Introduction: One of the main outcomes of surgical operation is deep vein thrombosis (D.V.T). Because of the risky and dangerous outcomes of D.V.T such as pulmonary emboli, the prevention of D.V.T is important. In surgical operations, venous stasis resulting from the immovability of patient can cause D.V.T. Pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery is important, supposing that it can intensify and aggravate D.V.T initiation. In this investigation, medicinal prevention from D.V.T by heparin in low dose has been studied.Materials & Methods: In the present study, 103 patients who were under laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgical operation were randomly divided into two groups; heparin receivers (N=48) and non-heparin receivers (N=55) group. The patients of the first group were received heparin (5000 unit) about two hours prior to surgery and then every 12 hours after surgery until the patients were dismissed. Ultrasonography was carried out for all patients in 3 stages; prior to surgical operation, the first day after surgical operation, and day seven after surgical operation. The chi-square test was used to statistically analyze of data.Results: There was no statistical difference between two groups with regard to age, gender, height, weight, BMI, duration of operation, the length of time confined to bed, cigarette consumption and OCP usage. D.V.T was not observed in the ultrasonographies that were performed for the patients in both the test and control group. In addition, prophylactic heparin did not produce any complications.Conclusion: Since no D.V.T case was observed in both groups, it is not possible to reject the influence of heparin from prevention of D.V.T and the intensifier effect of pneumoperitoneum on D.V.T It is possible that the reduction of operation time, pneumoperitoneum, bedriddancy on operative table, venous stasis, admission and early mobilization of patient have a preventive effect on D.V.T. These factors have more important influence than the intensifier effect of pneumoperitoneum from prevention of D.V.T. In addition, heparin can use in prophylactic dose without any complications.