The purpose of this study was to the economic valuation of participation in sport and determine the willingness of people to pay for their expenses (demand for sport). The required information Has been collected by completing the two-dimensional double, that Partly through electronic distribution and interviews online, and partly through distribution, in printed form and in the face of an audience of people with independent income. Finally, 369 questionnaires are based on statistical analysis. In this research, using the contingent valuation method and logit regression model, the willingness to pay for participation in sport and the factors affecting it have been studied and based on maximum likelihood estimation method parameters of the model are estimated coefficients. MAPLE and SHAZAM software have been used for statistical analysis of variables, mathematical calculations and estimation of logit model parameters. The findings of this study showed that the variables of the number of family members, marital status, age, and suggested price had a significant effect on the likelihood of willingness to pay for participation in sport and activity. But educational variables, monthly income of the family, gender, and significance of exercise were not significant. The average willingness to pay per person is 66899. 5 Toman per month, as well as the annual value of participation in sport is 802794 Toman per person. Finally, to the sports development planners are recommended Use a variety of tools to increase participation in sports, including social marketing and micro-level competitions. . .