Quality management is a branch of management that has attracted the attention of organizations today. Islam accepting the profit acquisition and material pleasure through lawful means has target human being as the center for progress, growth and spiritual and material excellence. Islamic culture by stressing the importance of endeavor for knowledge acquisition, work and effort, order and discipline, doing the job rightly and firmly, attempt for self esteem and dignity of Islamic society, has paid the way for trotting the route of optimized productivity and progress.since police organization is also intended to employ quality management, attention to these aspects are desirable. Research method of this writing is documentary and descriptive. Based on Quran and traditions of prophet household, the viewpoint of religion in this subject is studied and explained.Attention to quality in practice in absolute term, honesty and forbearance in work and daily life, avoidance from laziness, good planning and optimized usage of possibilities and opportunities and avoidance of extravagance are the main entries in Qur’an and prophet household traditions about quality management and enhancement of productivity.