex before and after NBM stimulation were compared.Results: The results showed that NBM electrical stimulation changes evoked responses in 60.7 % of neurons. The others (39.3%) were not affected. After NBM stimulation the most evident effects were decreasing responses of neurons, which were observed in 76.5% of changed cases. This effect was eliminated within 800 ms. NBM stimulation significantly decreased the response latency, while it did not change the spontaneous activity of neurons.Conclusion: It was concluded that NBM has an important role in regulating the balance of excitation and inhibition in the barrel cortex.

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View 811

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Introduction: The aims of this study was investigation of different parts of Citrullus Colocynthis fruit extract on Glucose concentration and antioxidant system in diabetic rat induced by Streptozotocin.Materials and Methods: We investigated glycemia and antioxidant system, in six groups of rats [I, II, III, IV, V, VI] normal, diabetic control, diabetic treatment with shelf extract (200 mg/kg), diabetic treatment with shelf and core extract (200 mg/kg), prediabetic treatment with shelf extract (200 mg/kg) plus STZ injection, prediabetic treatment with shelf and core extract (200 mg/kg) plus STZ injection, respectively. Groups III and IV were treated daily with 200 mg/kg of Citrullus Colocynthis extract for 3 weeks and groups V and VI were pretreated with Citrullus Colocynthis extract for 2 weeks and then STZ was injected. Fasting blood glucose (FBS), Glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malone dialdehyde (MDA) in spleen, liver and kidney were measured.Results: Increased glycemia in diabetic rats vs control rats (209.6±18.56, 105.6±18.56 mg/dl respectively) but after treatment with Citrullus Colocynthis fruit extract glucose concentration was reduced 12.5% and 22.48% respectively. GSH and SOD activities were lower in diabetic vs control rats 21 days after STZ injection but MDA was increased. Glycemia and MDA were negatively correlated with treatment and GSH concentration and SOD activity were increased significantly in all tissues. The effect of Citrullus Colocynthis fruit extract on prevention and development of diabetes was investigated by pretreatment of rats (groups Vand VI) and then STZ was injected as the same as the other groups. 25% reduction in the frequency of diabetes in pretreatment animals was shown.Conclusion: The results showed that oral Citrullus Colocynthis fruit extract is useful for prevention/reduction of development of diabetes through the lowering of oxidative stress and glycemia.

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Introduction: Evaluation of anti-Candidal effects of Tagetes Minuta extract against Candida Albicans resistance and sensitive to Fluconazole.Materials and Methods: Approaching to this goal obtained by collecting the root plant in bloom stage, washing them and extracting with 70% ethanolic by maceration. The macerate was filtered and concentrated at 40 c. Yeasts resistance and sensitive to Fluconazole in suboroud dextrose broth were pured in 96 well micro test tray and exposed to Tagetes Minuta extracts.Results: Results of this study showed that antifungal extract has effect against C. Albicans resistance and sensitive to Fluconazole. The minimal inhibitory concentration of Tagetes Minuta determined in the range of 69 μ g/ml for all tested C. Albicans. In general the results obtained in this study indicated that T. Minuta has potential effects on for inhibition of C. Albicans.Discussion: In this study, yeast extract of T. Minuta has more effect on C. Albicans resistance to Fluconazole compared with the susceptible ones. Wide range use antifungal agents especially azole compounds in treatment of candidiasis has resulted in fungal resistance in Candida. Thus it is necessary to use antifungal susceptibility tests before selecting a suitable drug for infections which can result in the decrease in secondary drug resistance and better manipulation of treatment protocols. According to the results of this test and antifungal activity on C. Albicans isolates it seems that plant extracts are good antifungal sources in control of human diseases.

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View 733

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of C. albicans infection (Candidiasis) and it's structural and secretion proteins on tumor mass status, intra-tumor CD4/CD8 ratio of the mammary tumor in Balb/c mice (in vivo) and also immunosuppressive effect of C. albicans proteins in in vitro condition.Materials and methods: C. albicans was cultured in liquid culture media and then secretary proteins were collected and purified by gel filtration chromatography. Structural proteins were obtained by sonication of the yeast and the death and survival of the mice were considered too. Structural and secretory proteins of C. albicans were evaluated by MTT assay. After that, tumor tissue was separated from breast cancer bearing mouse and then transplanted subcutaneously to syngenic Balb/c mice. Then, tumor-developed mice were located in 4 groups. In first group the mice were infected with C. albicans by IV injection. Second group received structural proteins, third group received fraction of secratory proteins and fourth group received PBS daily. Intra-tumor CD8/CD4 ratio were analyzed by flowcytometry.Results: MTT assay revealed that structural and secretory proteins of candida albicans cause suppression of proliferation responses (P<0.05). All groups of mice which received proteins and fraction of candida albicans or infected with candida albicans had significant increase in tumor volume compared with control group. Survival of the mice in all test groups decreased compared with the control group. Analysis of flowcytometry showed that structural and secretory proteins of candida albicans and infection with candida albicans cause decrease in intra-tumor CD4/CD8 ratio.Discussion: Analysis of flow cytome try revealed that, although tumor mass increased, but the contributory cells (TCD4) could not be T helper. By these results we understood that TCD4 cells in tumor are regulatory T cells that suppress immune response and cause increase in tumor mass and progression of tumor. Structural and secratory proteins of candida albicans showed immunosuppressive effects on proliferation of lymphocytes and we can consider these proteins as a factor of increasing mass tumor and progression of malignancy in breast cancer patients.

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View 1552

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Objective: Previous studies have shown that the extract of Papaver Rhoeas reduces morphine dependence and reward.Materials and Methods: In the present study, the effects of water-alcohol extract of Papaver Rhoeas on the tolerance to analgesic effects of morphine in mice has been investigated using tail flick method.Results: Subcutaneous administration of morphine (1, 2, 5 and 10 mg/kg) induced analgesia. Reduction of analgesic in mice pretreated with morphine (50 mg/kg, twice daily; X 3 days), alone, indicated that tolerance has been developed. Extract (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg, i.p.) administration, 30 min before each of three daily doses of morphine attenuated the morphine tolerance.Conclusion: The results indicated that administration of the extract of Papaver Rhoeas reduces morphine tolerance in mice, which may be true in human as well.

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View 1271

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Introduction: The treatment of osteoarthritis (OA), a disease affecting the majority of the elderly population, involves the alleviation of symptoms, such as pain and stiffness, and the reduction of inflammation.Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of Elaeagnus Angustifolia (EA) extract tablets in the treatment of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, compared with acetaminophen and a control group administered placebo tablets.Material and Methods: In this study, 120 patients with OA of the knee and with moderate to severe pain, with no significant concomitant disorders, and with matching age, sex, BMI, and Kellgren-Lawrence grades were studied in a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind 7-week trial. The trial consisted of a 2-week washout period followed by three different treatment plans, with 40 patients receiving Elaeagnus angustifolia extract, 40 patients receiving a placebo, and 40 patients administered acetaminophen, each with a dosage of 2 tablets per day. Patients with severe pain, permitted using naproxen as rescue medication throughout the study. The evaluation of the results consisted of visual analogue scale (VAS) pain assessment, Lequesne’s Pain-Function Index (LPFI), and patient and physician global Assessment of efficacy and tolerability by patient and physician.Results: 115 patients were evaluated for 7 weeks; 38 patients received EA; 37 received acetaminophen; 40 received placebo. The mean±SD LPFI score decreased from 9.3±2.6 to 6.7±3.1 in the EA group and from 10.4±2.8 to 8.6±2.9 in the acetaminophen group and from 9.4±2.9 to 8.3±2.9 in the placebo group (P<0.001). Pain decreased from 40.8±17.8 to 23.2±15.4 in the EA group and from 37.4±18.6 to 27.8±19.6 in the acetaminophen group, and from 42.6±13.5 to 41.6±12.7 in the placebo group at week 7 (P<0.001). For patient and physician global assessment, improvements from baseline in EA groups were superior to the acetaminophen and placebo groups (P<0.001). No clinically or statistically significant differences were seen in adverse events or tolerability among the study groups.Conclusion: This study showed that Elaeagnus angustifolia extract, a new herbal remedy, provides significant efficacy over a cetaminophen and placebo in treatment of OA of the knee.

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Introduction: The object of this study was evaluation electrical activity of trunk muscle in chronic low back pain patients during holding load.Material and Method: Ten women with chronic low back pain 20-25 years old and ten healthy women were participated in this study. Five channel EMG systems were used to evaluate the right trunk muscle activities (rectus abdominis, internal and external oblique, erector spine, and multifidus). Six static tasks while holding three levels of load (0,6 and 12 Kg) and two levels of trunk position (neutral and 30 degree of flexion) were simulated for subjects.Results: Results of this study showed that %MVC of internal oblique in patients with low back pain is less than healthy during loading 6 and 12 kilogram in neutral trunk position. In addition, %MVC of external oblique in patients with low back pain is more than healthy during loading 12 kilogram in flexed trunk position (P<0.05).Conclusion: Higher activation of global and lower activation of local abdominal muscle may represent that pain changes muscle motor program. Therefore exercise therapy in these patients must lead to improvement function of motor control system.

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Introduction: We studied the effect of Zenapax induction therapy compared with Anti Lymphocyte Globulin (ALG) induction therapy in high-risk recipients.Matherials and Methods: Twenty five re-transplanted patients as high-risk recipients were randomized into two groups. Group 1 (n=11) received Zenapax prophylaxis and group 2 (n=14) received ALG prophylaxis. Baseline immunosuppression consisted of cyclosporine, prednisolone and mycophenolate mofetil. All patients were followed one year after transplantation.Results: Recipients’ sex, age, etiology of end stage renal disease (ESRD), PRA serostatus, as well as donors’ sex and age were comparable between two groups. All patients received re-transplantations from unrelated living donors. After transplantation, episodes of acute rejection were observed in 8 patients of ALG group vs. only 2 patients in Zenapax group (P=0.04). There was no difference regarding to rate of acute tubular necrotic (ATN) between two groups. One-year graft survival was 100% in Zenapax group vs. 68.7% in ALG group (P=0.05). Anemia occurred in one patient in Zenapax group vs. five patients in ALG group (P=0.04). Five cases of leukopenia and four cases of thrombocytopenia were observed in ALG group whereas none patients in Zenapax group experienced these two complications (P=0.007 and P=0.02, respectively). Rate of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection was similar in the two groups.Conclusions: In conclusion, this study suggested that Zenapax prophylaxis yielded lower complications. In addition, it seems Zenapax can improve graft outcome and reduces incidence of the acute rejection episodes in high-risk kidney recipients.

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View 1940

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to provide estimates of the average age at menopause and explore some factors associated with age at menopause among women living in Tehran, Iran.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study which has been done between 2004 and 2005, women aged equal or more than 35 years living in districts of Tehran were selected by multistage randomized cluster sampling. For each woman a questionnaire was completed which consisted of a series of questions concerning weight, height, age at menopause, socioeconomic status, age at menarche, age at first pregnancy, regularity of menstrual cycles, parity, age at menopause of the mother and the sister (if existing), smoking, occupational and marital status. The data gained from each questionnaire was analyzed using t-test and Mann Whitney via SPSS 13 soft ware.Results: In this study, 7711 questionnaires were completed. Mean age of interviewed women was 48.48 (SE=0.18) years. In this study, 2462 women among 7711 interviewed women had natural menopause at interview time. The mean age of menopause onset was 47.71 (SE=0.11) years. There was statistically significant correlation between the age of menopause and the number of parities (r=0.08, P=0.001), regularity of menstrual cycle (P=0.0001) and age of their mother at menopause (r =0.32, P=0.0001).Conclusion: This study showed that the mean age of menopause onset was 47.71 (SE=0.11) years and regularity in menstrual cycle, mother’s age at menopause and multiparity in Iranian women living the Tehran had significant correlation with age at menopause.

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Objective: Cytotoxic T lymphocyte–associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) is a key negative regulator of the T cell immune response, and the CTLA4 gene is highly polymorphic. Many positive associations between CTLA4 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and various autoimmune diseases have been identified. Two CTLA4 SNPs that are important relative to genetic susceptibility in human autoimmune diseases are the 49GA polymorphism in exon 1 and the CT60A/G polymorphism in the 3-untranslated region. Using these 2 polymorphisms as markers, we investigated possible genetic associations of CTLA4 in Australian patients with primary Sjogren’s syndrome.Material and Methods: One hundred eleven Australian Caucasian patients with primary SS and 156 population-based controls were genotyped for CTLA4 by polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism methods, using the restriction enzymes BseXI (49G/A) and HpyCh4 IV (CT60).Results: The CT60 and 49G/A SNPs were in strong linkage disequilibrium, and only 3 haplotypes were observed. Significant differences in the haplotype frequencies between patients with primary SS and controls (P=0.032) were observed, with susceptibility to primary SS associated with both the 49A;CT60A haplotype and the 49A;CT60G haplotype, whereas the 49G;CT60G haplotype was protective against primary SS. The 49A;CT60G haplotype association was predominantly with Ro/La autoantibody–positive primary SS, and the dose of this haplotype influenced the severity of daytime sleepiness (P=0.036). The 49A; CT60A haplotype appeared to be protective against the development of Raynaud’s phenomenon in patients with primary SS (odds ratio 0.49, 95% confidence interval 0.27–0.91).Conclusion: The CTLA4 49G/A and CT60 haplotypes are associated with susceptibility to primary SS and with some extraglandular manifestations of the disease.

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View 1068

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Objective: To compare two modalities for trans-sphenoidal hypophysectomy, trans-septal versus trans-meatal.Materials and methods: A chart review and examination of CT and MRI scans of the patients who have had trans-sphenoidal pituitary surgery by the authors during the last 7 years were performed.Results: 31 patients underwent surgery. Mean follow up time was 4 years. Intra-operative hemorrhage and reach time were higher in trans-septal group. Intra-nasal anomalies were the same in both groups in preoperative exam and were corrected in half of the cases. Sphenoidal meatus could be seen in most of the cases without intervention.Conclusion: Although both surgical options provide very good tumor exposure, the endoscopic trans-sphenoidal approach could have less morbidity and is recommended for further surgeries.

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