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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Eating disorder is one of the most alarming public health issues that is rising rapidly. Therefore, present research aimed to investigate the relationship of personality characteristics, body image concern and alexithymia with eating disorder of nursing students. Methods: This research was a cross-sectional from type of correlation. The population included all nursing students of Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz branch in 2016-17 academic years that from them 190 person were selected through simple random sampling method. All nursing students completed the questionnaires of personality characteristics, body image concern, Toronto alexithymia and eating disorder. Data was analyzed with using of SPSS-19 software and with Pearson correlation and multiple regression with enter model. Results: The results showed neuroticism (r = 0. 226), conscientiousness (r = 0. 194), body image concern (r = 0. 451) and alexithymia (r = 0. 392) had a positive and significant relationship with eating disorder and extroversion (r =-0. 217) and agreeableness (r =-0. 313) had a negative and significant relationship with eating disorder (P < 0. 01). The predictor variables means personality characteristics, body image concern and alexithymia significantly can predict 38/9 percent of variance of eating disorder of nursing students (R2 = 0. 389) that in this model the body image concern have a most role in the predicting of eating disorder of nursing students (β = 0. 550). Conclusions: The results indicated the importance of personality characteristics, body image concern and alexithymia in predicting eating disorder of nursing students. Therefore, officials and planers are paying attention to the symptoms of these variables and design and implement appropriate programs to reduce the eating disorder of nursing students.

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Introduction: In recent decades, created and regulated learning skills in young people has become one of the educational goals. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between perceived parenting styles perceived by students were taught self-regulation. Methods: This descriptive correlational study and research is one. The study population included all high school students in Mashhad constitute the total number of subjects was 217, of which 93 females (43%) and 124 boys (57%) were also the total number of subjects n = 75 (34/6 percent) in one of high school, n = 72 (33/2 percent) in Second grade of high school, and n = 70 (32/3 percent) in the third grade of high school, studying Bvdnd. Tool collect information questionnaire demographic data (gender, age, education, etc. ) and the scale of perceived parental practices pops and self-regulation questionnaire SRİ-S. Results: The results indicated that the mean and standard deviation of the intervention variables were 33. 78 ± 8. 08, maternal self-determination was 30. 87 ± 8. 8, 30. 32 ± 34. 3 grams, 32. 41 ± 6, support for self-determination is 32. 41 ± 7. 21. 7, the mean gram is 60. 16 ± 6. 55, which indicates the normal distribution of data. The mean and standard deviation of the self-regulation variable is 96. 58 ± 14. 83 which indicates the normal distribution of data. Conclusions: Based on the results obtained from this study is Suitable Parents will be informed and the right style of parenting as pamphlets, workshops, special sessions and others taught them.

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Introduction: Along with providing traditional therapies such as medication for the treatment of depression, modern methods have been proposed to reduce symptoms and mood syndromes, including third wave therapy, such as acceptance and commitment therapy. The aim of this study was to Comparison of the efficacy of acceptance acceptance commitment therapy and electrical stimulation with alternating current on mood symptoms in depressed patients. Methods: The present study was a quasi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test and control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of all patients with depressive disorder referring to psychiatric and psychiatric centers of Bandar Abbas. The sample consisted of 45 persons who were selected using available sampling method and randomly divided into two experimental groups Acceptance and Commitment (ACT) therapy and TACS and control electron microscopy are used and the data are collected using Beck Depression Inventory. Using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, and inferential) Single-variable covariance analysis) and with the help of software Yale SPSS V. 23 statistical analysis was performed. Results: Data analysis indicated that the mean post-test of the acceptance and commitment-based treatment group was 12. 13%, the group with over-stimulation excitation was 86. 17 and the control group was 26%, and between the experimental group with admission and commitment therapy and There was a significant difference between the control group and the control group (P < 0. 05). Also, comparing these two treatments, acceptance and commitment therapy had more effects on depressive symptoms. Conclusions: Considering the findings of this study, acceptance and commitment therapy as one of the new approaches to psychology has been shown to be effective in reducing the severity of depression and can be used as a useful clinical intervention in combination with other therapies.

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Introduction: Parents are the first ones to interact with child during the most critical growth years. They play a key role in child's psychosocial development. This article aimed to study the effect of mother training using Barkley's Method on parent-child relation improvement of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade elementary students diagnosed with ADHD of Shahre Kord, Iran. Methods: This is an experimental study with pretest, posttest, and control groups. The statistical population consisted of all female and male, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade elementary students diagnosed with ADHD in the academic year 1394-95. A total of 38 students were enrolled as the sample using random sampling. They were split in two groups (Experiment (19) and Control (19)). Prior to the intervention, both groups completed the Parent-Child Questionnaire as the pretest. Then, the experiment group underwent a total of ten 90-minute parent training sessions. Control group did not receive any training. The data were collected using Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Scale, Parent-Child Relations Questionnaire (PCR), and Clinical Interviews. To analyze the data, the SPSS software, version 23 and MANOVA was used. Results: According to the findings and previous studies, it is concluded that intervention was effective in parent-child relations of students diagnosed with ADHD. This study helps to psychologists, counselors, psychiatrists, and families in achieving and understanding modification techniques and safe therapy to improve parent-child relationship.

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Introduction: Nurses' Health care workers should be the same as its role in health care, health and education, health system management, patient care play. Nurse in building an important relationship with the patient and supportive care he has an important role. The present study aimed to compare the tolerability and Perceived Stress in the psychiatric ward and intensive care nurses was conducted in Urmia in 1395. Methods: This was causal-comparative study. The population consisted of all nurses psychiatric wards and intensive was urmia city that sample 149 nurses in psychiatric wards and intensive care hospitals in Urmia with random cluster sampling method using two sample t-test and MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance) were analyzed. The tools used in this study to evaluate the tolerability and nurses were stress tolerance questionnaire Novak and Guest (1998) and perceived stress Cohen et al (1983). Results: Statistical analysis showed that the tolerability of patients in all its dimensions including tolerance development, physical development, social tolerance and tolerance, but tolerance emotionally dependent on time Nurses, intensive care nurses on average more than psychological and Average component of stress in intensive care unit nurses for psychiatric nurses is significantly higher than average. Conclusions: According to the results of this study, the tolerability of patients and stress in intensive care nurses on average more than psychological. The conclusion does indicate According to tolerate stress in nurses, Learn to reduce stress and increase quality of care can be effective.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Since nurses, there are many difficulties in the workplace, the present study aimed to predict suicidal ideation based on the emotional dysregulation and experimental avoidance in nurses. Methods: The present study was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the study consisted of all nurses in Kermanshah city in 2017that were selected by cluster sampling. 220 of them were selected as the sample. The research tools included Beck's suicidal thoughts questionnaire, Gratz and Roemer's emotional dysregulation Scale, and. Experimental avoidance by Bond and colleagues questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and regression analysis by SPSS-22 software. Results: The findings of the research showed that there was a significant relationship between the emotionaldysregulation and experiential avoidance with suicidal thoughts. Also, the findings indicated that predictive variables could predict 33% of changes in suicidal ideation, thus, the difficulty of adjusting the emotion with an effect coefficient of 41% and experimental avoidance, with a coefficient of effect of 29% Nasal suicidal thoughts, which were significant at the level of P < 0. 001. Conclusions: Therefore, it can be concluded that the emotional dysregulation and experiencing the avoidance of Forecast suicidal thoughts in nurses. So it is suggested that the health authorities pay attention to this point.

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Introduction: In Islamic view, human have two aspect body and spirit. The aim of this research is introduce of Hekmat instead of care for nurses that was explained based on Islamic view. Methods: the method of this research was Walker and Avant theory construction. Methods: Nursing of human being based on this view is Hekmat. The definition of Hekmat is how is everything exactly and what have to do everything true. Then human being know needs of his nature and solve the problems herself. Results: The disease is not a tragic event that human must be adopted with it but it is a normal event that cause that must be caused human transcendence. In Islamic view nursing care change seeking remedy. The aim of this nursing is empowerment of client and nurses. Conclusions: Nursing discipline redesigned to intellectual nursing for human transcending. Then nurse’ s duty is taking health services based on Islamic ontology and nursing process is designed based on all needs of human beings.

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Introduction: Cancer is known as one of the most common and growing diseases around the world. This disease is associated with various physical and mental effects. One of these effects can be depression. Rhythmic movements are an effective way to reduce depression. This review was conducted with the aim of influencing the Rhythmic movement on depression in children with cancer. Methods: This study is a systematic review of published and available internal and external sources of keyword depression, a child with cancer, and rhythmic movements between 2000 and 2014 in ProQuest, Scopus, PubMed, Elsevier, SID and Iran databases. Medex was done. Out of 42 articles, 11 Persian articles and 6 English articles related to Rhythmic Movements on depression in children with cancer were studied. Results: The results of the study showed that there are several non-pharmacological approaches to reducing and controlling depression. Among the non-prescriptive methods of reducing depression were rhythmic movements, music therapy, and light therapy. But rhythmic movements are effective as a non-drug, easy, accessible to a depressed person. Conclusions: Finally Rhythmic movements reduce depression, stress, and increase children's compliance with therapeutic regimens. Therefore, it is recommended that nurses in the children's section, especially oncology, use artistic techniques to reduce psychiatric problems caused by cancer, such as depression.

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Alipour Ganjineh Ketab Masoomeh | Seyed Hossein Pishgooei Amir | JADID MILANI MARYAM

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Introduction: Patients under hemodialysis should be aware of their self-care needs. Self-care programs make it easy for patients to adapt to the chronic condition of nursing theory based on nursing theories. This study was performed to determine the effect of self-care education program on Reed self-trandence theory in undergoing hemodialysis patients. Methods: This study was a randomized controlled trial with two groups of intervention and control that was performed on 60 patients undergoing hemodialysis, a 122-bed center of hemodialysis in Imam Reza Hospital in Tabriz during 2016-2017. Sampling method was simple random sampling. Data collection tools were 3 demographic information questionnaires, educational needs assessment and self-trandence, which were completed before and two weeks after the intervention by both groups. The intervention group received 6 sessions of face to face training (30-25 minutes), once a week, individually with patient participation, based on Reed's self-trandence theory and educational needs and was presented at the last session of the booklet. For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics (independent t-test and paired t-test) were used and analyzed using SPSS software version 22. Results: The mean of self-trandence scores after intervention in the group intervention was higher than that of the control group. There was a significant difference between the mean scores of self-trandence after intervention in both groups (P < 0. 001). Conclusions: Self-care nursing care based on the theory of Reed self-trandence with low cost and without the need for advanced clinical services, increases the health of patients under hemodialysis.

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Introduction: Health related life style and health related stigma are among the components of health related quality of life in people with epilepsy. The purpose of current study is to investigate the role of health related life style in predicting of epilepsy related stigma. Methods: This study used a descriptive correlational methodology. The study population consisted of all people with epilepsy who were referred to epilepsy clinic of Imam Hossein in Tehran. Among this study population 145 participants according to formula selected based on purposive sampling and inclusion criteria. These participants answered to Demographic checklist, stigma related epilepsy and life style of people with epilepsy. Collected data were analysis with SPSS software, using Pearson correlation coefficient and regression. Results: There is a negative relationship between health related life style and its component and epilepsy related stigma. The results of regression analysis showed that among all components of health related life style, interpersonal and social relationship, side effect control, stress management and relaxation are predicting 48/5 percentage of health related stigma variations in people with epilepsy. Conclusions: In order to reduce the level of epilepsy – related stigma, it is recommended to design and implement interventions which can improve social and personal relationship, drug side effect control and stress management.

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Introduction: This research aimed to examine the effect of cognitive– behavioral therapy in reducing depression and increasing marital satisfaction in two women referred to Ravan Asa counseling center of Ahvaz city. Methods: Two women with postpartum depression disorder in companion with their husbands were selected using purposive-voluntary sampling method, clinical structures interview, and Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Inventory and in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The research plan was single case empirical plan multiple baseline. Two women with postpartum depression disorder participated in cognitive– behavioral therapy and in baseline, therapy and following a month stages, and completed Short form of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-13) and Marital Satisfaction Scale. Data analysis was conducted using visual depiction, Reliable Change Index (RCI), and recovery percent. Results: The findings showed that the effect of partial recovery percent of cognitive-behavioral therapy for the first woman in decreasing depression was 24. 17% and in the second woman was 20. 92% and in increasing marital satisfaction in first woman 34. 74% and in second woman 30. 20%. Conclusions: Thus, according to the findings, can say that the therapy is effective in reduce depression and increase marital satisfaction in women with postpartum depression disorder. Therefore, it is recommended that therapists and psychiatric nurses use this treatment to improve the relative and reduce the symptoms of depression in women with postpartum depression.

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