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The purpose of this study was explaining the Effect of Absorption Capacity, Organizational Governance and Social Undermining on Innovative Behavior the employees of Ministry of Sports and Youth in Iran. The Research Method Was Descriptive Survey and it is one Type of Apply Research. The statistical population of the study was all experts of the Ministry of Sports and Youth (400 persons). A sample of 230 people were selected according to the Kerjesi and Morgan tables through proportional random sampling. And the class-experts (formal and contractual)-and managers (department managers, deputies, and group presidents). For Data Collection we used to Questionnaire. Convergent validity (first-order confirmatory factor analysis) was used to confirm the validity of questionnaires. In order to determine the reliability of the questionnaires, Cronbach's alpha was used, its value for the absorption capacity questionnaire 0. 93, for the organizational governance questionnaire 0. 98, for the social undermining questionnaire 0. 94 and for the innovative behavior questionnaire 0. 91. In this research, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to analyze the data for the normal distribution of data and the structural equation modeling and path analysis using the software SPSS version 88 and AMOS version 24 were used. The Results of the research showed a Significant and Positive Relationship between Absorptive Capacity with Innovative Behaviour. There is Very weak positive effect between organizational governance with innovative behavior. There is a Significant and negative Relationship between Social Undermining with Innovative Behaviour. . .

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The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of information technology, learning organization and organizational justice on individual creativity of employees of the ministry of sport and youth. The research method is descriptive analytical. The statistical population of this study consists of all employees of the ministry of sport and youth. In which there were around 660 people that 246 people were selected as statistical samples. In this study, simple random sampling method was used. Questionnaires were used to collect information from information technology (Chanupa 2006), learning organization (Watkins 1996) organizational justice (Chester 2007) and individual creativity (Rendsip 2009). To test the research model using structural equation modeling method. The results showed that there are multiple links between the learning organization, information technology and organizational justice with individual creativity of employees and their components in the ministry of sport and youth. Between the learning organization, information technology and organizational justice exist with individual creativity of employees in the ministry of sport and youth. Also, the results of the pattern fitting showed that the values of TLI and CFI indices were higher than 95 and showed the excellent fitting of the pattern. According to the findings of this study, it is suggested that the relevant managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth should pave the way for the development of information technology, learning organization and organizational justice in order to be able to develop the individual creativity of the staff. . .

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The purpose of this study was to designing a strategy map of sport in Mohaghegh Ardabili University by synthesis of ISM model. Research method was Descriptive survey and applied of goal view. The population consisted of Strategic Council of university sport. Strategic Council members include president and two affaire of the University, manager and two experts of physical education management, and 3 members of the faculty of physical education. To designing a strategy map was used methods of Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). sport strategies of university Was determined in Strategic Council meeting and Was set in the matrix in the form of a questionnaire, then was given to research samples. Interpretive Structural Model is a Interactive learning process where a set of different elements and structure are related to each other in a comprehensive and systematic model. The final model showed relationship between strategic goals in four levels. The designing this map is facilitators to implementing strategies to achieving development of healthy lifestyles in the students. . .

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The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of coaching behaviors on team cohesion and performance of Iranian Women’ s Football League players in 1394-1395 (Persian calendar). The research method is descriptive correlational and data collection method is a field method. Statistical population with statistical sample included 176 soccer players in the form of 8 teams. To collect data, Martin & Barnes Coaching Behavior Questionnaire (1999) and Carron et al. Team Cohesion Questionnaire (1985) were used. To measuring performance of women’ s football teams, their rank in the table was used as criterion. Instruments reliability was obtained using Cronbach's alpha test (coaching behavior: 0. 75, cohesion: 0. 83). Research tool validity was confirmed using expert ideas and confirmatory factor analysis in AMOS software. Descriptive statistics (Central tendency, dispersion) and inferential statistics (Structural Equation Modeling-AMOS software) were used for data analysis. The results showed that positive reactive coaching behaviors had significant effect on coherence and team performance; normal coaching behavior had a significant effect on cohesion and no significant effect on team performance and negative reactive coaching behavior had positive significant effect on the team performance and negative significant impact on cohesion. Overall, it is recommended that authorities of the clubs and teams use communicative model of coaching behavior on team cohesion and performance. . .

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Investigating the influence of dimensions of sport stadium atmosphere on Behavioral intention of Football spectators with mediation role of Satisfaction. The research method was of structural equation model (SEM) and 384 spectators of the Tehran derby was selected as a study sample. Measurement scales in this study included the stadium atmosphere, Satisfaction, and Behavioral intention questionnaires of Chen et al(2013). The validity and accuracy of the questionnaire confirmed by the experienced experts in the field and their reliability confimed by Cronbach’ s alpha test. In order to test the research hypothesis SEM were applied. The results from the research showed that Satisfaction of spectators and future fans mediate the influence of dimensions of sport stadium atmosphere on their behavioral intention. From the dimensions of sport stadium atmosphere, team performance, Facility. Electronic device, Professional staff, Team competition, Entertainment, Spectator passion, Spectators behavior, Cheering groups, and Team traditions has the most direct influence of on the spectators satisfaction and also has an indirect influence on their on their Behavioral intention. Sport stadium managers by creating a positive atmosphere in stadiums and increasing the participation experience and satisfaction of spectators, by developing and managing the dimensions of stadium atmosphere particularly, suitable facilities and stadium equipment met the spectator’ s satisfaction and consequently their behavior intentions. . .

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The purpose of this research is the role of emotional intelligence and leadership style of coaches in Success motivation and commitment of elite wrestlers in Iran. this research was purposeful and used in terms of strategy. The statistical population of the study consisted of all wrestlers present in the first half of the 1396 in the national team, which numbered 156 of them. Due to the limited statistical population, the number of samples was considered equal to the statistical population. for collect information, The emotional intelligence Questionnaire of Lan and et. al(2009), Leadership Style of Chelladurai (1980), the Success motivation of Robertz and Torshou (1998) and the Sports Engagement Oskanlan and et. al (1993) were used. The combined reliability of the questionnaires was 0. 71, 0. 74, 0. 70, 0. 81, respectively. For analyzing the data, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and structural equation model were used. The results of the research showed that the effect of emotional intelligence of coaches in success motivation (β =0. 925), on commitment (β =0. 799) and social support style of coaches in success motivation (β =0. 837), on commitment (β =0. 817) and Positive feedback style of coaches in success motivation (β =0. 668) and on commitment (β =0. 639) at alpha level (α =0. 05) was significant. Therefore, it can be said that the emotional intelligence and leadership styles mentioned in the success motivation and wrestler's sports commitment have a positive and Meaningful. . .

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The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effect of social responsibility on bodybuilding clubs customers’ loyalty with moderating role of club reputation. The research method is descriptive and survey type and statistical population of present study consisted of entire customers of the Gonbad Kavous City bodybuilding clubs (6320 customers), which according to Cochran formula, 363 customers were selected as study sample size. To collect the research data, questionnaires of Lechuga (2012) social responsibility; Feldman (2014) reputation and Lee (2017) customers’ loyalty were used. Validity of the questionnaires was verified by 8 masters of sport management and internal consistency of questionnaires by using Cronbach's alpha was determined respectively 0. 91, 0. 84 and 0. 87. To analyze data and identify the effects of research variables, structural equation modeling with the use of PLS software was applied. The results of the study indicate that social responsibility has significant and positive effects on club reputation (t=44. 53, β =0. 83). Also, the effect of social responsibility on customers loyalty was positive and significant (t=4. 06, β =0. 33). Another finding of the study indicated that the club's reputation has a positive and significant effect on customers loyalty (t=7. 92, β =0. 54). Ultimately, the effect of social responsibility on customers loyalty by the mediating role of the club's reputation was confirmed (t=2. 21, β =0. 07). With respect to the results of the study, it can be concluded that doing social responsibilities by bodybuilding clubs can play an important role in the club's reputation and increase the loyalty of their customers. . .

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The purpose of this study was to the economic valuation of participation in sport and determine the willingness of people to pay for their expenses (demand for sport). The required information Has been collected by completing the two-dimensional double, that Partly through electronic distribution and interviews online, and partly through distribution, in printed form and in the face of an audience of people with independent income. Finally, 369 questionnaires are based on statistical analysis. In this research, using the contingent valuation method and logit regression model, the willingness to pay for participation in sport and the factors affecting it have been studied and based on maximum likelihood estimation method parameters of the model are estimated coefficients. MAPLE and SHAZAM software have been used for statistical analysis of variables, mathematical calculations and estimation of logit model parameters. The findings of this study showed that the variables of the number of family members, marital status, age, and suggested price had a significant effect on the likelihood of willingness to pay for participation in sport and activity. But educational variables, monthly income of the family, gender, and significance of exercise were not significant. The average willingness to pay per person is 66899. 5 Toman per month, as well as the annual value of participation in sport is 802794 Toman per person. Finally, to the sports development planners are recommended Use a variety of tools to increase participation in sports, including social marketing and micro-level competitions. . .

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Customer relationship management in sports clubs enhances the ability of clubs to adapt to complex environmental conditions, and it can increase productivity at the clubs. The overall goal of this research is to investigate the effect of customer relationship management on the efficiency and customers re-attendance of sports clubs in Kermanshah province. The present research is applied to the purpose of the research and is descriptive-correlational in terms of research method. The study consisted of all the owners and managers of private clubs Kermanshah province and the sample size of 820 persons was obtained through a sample of 261 persons who were selected through random cluster sampling. To collect information, customer relationship management questionnaire (Alavi Shad, 2008), productivity questionnaire (Asadi, 2001), and customers re-attendance questionnair(Lim, 2006) were used. After assuring validity, the reliability of the questionnaires through Cronbach's alpha The order of 0. 98, 0. 79 and 0. 74 was estimated. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics(K-S test and structural equation modeling) were used to analyze the data. The results of the research showed that CRM has a significant effect on the productivity and re-attendance of the customers of sports clubs in Kermanshah province ( β =0. 85 and β = 0. 43). therefor it can be concluded that the re-attendance customers in sports clubs not only increases the credibility of the clubs, but also increases the profitability and productivity of the clubs. Keywords: Customer Relationship Management, Productivity, Customer re-attendance, Sports Clubs. . .

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The continuous growth of sport tourism has made it one of the most popular leisure and tourism industries. The present study aimed to determine the effects of the image of destination, attitude, and motivation on the future behavior of sports tourists. The present research was an applied-correlational study based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the survey was the audience of the Football League (Esteghlal Khuzestan & Persepolis). The respondents were selected based on convenience sampling method and questionnaires were distributed among them. Finally, a total of 381 questionnaires were used for data analysis. The required data were collected using a standard questionnaire (Lee, 2009), consisting of 5 subscales and 31 items. The face and content validity of questionnaires were assessed by 10 academics. The data were statistically analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics in SPSS-23 and Smart PLS-3. Based on the research results, 40% of individuals’ satisfaction and 42% of variations of future behavior variations can be explained through their image of the destination, attitude, and motivation. Based on the results of structural equation modeling, the impact of the image of destination, attitude, and motivation on future behavior and satisfaction was adequately fitted (SRMR=0/061). The results of the research showed that the motivation, attitude and image of the destination by sporting tourists lead to satisfaction and future behavior. The existence of a positive perception of motivation, attitude and image of destination of travel brings more satisfaction and loyalty to the future behavior of sport tourists. . .

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Dabir Ali Reza

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Abstract The purpose of this research is to determine the strategies and operational plans of the Motorcycle and Automobile Federation. This study is sort of applied research in terms of purpose and a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods were used for data collection and analysis. The sample size was 82 people which was equal to the statistical population as a whole. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 12 professors and sport management experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha test (α = 0. 83). In this study, descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Developed strategies which include using international communications to host events and conduct coaching and refereeing courses, taking advantage of the talent-based approach to place national teams in different levels with regard to abundance of enthusiasts, utilizing media capacities to empower the target community and promoting the development of motorcycling and car racing sports. Moreover, utilizing the private sector’ s partnership and investment in establishing federation’ s self-sufficiency, construction, equipping, renovating and maintaining the sport lanes and facilities, developing activities, identifying and utilizing legal capacities to integrate and regulate motorcycling and car racing sports were considered as well. Furthermore, developing the cultural and ethical environment of motorcycling and car racing sports based on Islamic – Iranian values, Creating National Synergies of Converging Institutions to develop the aforementioned sports were among the developed strategies. . .

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The porpuse of this study was environmental and strategic analysis of veterans and disabled sport board in Hamedan Province. The statistical populations were main stakeholders of wrestling board that 170 persons of them were purposefully selected as the sample. Data were gathered by researcher-made questionnaires. Data were analyzed by SWOT analysis, strategic factors evaluation, TOWS, QSPM and Friedman test in SPSS 16. Results showed that this sport board was confronted with 10 Strengths, 13 Weaknesses, 12 Opportunities and 13 Threats. Also, totally 15 strategies include 7 SO, 3 ST, 8 WO and 1 WT strategies were developed for the veterans and disabled sport board. And, sport board from strategically standpoint was located in WO strategic position. So, 8 WO strategies were ranked. In addition, mission and vision statements, core values, key performance areas and long term goals were developed for sport board. Overall, Hamadan province veterans and disabled sport board has a weak position in terms of the internal environment and has opportunities in the terms of external environment. Hence, it is suggested that this board first implement WO strategies and then other strategies in the form of appropriate operational programs...

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