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The purpose of this essay is to assess the relationship between translation and cultural transmission in the era of Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar. According to the historical analysis method, it can be said that Iran faced a different situation in the peripheral world in the 19th century; Various political, philosophical, and industrial developments moved east, and translation in this context was meant as a channel of cultural transmission that conveyed the achievement of the origin society to the target communities (Iran and other Muslim societies). But this was not a simple transition, especially with the cultural groups of Eastern societies becoming aware of the nature of European developments and texts resulting from a dual form of "compromise" that persisted for a long time, between translators and some government institutions. There were various criteria for translation selected for translation, the main reasons being internal and external criteria. Internal factors were determined by the effects, norms, and patterns that they presented. This is related to the motivations available for each translator. External criteria also related to the issue of political power and its role in facilitating translations and selecting the type of work.

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This historical research based on the study of primary and secondry sources, is studying four institutes founded by Saladin/Salah al-Ddin Ayyubi (d. 589AH), two in Cairo and two others in Jerusalem. The research has attempted to analyse the factors of appearance of these institutions, according to the religious policies of Ayyubids. It shows also the historical influence of these institutions. In general, these subjects have been studied in the article: political factors of appearance of Salahiyyahs like the political legitimacy; religuos factors of appearance of Salahiyyahs like the motivations on behalf of Ash`ari propaganda and the subversion aganint othor religions; military (Jihadi) factors of appearance of Salahiyyahs i. e. or the propaganda for making wars by muslims against crusaders; and the process factors of appearance of Salahiyyahs i. e. the social – historical diffusion of Madrasah and Khanqah and their cultural life from the east (Iran and Iraq) into west (Syria and Egypt).

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omidvari somayeh

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The loss and negligence of the Islamic architecture essence and reality is one of the problems that face the Islamic architecture today. The Islamic architecture was often studied by various-cultural orientalists. So they were often studying only its surface neglecting the fact that the ornaments and the surface are only manifestation and image of the Islamic architecture and they are changeable by time and place. This study is a try to refer to this fact. Dealing with the visual image of this architecture shouldn't hinder the study of the essence of this architecture which is the implicit truth inside you as a human being and inside the world as an aspect of creation. This research studies: the deep and solid connection between the image and the meaning in the Islamic architecture and the importance of the Islamic architect's role and thoughts. As well as it points clearly to the transition of concepts from the meaning world into the image world, and the symbol matter and its solving where symbols changed from the existing world into the image world which confirms the importance of the Islamic architecture and its clarity in the image.

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Comparative literature consists of a set of methods and approaches, one of which is image of the “ Other” . The image of the “ Other” has attracted the attention of many contemporary scholars. They study the image from various angles, including reading the image of a nation, a religious sect, an alien personality in another nation's literature, as well as the image of a person, a sect, or an insider's group of the poet's community, such as The image of the ISIL that was negative in the literature of many Arab writers after 2012. Being next to the negative "other" afflicts "I" because it imposes its power and suppresses the freedom of "I" in life; in other words, freedom of the "other" is at the expense of my "freedom". This research attempts to examine the image of the "other" in Fadhil Al Azzawi’ s poetry and, on the basis of a descriptive-analytical method, seeks to answer this question: What is the images of foreign “ other” and the Arab seen in t Fadhil Al Azzawi’ s poetry? The research findings show that the reading of "other" is not only related to the approaches of literary criticism, such as structuralism, etc, but also to other branches of the humanities, such as history and sociology. The image that the poet portrays from the "other" first comes from his needs, then the needs of the Iraqi and Arab societies.

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Nahj al-Balaghah Amir al-Mu'minin, in addition to the educational aspects and moral principles and political strategies used in its text, has a targeted linguistic and expressive approach that helps a lot to explain the meaning properly. The morphological, lexical, rhetorical, and phonetic implications used in it make the meanings manifest in their best form. Researchers in the literary aspects of Nahj al-Balaghah know that Imam Ali's use of linguistic tools is purposeful, and when meaning requires a mere instrument, it is grasped by mere implications, where the expression of meaning requires the use of tools. It has rhetoric, rhetorical connotations are used, and where meaning illustration requires the use of the rhetorical aspects of speech, these musical instruments are well used to show meaning. This research is based on a descriptive-analytical method on the aesthetics of the principles of expression used in the fourth sermon of Nahj al-Balaghah and the results show that the sermon in question because the audience is infidel and deceived and denies and Imam Ali does not want to Expressing the obvious form of their name side by side with the sermon, all the metaphors used in the sermon are clear and definite metaphors so that the emphasis is on the similarity and the ugly face of the dumb audience disappears from the Imam's eyes. In the end, Imam Ali seems to have paid special attention to phonetic and metaphorical axes in this sermon, and has presented a major part of the effective meanings of the sermon to the audience through these two stylistically oriented axes. So that if they did not use these tools and expressed their meanings based on ordinary word combinations, it would never have had the current effect on the audience.

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The country is a great concern in the emotional formation of the human being; Iraq has been and still suffers from wars and occupation, and the Iraqi poet has been and still is calling for the preservation of the national identity and cultural privacy, in a way that guarantees the self and civilization of the citizen. And the Iraqi poet HazemRashk Al-Tamimi is not excluded from the rest of the poets, because the homeland has a feeling and emotional attachment that flows from deep down through his mouth in the form of eloquent talk of melody and a great impact on the same recipient. The study chose a critical approach that combines description and analysis, describing the motive based on previous studies, then conducts the technical analysis of the poetic models indicating the motif of the homeland in the poet's office. And reached the most important results: that the suffering of Iraq led to the emergence of Hazem, the father of the homeland in his poems, with a clear prominence, as the image of the homeland appeared to him mixed with sadness, pain and suffering, and this is a reflection of the reality in which the Iraqi people live.

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Undoubtedly, derision is not merely a means of making fun of others. It is also an effective artistic tool in the hand of a writer or a poet to express his political and social concerns. One of those who have used this tool is the Syrian author Zakaria Tamer. In his short story Al-Istighatheh (supplication), he has practiced derision in various ways to criticize the wrong notions cherished by the Syrian society and political regime. Using a descriptive-analytical method in this article and at the suggestion of the authers, the images are drawn by a caricaturist. The present study seeks to convey the author’ s attitudes to the audience, detect the instances of marginalizing the hero’ s identity as a wrong deed, and highlight the artistic manners of derision in the story. As the results suggest, the art of derision is manifested in various concepts such as sleeping Damascus, shattered body, literate readers ignorant of the hero’ s stance, inefficient weapon, false confused and disarmed hero minister, rejection of an abject death, and the end of the hero and his weapon. The artistic techniques of deriding as practiced in the story are magic realism, figurative words, painful ridiculous images, overt and covert ridicules, quasi-tribute rebuke, lexical semantic contradiction, and intertextuality.

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Satire is one of the literary creativities that is used from past to the present time. Sometimes, the audience perceives satire as degrading the others; that is somehow correct. Satire’ s aim is not merely meeting one’ s spiritual needs like laughter, more precisely; its aim is to portray social, political and cultural situation that the author and society are suffering from. The use of satire has many reasons, the most important of which is lack of freedom of expression. When literary man can not openly criticize oppression, wrongdoing or wrong policy of society, he/she uses satire to express his/her thoughts. Pessoptimist does not use satire as a fear of Zionist policies. It seem he did not find a better way to do so except satire; and that satire is not a merely a satire, it is tragic and humorous, with a message for the audience to express the conditions of Palestine and its people. With a descriptive-analytical approach, this article analyzes and explores how satire is applied in this novel. Since Emile depicts various aspects of the Palestinian people's condition, it is closely linked to resistance literature. The purpose of this research is to address the importance of Israeli– Palestinian conflict and not to ignore its religious and humane aspects, and since this novel has had a profound impact on the world and the Zionist regime, it contains new and worthwhile reading thoughts and ideas. This article aims to explain how and for what reasons satire is used by Habibi and its role in the success of his work. Since the writer has used all methods to express his tragedy and pain, this research explores and unveils the creativity in satire use of Habibi as a way to express and convey his thoughts and opinions. The Palestinian identity crisis, the Arabs' position on the Palestine issue, and the policies of culturalization are important issues that this paper will address. The novel suggests that the author used satire to describe the condition in Palestine and humiliate the Zionist regime.

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Writing is one of the most important ways of transmitting thoughts to others. Each writer chooses a style that suits with his desired goals, to influence readers 'minds, but it is possible, and perhaps often, despite of the similar purpose of writing, there are differences in the styles used by the authors. The style plays an important role in transmitting the content and achieving the purpose of writing, because the readers’ s desire to read the text, depends a lot on the proper structure of the sentences used. Stylistics is one of the most important modern trends and has various subfolders, including: Statistical Stylistics. This trend is takes into account the quantity and number of lexical phenomena in the text and builds its rulings based on the results of this statistics. in other words, it takes advantage of the quantum to obtain the quality. With the help of Statistical Stylistics’ s studies, we will able to distinguish between different styles, including: scientific, literary, rhetorical and. . . . . . This research deals with the study of Statistical Stylistics in the NahjolBalaghe and the SahifehSajjadieh. We Selected the letter 74 and the prayer 38 as models and compared their style according to Bozeman and Johnson’ s theories, during the descriptive-analytical and statistical methods. We concluded, according to Bozeman's theory, that the style of the SahifehSajjadieh is closer to the literary style, and the style of the NahjolBalagheh, is closer to the scientific style, and according to Johnson's theory, that the Vocabulary Richness of the SahifehSajjadieh is more than the NahjolBalagheh, but There is not much difference between them, and this difference was Because of the influence of social conditions.

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Mohegheghian Zahra

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The second verse of Surah Al-Zalzalah informs us the discharge of the earth and her speaking on the Day of Judgment. This verse has been considered as a Metaphorical belief related to the Day of Judgment that reveals the functions of the earth in the Quran, by many commentators and scholars. On the other hand, exploring the ancient cultural beliefs of Mesopotamia and the Semitic tribes (such as Arabs) indicates that what is said in this verse is not only a figurative and metaphorical expression, it is also a non-metaphorical and right expression which has now reached us by the Qur'an. This study examines the reasons of this claim and then analyzes the commentators' approach to this verse. Finally, based on a cultural studying in the pre-Islamic period as well as the Muslim traditional material, reinterprets the above verse in its context.

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Music is one of the most dynamic and vibrant elements in building blocks of poetry, and poetry of resistance as included in contemporary Arabic poems, accompanied by its special rhythm and melody, is an innocent representation of emotions and conscience of Arab people with his lost dreams. Accordingly, the present descriptive-analytic study firstly considers a selective approach of poems by Moin Basisu and Mohammed Al-Fitory to analyze the extrinsic musical of odes and their changes and innovations in the poems as adopted by the two aforementioned poets. It then investigates the role of rhymes and their typology in relation to the music and meaning of ode. The study also reviews and analyzes the acoustic mechanism of the poem of resistance which leads to the richness of poetry music in order to define the relationship among the internal music, the content of the ode, and the poet’ s state of mind. Results show that the rhythmic melody in these two poets’ poems has undergone different changes and new interpretations have had a vital role in minimizing the boring uniformity of music. And synthetic melodies in Fitory’ s poems because of a new rhythm and melody originate from the poet’ s personal experiences are regarded as highly poetic poems. It also has made the conditions appropriate for internal music analysis, uniformity, and homogeneity of acoustics in words structures. In overall, it results in harmony, musical cohesion, and multi-aspect semantics to the poem.

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Imam Ali (PBUH) in Nahj al-Balagha used various expressive strategies to express the meaning and meaning of the word based on the reader's circumstances and understanding. Refusal is one of the most important techniques used by the Imam in his religious context; The theologian uses this style when he is certain that something is not happeningAnd uses jazz and non-jazz traditions (Nen, Lu and Lula) for this purpose. Examination of Nahj al-Balagha's sermons revealed that refusal was used to express various issues such as refusal of God, refusal of Imam and refusal of angels. Given the numerous uses of refusal in the context of Nahj al-Balagheh and the importance of this topic in understanding this valuable book, this essay examines the subject of refusal in Nahj al-Balaghe's sermons, using a descriptive-analytical approach, Studies show that refusal to sermon has the highest frequency and most divine refusal is related to the prophets and the Prophet.

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