Background: Basic sciences are the most important examinations of medical students, which can
assess their abilities in passing the general medicine.
Objective: This research has described some important factors, which are related to the exams.
Methods: This analytic study was done in 2001 on 206 medical students who participated in the
exam, from August 1999 to February 2000. For the analysis, the total mean and the scores of 10
courses of the basic sciences together with the final score and some demographic factors were
collected. To analyze the data, Chi-square and unpaired t-test where used together with relative risks
Findings: The failed students were 41 (20%). RR of failing for students with non-regional quota
system, high age, married, period of more than 5 semesters and the mean of less than total mean in
the basic sciences, were 3.5, 2.9, 2.1, 3.4, 12.7 respectively. The RR for students with weak score in
physiology 2, microbiology and parasitology were 10.8, 6.0, 5.5 respectively. All the RRs are
significant as well.
Conclusion: The variables of age, marital status, quota system, mean and period of basic sciences
together with the score of microbiology, parasitology and physiology II are the most effective
factors in the result of the exams.