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سال:1392 | دوره: | شماره: |تعداد مقالات:16

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Context: Stem cells have the potential to generate a renewable source of cells for regenerative medicine due to their ability to self-renew and differentiate to various functional cell types of the adult organism. The extracellular microenvironment plays a pivotal role in controlling stem cell fate responses. Therefore, identification of appropriate environmental stimuli that supports cellular proliferation and lineage specific differentiation is critical for the clinical application of the stem cell therapies.Evidence Acquisition: Traditional methods for stem cells culture offer limited manipulation and control of the extracellular microenvironment. Micro engineering approaches are emerging as powerful tools to control stem cell-microenvironment interactions and for performing high-throughput stem cell experiments.Results: In this review, we provided an overview of the application of technologies such as surface micro patterning, microfluidics, and engineered biomaterials for directing stem cell behavior and determining the molecular cues that regulate cell fate decisions.Conclusions: Stem cells have enormous potential for therapeutic and pharmaceutical applications, because they can give rise to various cell types. Despite their therapeutic potential, many challenges, including the lack of control of the stem cell microenvironment remain. Thus, a greater understanding of stem cell biology that can be used to expand and differentiate embryonic and adult stem cells in a directed manner offers great potential for tissue repair and regenerative medicine.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 320

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Background: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is a new window to therapy of many diseases. From March 1991 through April 2011, a total of 3237 HSCT were performed in the Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation Research Center, affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Here we report 20 years experience of HSCT.Objectives: Our strategy and aim include the protraction of cytogenetic and molecular biological diagnostic tests, the expansion of the first Iranian Cord Blood Bank (ICBB) and development of the first Iranian Stem Cell Donor Program (ISCDP), and improvement the researches in new therapeutic fields.Patients and Methods: Totally, 3237 patients were undergone HSCT. Of these transplants, 2205 were allogeneic stem cell transplantation, 1016 autologous and 16 syngeneic. Among 2205 patients who were undergone allogenic-HSCT, 34 received cord blood stem cells as stem cell source for transplantation. It is important to point out that cord blood bank at our center provides reliable storage of cord blood stem cells for our patients. Stem cell transplantation was performed for treatment of various diseases such as acute myelogenous leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, chronic lymphoblastic leukemia, beta-thalassemia major, sickle- cell thalassemia, sickle- cell disease, multiple myeloma, myelodysplasia, mucopolysaccharidosis, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, severe aplastic anemia, plasma cell leukemia, Niemann-Pick disease, Fanconi anemia, severe combined immunodeficiency, congenital neutropenia, leukocyte adhesion deficiencies, Chediak-Higashi syndrome, osteopetrosis, histiocytosis X, Hurler syndrome, amyloidosis, systemic sclerosis, breast cancer, Ewing’s sarcoma, testicular cancer, germ cell tumors, neuroblastoma, medulloblastoma, renal cell carcinoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, ovarian cancer, Wilms’ tumor, rhabdomyosarcoma, pancreatoblastoma, and multiple sclerosis. Also, we had 220 cellular therapies for post-myocardial infarction, multiple sclerosis, cirrhosis, head of femur necrosis, Diabetes Mellitus and GvHD treatment. 45 patients were undergone retransplantation in this center.Results: About 78.2% of the patients (2530 of 3237) remained alive between one to 211 months after stem cell transplantation. Nearly, 21.8% (707) of our patients died after stem cell transplantation. The main causes of death were relapse, infection, hemorrhagic cystitis, graft-versus- host disease and etcConclusions: In Iran, HSCT has been successfully adapted in routine clinical care. Recently, new methods such as double cord blood and haploidentical transplantation have been used to treat many life-threatening diseases.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 280

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Background: Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting are the most important complications for cancer patients as its prevalence has been reported to be about 54-96 percent. ginger has been used for medicinal purposes including nausea and vomiting in traditional Persian, Chinese and Indian pharmacopoeia. Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of complimentary ginger among cancer patients experiencing nausea and vomiting. Material and Methods: A randomized cross-over clinical trial was carried out on patients under chemotherapy treatment for at least 2 episodes of chemotherapy and at least 2 episodes of previous experience of nausea and vomiting. Subjects of this study received 2 different complementary regimes with 250mg ginger capsule in regime A and placebo capsule in regime B. subjects of the study were crossed over to receive the other regime during the two cycles of chemotherapy. Results: Findings of the study indicated that subjects receiving ginger showed significant reduction in frequency and intensity of nausea and vomiting compared to placebo receiving subjects. Conclusions: According to finding of this study, in accordance to most of other researches, ginger is an effective agent to reduce chemotherapyinduced nausea and vomiting. However, there are some researches supporting ginger as a moderate antiemetic agent among cancerous patients under chemotherapy.

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بازدید 261

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Background: B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) is the most common leukemia in the Western world. Major progress has been made in assessing typical chromosomal abnormalities and recognition of the correlation of these chromosomal abnormalities with laboratory features and clinical course of the disease. The most frequent genomic changes are deletions at 13q14, 11q22-23 and 17p13 and trisomy of chromosome 12.Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in B-CLL patients’ peripheral blood and/or bone marrow using a molecular cytogenetic method, interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (I-FISH) and to evaluate the correlation between these genomic changes and clinical findings.Patients and Methods: I-FISH analyses were performed on bone marrow and blood samples of 66 B-CLL patients.Results: Deletion of 17p13 was found in 11 (16.6%) and deletion 6q21 was present in 5 (7.5%). Statistical analyses were performed to investigate the correlation of these molecular-cytogenetic findings with family history, Rai staging and CD38 marker. No clear differences in distribution was noted for del17p13 and del6q21 among patients with and without family history, and no direct correlation was noted between these genomic changes and CD38 marker, but the correlation of del17p13 and Rai stage was significant. There was a high frequency of Rai stage II within del17p13 patients.Conclusions: It was demonstrated that the presence of del6q21 in B-CLL patients indicates poor prognosis and on the contrary, presence of del17p13 points at the good prognostic value of the disease.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 317

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Background: Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) is one of the most important complications of the pregnancy and cause perinatal morbidity and mortality. History of PPROM is a risk factor of recurrent PPROM. Vitamin C plays an important role in collagen metabolism and increases resistance maintenance of the chorioamniotic membranes.Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the role of vitamin C supplementation in prevention of PPROM in women with a positive history of PPROM.Patients and Methods: This clinical trial study was performed on 170 pregnant women with the history of PPROM, with singleton pregnancy and gestational age 14 weeks in Imam-Reza Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences during 2008 to 2010. They were randomly divided into two groups. The case patients received 100 mg vitamin C daily from 14th weeks of gestation. PPROM occurrence was compared between two groups as an indicator of the protective effect of vitamin C supplements.Results: PPROM occurred in 44.7% of controls and 31.8% of cases (P dlt; 0.05). PROM occurred in 34.1% of controls and 18.8% of cases (P dlt; 0.05). Pregnancy was terminated at term gestation in 21.2% of controls and 49.4% of cases (P dlt; 0.05). Rupture of membranes was significantly decreased in the case group. Conclusions: Vitamin C supplementations after 14th weeks of gestation can prevent from PPROM in women with the history of PPROM.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 279

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Background: The most important complication following cardiac catheterization required urgent therapeutic management is vessel obstruction and arterial thrombosis. The morbidity following this complication can be decreased by surgery intervention and/or thrombolytic drugs.Objectives: In this study we evaluated the effects of ranitidine and hydrocortisone on pediatric patients with congenital heart diseases who suffered from femoral artery obstruction following cardiac catheterization on decreasing the events after streptokinase administration.Materials and Methods: This semi experimental study was conducted on 47 patients among 600 cases who underwent cardiac catheterization from April 2002 to December 2011.The patients suffered from distal vessel obstruction following cardiac catheterization with no response to surgery intervention, were enrolled and divided in two groups. Streptokinase was administrated in both groups. Patients in group 2 (25 cases), received ranitidine and hydrocortisone before streptokinase administration. In group 1 (22 cases), the loading dose of streptokinase was 2000IU/kg/ in 20-30 minutes/ infusion and thereafter streptokinase was administrated 1000 IU /kg/hour. In group 2, the loading dose was 3000IU/kg in 20-30 minutes /infusion and 1500 IU/kg/hour as maintenance dose. The infusion dose of streptokinase was decreased and then terminated in 2-3 hours by the time arterial pulse was detected by pulse oximetry.Results: There were 13 (59, 1%) male and 9 (40.9%) female patients in group 1. In group 2, there were 15 (60%) male and 10 (40%) female cases (P=0.949). Patients in both groups were matched well regarding age, body weight, height and the duration of streptokinase infusion (P dlt;0.05). The incidence of hematoma was higher in group 1 than group 2 (P=0.032). the patients of Group 1 required more blood transfusion than group 2 because the incidence of bleeding was more in the first group (P=0.042). 12 patients in group 1 required fresh frozen plasma transfusion versus 4 patients in group 2 (P=0.049). Local oozing was detected more in group 1 (P=0.042). Significant bleeding was occurred in 6 cases in group 1; however this event did not occurrin any patients in group 2 (P=0.007). Although 4 patients in group 1 suffered from anaphylactic shock after streptokinase administration but no patients in group 2 did. (P=0.041).Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, we concluded that streptokinase was able to remove the vessel thrombosis at the site of cardiac catheterization and ranitidine and hydrocortisone administration before streptokinase may be effective in order to reduce the complications related to thrombolytic drugs; however the experience of the performer is an issue of concern in this matter.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 309

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Backgrounds: Shigellosis remains an important public health problem in developing countries with S. sonnei and S. flexneri in US, Europe and in Asian countries being of importance.Objectives: This study evaluates the protective effect of Lactobacillus casei cell-free culture supernatants (CFCS) against multiple drug resistance (MDR) clinical samples of Shigella sonnei and Shigella flexneri in vitro.Materials and Methods: S. sonnei and S .flexneri was identified by common microbiological and serological methods. Antibiogram with 18 antibiotics were tested for 34 positive cultures by disc diffusion method. The Samples showed considerable resistance to antibiotics. Antimicrobial effects of CFCS were tested against S. sonnei and S. flexneri by agar-well assay and broth micro dilution methods. In addition, the antimicrobial activity remained active treatment after adjust pH 7, adding Proteinase K and heating for L. casei.Results: The results implicate that L. casei strongly inhibits the development of pathogen samples. In contrast, via the disc diffusion method 4 out of 18 antibiogram have shown complete resistance against the pathogen samples. In addition, the natures of antimicrobial properties have been tested in different conditions such as various pH, temperature and presence of proteinase K. The MIC50 (minimum inhibitory concentration) and MIC90 of CFCS of L. casei were determined, for S. sonnei were 2.25 and 10.5, for S .flexneri were 5.25 and 5.25 respectively. The results have shown a significant resistance pattern by these four antibiotics in this case.Conclusions: The data indicates that. L. casei highly resistant against to antibiotics, heat, Proteinase K and so many activities against MDR Shigella pathogenic strains . L. casei is the best probiotics candidate.

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بازدید 247

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Background: Disability in spinal cord injury is an important medical problem, and cell transplantation is considered as an option for the treatment.Objectives: The purpose of this study is to use bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) derived cholinergic neuron-like cells (CNL) in order to ameliorate the contusion model of spinal cord injury in rats.Materials and Methods: The CNLs were produced by pre inducing BMSCs with b-mercaptoethanol (BME) followed by inducing with nerve growth factor (NGF). The cells were immunoreactive to neurofilament 200, NeuN, synaptophysin, synapsin, microtubule associated protein-2 and choline acetyl transferase (ChAT). The CNL were transplanted in contused rats (CR), which were sacrificed after 12 weeks.Results: The results showed that BBB test showed an improvement in the CR, while the quantitative analysis showed that the improvement rate was higher in the rats treated with CNL than those treated with BMSCs only or the untreated animals, similar results were noticed in the improvement index. Immunohistochemical analysis of the tissue section prepared from the CR showed that the transplanted cells were engrafted and integrated in the traumatized spinal cord. The morphometric analysis showed that the volume density of the cavity in the CNL treated rats was significantly lower than that of the untreated ones, while the spinal tissue regeneration index was significantly higher.Conclusions: The conclusion of the study is that CNL can improve the injured spinal cord.

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بازدید 362

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Background: Spontaneous pneumothoraxes constituted 1.1000 hospital admissions. They are particularly one of life threatening health issues in combination with bilateral pneumothorax, tension pneumothorax, repertory failure or COPD.Objectives: The cases of spontaneous pneumothorax represent a significant portion of the patients profile within the chest surgery clinics. The risk of recurrent pneumothorax in post thoracoscopy is between 2% and 14%, thus the subject of cure treatment and approach is still controversial. The cases were retrospectively treated due to spontaneous pneumothorax and their reasons, treatment approaches and results were comparatively examined with the literature.Patients and Methods: The years between 2007 and 2010, according to our hospital clinic, outpatients and accident d amp; emergency admission records, 79 patients were admitted with a diagnosis of spontaneous pneumothorax; and the patients’ age, gender, symptoms, types of pneumothorax, surgical intervention and recurrence, average length of stay, mortality and complications were retrospectively evaluated.Results: Seventy of all the patients (88.6%) were male and 9 of those (13.7%) were female. The mean age was calculated as 45.50±21.07 (0-85). The patients were comprised of 41 (51.9%) with primary spontaneous pneumothorax and 38 (48.1%) with secondary spontaneous pneumothorax. 55 of the patients (69.6%) with the first attack, and 24 patients (30.4%) with post tube thoracotomy’s 2nd or 3rd pneumothorax attack were admitted. Those who were accepted with post tube thoracostomy’s 2nd or 3rd attack made up 2.3 of the secondary spontaneous pneumothorax patients. 57 of the patients (68.4%) were treated with the tube thoracostomy. The tube thoracostomy related complication was 6.3%, hemorrhage due to parenchymal damage and massive air leak were observed. An open surgical method to 22 of those patients and apical resection and apical pleurectomy+tetracycline pleurodesis to 16 of whom and bullae ligation and mechanical abrasion to 6 patients were applied. The recurrence of pneumothorax in post-surgery was not observed for 1-3 year period Complication was not detected .Mortality, one patient (1.3%) died in post tube thoracotomy, which was a stage 4 lung cancer patient. Conclusions: Most cases for pneumothorax were consisted of the patients with the primary spontaneous pneumothorax; the patients with recurrent pneumothorax were comprised of secondary spontaneous pneumothorax patients and those of majority secondary spontaneous pneumothorax patients were observed with bullous emphysema profile. By looking at the pertinent literature, there are publications showing VATS with the recurrence rate ranging from 2% to 14% and post thoracotomy recurrence rate from 0% to 7%. We think that applying pleurectomy, mechanical abrasion and chemical pleurodesis additional to bullae ligation or apical resection in pneumothorax surgery will significantly reduce the recurrence rate.

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بازدید 335

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Background: In this study Mindfulness and CBT were combined to investigate the enhance of psychotropic work. Both therapies have integrated acceptance-based mindfulness approaches with change-based cognitive behavioral therapies to create efficacious treatments. That is, introduce use of MBCT in active phase of treatment and chronic depression.Objectives: This study was done to evaluate efficacy of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and traditional Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) with Treatments as usual (TAU) to reduce psychiatric symptoms in a sample of patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).Materials and Methods: 90 patients who were referred to clinics of university of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences and Tehran University Counseling Centre and met DSM-IV criteria for MDD were selected. They were randomly assigned to MBCT (n=30), CBT (n=30), or TAU (n=30). They were aged between 18 and 45 years (M=28, SD=8), with an average of two previous depression episodes. They were interviewed through the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV and self-report by Brief Symptom Inventory, pre and post treatment. Patients in MBCT and CBT group received the treatment, while TAU group continued therapy (anti-depressant).Results: The results indicated that MBCT and CBT groups have significant efficacy on reduction of MDD symptoms.Conclusions: MBCT appears to be as effective as CBT in the treatment of current depression.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 378

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Background: Steroid administration during cardiopulmonary bypass is considered to improve cardiopulmonary function by modulating inflammations caused by bypass.Objectives: This study was performed to compare effectiveness of preoperative and intraoperative methylprednisolone (MP) to preoperative methylprednisolone alone in post bypass inflammatory (IL-6) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) factors.Patients and Methods: Fifty pediatric patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery from August 2011 to 2012 in the cardiac surgery department of Imam Reza Hospital, the major center for CPB, in Mashhad, Iran were randomly assigned to receive preoperative and intraoperative MP (30 mg/kg, 4 hours before bypass and in bypass prime, number 25) or preoperative MP only (30 mg/kg, number 25). Before and after bypass, four and 24 hours after bypass, serum IL-6 and IL-10 were measured by ELISA.Results: In both groups, no significant difference with variation of expression for IL-6 (inflammatory factor) and IL-10 (anti-inflammatory factor) in different times after bypass was observed.Conclusions: No significant difference in reducing post bypass inflammation between preoperative steroid treatment and combined preoperative and intraoperative steroid administration reported and they had the same effects.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 312

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Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) have been defined by the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) as irreversible conditions which are diagnosed by fixed cut-off points of FEV1/FVC.Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the cut-off points for FEV1/FEV6 ratio and FEV6 as alternatives for FEV1/FVC and FVC in detection of airway obstruction and lung restriction, respectively.Materials and Methods: A total of 318 Spiro metric examinations of subjects referred to Shariati hospital were analyzed. A subject was considered to have obstruction if FEV1/FVC was lower than 70%. The restriction was defined as FVC dlt; 80% in the absence of obstruction. The Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of FEV1/FEV6 and FEV6 were calculated.Results: This study shows that the current cut-off points used to detect obstruction and restriction can be replaced by FEV1/FEV6 dlt; 71% and FEV6 dlt; 83%, respectively. FEV1/FEV6 had sensitivity of 95.5% and specificity of 99.4%; the PPV and NPVs were 99.3% and 96.3%. The prevalence of obstruction was 49.4%. For restrictive pattern, FEV6 had sensitivity of 93%, specificity of 79.5% with PPV of 18% and NPV of 99.5%. The prevalence of restriction was 6.3%.Conclusions: The FEV1/FEV6 ratio can be used as a valid surrogate for FEV1/FVC in the diagnosis of airway obstruction, especially for screening purposes in high-risk populations for COPD. Moreover, FEV6 is an acceptable alternative for FVC in detection of restrictive pattern.

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بازدید 341

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Background: Chronic abdominal pain (CAP) is a serious medical condition which needs to be approached with great attention. Chronic abdominal pain may be caused by entrapment of cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves (ACNES).Objectives: The aim of this study is the surgery for abdominal wall pain which caused by cutaneous nerve entrapment in children during last 5 years.Materials and Methods: In all children with ACNES, we tried conservative treatment with anesthetic and steroid injections. In children who were refractory to conservative treatment, we received surgical procedure like sectioning the entrapped nerve to obtain relief.Results: In 12 pediatric patients with chronic abdominal pain, we diagnosed ACNES. Each presented with abdominal pain and a positive Carnett sign. Local nerve blocks using anesthetic and steroid injections are the treatment. In all patients, we tried with local nerve block. In 3 patients, pain improvement occurs in the few minutes, and they were without pain after 5 days. In other 4 patients required a reinjection for pain recurrence. In one patients pain was gone. The maximum reinjection was 3. In other 5 patients, we did operative treatment like sectioning the entrapped nerve.Conclusions: Some children with CAP have ACNES. In all children with ACNES, we recommended local nerve blocks. If the local block in 3 times is not helping, neurectomy of the peripheral nerve is method of choice.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 299

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Background: Considerable reports concerned the framing effect in medical situations. But quite few of them noticed to explore the differences among the various kinds of framing effects.Objectives: In the present study, five different types of framing effects were examined and the effect sizes of them were compared.Materials and Methods: Medical decision making problems concerning medicine effect evaluation, patient’s compliance, treatment and doctor options selection were established. All the problems were described in both positive and negative frames. 500 undergraduates as participants were randomly divided into ten groups. Participants from each group were asked to finish one decision making task.Results: All the frames that were examined leaded to significant framing effects: When the Asia Disease Problem was described in a positive frame, the participants preferred the conservative frame than the risky one, while if in a negative frame, the preference reversed (P dlt; 0.01). If the drug effect was described as “of 100 patients taking this kind of medicine, 70 patients became better”, people tended to make more positive evaluations, compared with described as “of 100 patients taking this kind of medicine, 30 patients didn’t become better” (P dlt; 0.01). Doctors’ advices were respectively described in a baneful or beneficial frame and the former one resulted in a better compliance (P dlt; 0.05). If treatment options were described with a survival rate, people tended to choose risky option, while if described with a mortality rate, people tended to choose conservative option (P dlt; 0.05). The number sized framing effect was also tested to be significant (P dlt; 0.01). The five types of framing effects were small to big in effect size.Conclusions: Medical decision making can be affected by frame descriptions. Attentions should be paid on the standardization of description in medical practice.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 350

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Background: Smoothing methods are widely used to analyze epidemiologic data, particularly in the area of environmental health where non-linear relationships are not uncommon. This study focused on three different smoothing methods in Cox models: penalized splines, restricted cubic splines and fractional polynomials.Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the effects of prognostic factors on survival of patients with gastric cancer using the smoothing methods in Cox model and Cox proportional hazards. Also, all models were compared to each other in order to find the best one.Materials and Methods: We retrospectively studied 216 patients with gastric cancer who were registered in one referral cancer registry center in Tehran, Iran. Age at diagnosis, sex, presence of metastasis, tumor size, histology type, lymph node metastasis, and pathologic stages were entered in to analysis using the Cox proportional hazards model and smoothing methods in Cox model. The SPSS version 18.0 and R version 2.14.1 were used for data analysis. These models compared with Akaike information criterion.Results: In this study, The 5 year survival rate was 30%. The Cox proportional hazards, penalized spline and fractional polynomial models let to similar results and Akaike information criterion showed a better performance for these three models comparing to the restricted cubic spline. Also, P-value and likelihood ratio test in restricted cubic spline was greater than other models. Note that the best model is indicated by the lowest Akaike information criterion.Conclusions: The use of smoothing methods helps us to eliminate non-linear effects but it is more appropriate to use Cox proportional hazards model in medical data because of its’ ease of interpretation and capability of modeling both continuous and discrete covariates. Also, Cox proportional hazards model and smoothing methods analysis identified that age at diagnosis and tumor size were independent prognostic factors for the survival of patients with gastric cancer (P dlt; 0.05). According to these results the early detection of patients at younger age and in primary stages may be important to increase survival.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 302

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Dear Editor, Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality after myocardial infarction in the world with many complications in somatic, psychosocial and disabilities. Each year in the United States, around 50.000 people die after a TBI. This accounts for 1.3 of all injury deaths. In addition, 90.000 people experience lifelong disability associated with a TBI.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 394

مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resourcesدانلود 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resourcesاستناد 2 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resourcesمرجع 0
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