The significance of spatial heterogeneity in understanding ecological processes has been recognized long ago. One of the earliest expressions of this recognition is the habitat heterogeneity hypothesis that links spatial heterogeneity to niche vegetation patterns formation and species coexistence. Yet, an important if not crucial aspect of landscape heterogeneity has escaped deep consideration, that is, the possible occurrence of spatial instabilities leading to self-organized heterogeneity. Self-organized heterogeneity or pattern formation, is ubiquitous in the nature. In theory, spatial patterns may provide more powerful leading indicators, as they contain more information than a single data point in a time-series. For systems that have self-organized patterns formation, there are specific signals. However, these signals tend to be specific to the particular mechanism involved and cannot be generalized to other systems. The interaction between vegetation and hydrologic processes is particularly tight in water-limited environments where a positive feedback links water redistribution and vegetation. The vegetation of these systems is commonly patterned, that is, arranged in a two phase mosaic composed of patches with high biomass cover interspersed within a low-cover or bare soil component. These patterns are strongly linked to the redistribution of runoff and resources from source areas (bare patches) to sink areas (vegetation patches) and play an important role in controlling erosion (runoff-run-on mechanism). Disturbances of such as overgrazing or aridity, can alter the structure of vegetation patterns reducing its density and or size which leads to a “leaky” system. A leaky system is less efficient at trapping runoff and sediments and loses valuable water and nutrient resources, inducing a positive-feedback loop that reinforces the degradation process. The most common vegetation pattern found in arid and semi-arid ecosystems is usually referred to as spotted or stippled and consists of dense vegetation clusters that are irregular in shape and surrounded by bare soil. Another common pattern is banded vegetation, also known as “tiger bush”, in which the dense biomass patches form bands, stripes or arcs. Banded vegetation is usually aligned along contour lines and is effective in limiting hillslope erosion. Banded patterns commonly act as closed hydrological systems, with little net outflow and sediment coming out of the system. The effect of spotted vegetation on erosion is more complex and depends on the connectivity of the bare soil areas. Depending on the spatial mechanisms that dominate in arid ecosystems, particular changes in spatial patterns may signal whether vegetation is close to collapsing into bare ground. In during the past few decades have used from mathematical countinume models for evaluation tend of vegetation pattern as, an early warning singnal for predicting desertification transitions in the arid ecosystems. In present paper, describes interaction between vegetations nonlinear dynamics, environmental disturbances and different vegetation patterns according to countinume model of GILAD. Analysis of vegetation patterns can be helpful in understanding desertification.