The health care industry is a relatively late starter in This no-finish-line quality race, but fortunately There are advantages to not being in The vanguard: So many precedents have been established that information is readily available from the quality pioneers. In that information, the late starter will find lesson others have learned (some times at considerable expense). The late starter can avoid the pits into which early starter have fallen.It has been observed that the health care industry's interest in quality and principles of total quality management (TQM) parallels the interest evinced by industry itself in the 1980s, and as health care organizations are merging with each other increasingly to form integrated health systems, so the quality - based strategic planning is required.In economic terms, health care is a good, its value realized through the market-place activity of buyers and sellers.The efficiency of health care markets, like that of other markets, depends on three parameters: The numeric balance of participants (the number of buyers versus the number of sellers), externalities (external factors that impede or skew market functioning), and the availability of information to all participants.Because, at the center of any professional activity is a continuing effort to improve performance, so health care organizations as like as any other organizations have done this; in addition philosophy of paying attraction to health care quality is: within health care, problems are being generated faster than we can address them.Patient care is the focus of many clinical disciplines: Medicine, nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, therapies such as respiratory, physical, and occupational, and others. In all disciplines, the quality of clinical decisions depends in part on the quality of information available to the decision-maker. The systems that manage information for patient care are therefore a critical tool.It is recognized that there is an integral relationship between medical decision making, the accumulation of clinical data, health care costs, patient outcomes, and the quality of care.The delivery of quality, cost-effective health care requires efficient decision- support tools based on the medical record system if these end points are to be achieved.Finally, the patient care quality depends on many factors that one of them is health care data quality.However, higher quality means lower costs.