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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Anxiety in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures is very high and this increase the patients' dissatisfaction. This study aims evaluating the effect of distraction on anxiety and satisfaction in patients undergoing bronchoscopy.Methods: This study is a randomized clinical trial performed in Imam Ali (AS) hospital in Zahedan. In doing so, sixty available patients undergoing bronchoscopy qualified inpatient or outpatient were selected as our participants. Then, subjects were equally and randomly divided into two groups of control (n=30) and experimental (n=30).The data collection tools included demographic and disease form, Spielberger State Anxiety Inventory and the satisfaction form. During bronchoscopy, the selected folk music (audio and video) was presented to the experimental group. The control group received usual care. After collecting data, whole of them were analyzed (SPSS-21) by appropriate statistical tests such as chi-square (X2), Independent t-tests, Paired t-test and covariance (ANCOVA) test.Results: The result showed that the mean and standard deviation of the state anxiety score of experimental and control group were respectively 44.33 ± 8.95 and 44.60 ± 9.40 before intervention, and 36.47 ± 6.16 and 41.07 ± 7.16 after intervention. The analysis of covariance with controlling the effects of demographic variables showed that the distraction has significantly caused to reduce anxiety in the intervention group (p=0.003). Also, according to the results, the satisfaction of experimental group was higher than control group (p=0.05).Conclusion: Distraction was effective in reducing anxiety and increasing satisfaction of patients undergoing bronchoscopy; therefore, it is recommended to be used during invasive diagnostic and treatment procedures like bronchoscopy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Thalassemia is one of the most common genetic diseases in the world and especially in our country. For many reasons, including chronic disease, health care costs, fear of early death and disease statues led to anxiety. This study aimed to determine the efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing method on decreasing the anxiety of thalassemic adolescent.Methods: This study was a clinical trial.60 thalassemic adolescent between 20-12 years old were randomly assigned to two groups. Demographic questionnaire and Beck Anxiety Inventory were used to collection of data. In three sessions, the eye movement desensitization and reprocessing method were used in intervention group every other day for 45 to 30 minutes in each session. In control group no action were taken. For analysis of the obtained data, descriptive statistics, t-test, paired t-test, nonparametric tests and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were used.Results: the results showed that the average level of anxiety of thalassemic adolescent before implementing of EMDR therapy in intervening group was 34.73±5.62 which after EMDR therapy changed to 19.90 ± 2.48. It shows an obvious reducing of anxiety compared to pre-intervention and the results were statistically significant (P0<001). Besides, the results showed that EMDR was effective on decreasing the symptoms of anxiety in thalassemic adolescent Conclusion: The current study showed that EMDR can be useful through having the influence on memory integration and it is an effective method for treat or reduce anxiety among thalassemic adolescent.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Adolescence is a critical period featured with considerable physical, social, and psychological changes. Low self-esteem along with problems in social and personal relationships may lead to mental disorders. The present study is aimed as surveying the effectiveness of group cognitive therapy on self-esteem of second-level high school girl students.Methods: The study was conducted as an experimental work with control group. Out of two girls high school in Gotvand City one school was selected to form the control group and another school was selected to form intervention group randomly (2014-2015). Afterward, based on inclusion criteria, 32 participants (16 in control and 16 in experiment groups) were selected. “Cooper Smith’s self-esteem” questionnaire was filled out by the participants of the two groups. The intervention group took part in 8 sessions (90 mins each; 2 sessions per week) of cognitive group therapy. Posttest and follow up test were taken immediately and one month of the intervention from the both groups. The collected data was analyzed through variance analysis with frequent measurements in SPSS (20).Results: The results showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups at pretest regarding self-esteem score (p=0.26); while, after the intervention and at follow stage, there was significant difference in this regard between the two groups (p=0.05).Conclusion: Cognitive group therapy resulted in increase of self-esteem of the juvenile.Future studies may focus on longer follow up periods to ensure of persistency of the results.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Body image is an important developmental concern in adolescents and youth. Today, considering the cultural invasions by the Western societies in this age group, evaluating of body image seems necessary. According to its fundamental role in the creation of community health promotion and self-esteem among youth, so this study was conducted aimed to determine predictors of body image dissatisfaction among students of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we assessed 394 students of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. Students completed two-part questionnaire (socio-demographic characteristics, BSQ). The Data were analyzed with descriptive and deductive statistic methods (Generalized Linear Models) at p<0.05 using SPSSv.16 software.Results: Mean of BSQ scores was 66.75 ± 29.80.The 288 students (72.2%) reported body image satisfaction and frequency of body image dissatisfaction was as mild (17.8%), moderate (8.5%), severe (1.5%). In univariate analyses, body image score mean was statistically related to BMI (r=0.227, p<0.001). In regression analysis, gender (p<0.042), BMI (p<0.001) and weight decreasing diet (p<0.027) were related to Body image dissatisfaction.Conclusion: Regarding to this fact that girls are more dissatisfied with their body image compared with boys, interventional studies is recommended in increasing of body image satisfaction in this group that have a essential role in strength and survival of their families and communities. Also, due to the significant relationship between body mass index and body image dissatisfaction may be providing of education programs and sports facilities in a university setting and dormitory can improve students’ body image satisfaction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Life skills such as assertiveness may improve psycho-social ability and consequently can improve self-esteem. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of assertiveness training on first-grade schoolgirls' self-esteem in Tehran.Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 80 first-grade schoolgirls in Tehran who was selected by multistage cluster sampling method. First Cooper Smith’s self-esteem Inventory (SEI) was fulfilled by 410 qualified students. Then students, who obtain less than moderate in SEI, divided randomly into two control and intervention groups. For intervention group, we carried out a two-hour group training program for eight sessions. Two weeks later both intervention and control group fulfilled SEI for comparing. Gathered data was analyzed in SPSS v.16 software by using descriptive and analytic statistic. P-value<0.05 was considered significant.Results: Most of students were living in two-parent families (93%) and only 5% of them were the only child in family. Also finding showed there was significant difference between self-esteem of students in intervention and control group after assertiveness training. Before training intervention, the independent t-test indicated that there was no difference between the experimental and control groups in term of the amount of self-esteem in the students, but this amount increased in the experimental group after the intervention in comparison to before the intervention from 27.57±3.08 to 34.23±5.91 (p<0.05). In addition, there was difference between dimension of self-esteem, the highest rank referred to educational dimension and the lowest rank referred to social dimension.Conclusion: According to the results, it seems more counseling services and life skill training in workshop especially assertiveness training, is required to improve students' self-esteem. It may lead to increase knowledge and improve skill and therefore, improve mental health.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Informed of the cancer diagnosis significantly impressed and reduced life satisfaction in the patients with cancer. It seems that religious and spiritual elements according to their components effects life satisfaction positively and increases it.This study aimed to determine the relationship between spiritual well-being and religious attitudes with life satisfaction in cancer patients.Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 100 cancer patients through the sequential convenience sampling method in the period of time from October to December in 2013. Data were collected by using four-part questionnaire demographic, Ellison and pollution Spiritual well-being, Glock and stark and life satisfaction Inventory-Z. Data were analyzed via SPSS version 16.0.Result: The mean score of life satisfaction was 16.03±5.58. The significant difference was seen between men (17.21±5.91) and women (14.52±4.77) with life satisfaction score (p=0.001).The overall mean of spiritual well-being and religious attitude were 78.48±12.11 and 91.24±6.52 respectively, that shows there were no substantial difference between spiritual well-being and religious attitude in both gender. The significant correlations between the Spiritual well-being with life satisfaction (p<0.001, r=0.422) and the religious attitude with life satisfaction (p=0.006, r=0.275) were been found.Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that the spiritual well-being and religious attitude have an importance effect on life satisfaction; Therefore, It is recommended that nurses and health clinical staff increase life satisfaction by consideration to spiritual well-being and religious attitude in the cancer patients.

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Introduction: Hysterectomy is one of the common gynecological operations in women, which operation is accompanied by several postoperative complications and gives birth to many anxieties and troubles in patients. Such an operation may cause disorder in female roles and their sexual identity and, finally, complicates their adaptation process. Purpose of this study was determined of the effect of applying problem-solving skill on social adaptation in post-hysterectomy women.Methods: the present research was a semi-experimental study with the “Pretest - Posttest” plan.Sample size consists of 60 women who underwent hysterectomy surgery operation in Imam Reza Hospital of Kermanshah in 2013-2014 selected on availability basis and were put in study and control groups in a random allocation style. In control group, intervention was done on the basis of applying problem-solving skill in 6-member groups for the period of 6 sessions, but routine care method was used in control group. Social-adaptation Inventory was filled before intervention and then one month after intervention through self-reporting method. Data analysis was performed with the help of SPSS, Descriptive Statistics, and Chi-Square, Paired Samples T Test and Independent T Test.Results: results represented that 60 percent of reported units in age group 41-50 were at the educational level of high school diploma or below it, 96.6 percent were households, 92.4 had husband, and 60 percent were not in menopausal period. Comparison of the average score of social adaptation in both groups before and after intervention did not prove existence of significant difference (t=-0.04, p=0.96), while after intervention the social adaptation score was 69.5±2.4 in study group and 139.5±4.2 in control group that the difference was significant in terms of statistics (t=-86.5, P<0.001).Conclusion: social adaptation is subject to change in post-hysterectomy patients and we may help them via applying problem-solving skill to improve their social adaptation.

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Introduction: legal abortion, as a negative pregnancy-related event, affects the individual and social aspects of an individual’s life and lead to a reduction in the quality of life, depression and anxiety.the aim of the present study was to examine the impact of counseling on depression and anxiety following legal abortion.Methods: 120 pregnant women, with a permit to conduct legal abortion, who had visited the Educational and Medical Center of Kosar in Qazvin in the years 2013 and 2014, participated in this semi-empirical study. The sample was divided into control (observation and recoding information) and intervention groups (face-to-face individual counseling before abortion and weekly follow-up telephone calls for eight weeks). For the purpose of randomization, the even days were dedicated to the control group and the odd days to the intervention group. After obtaining participants’ consent, the personal information and pregnancy questionnaires were distributed among both groups and filled out. The samples were studied before and two months after abortion using the depression and anxiety questionnaires, and finally the two groups were compared. The data was analyzed using SPSS-16 software and Chi squared test, Fisher’s exact test, paired T test and independent T test. The significance level of p<0.05 was taken into account in this study.Results: The findings of this study show mean anxiety scores of 24.72±11.05 and 22.76±12.67 for interference group and control group respectively, before the intervention; and p=0.412.However, two months after the interference, the anxiety score increased to 1.10±1.70 (p<0.0001) in the interference group and in the control group it rose to 11.66±7.76 (P<0.001). The mean depression scores of the two groups before the interference were not homogenous (P=0.028), and therefore, the mean difference in reduction in the depression scores of the two groups in interference and control groups was calculated and the following significant results were obtained respectively: 12.56±9.64, 4.42±6.89 and p=0.0001.Conclusion: It seems that counseling services after abortion can reduce the amount of depression and anxiety, and follow-up consultation services can be effective in enhancing women’s health.

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