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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Objective: Climate change and global warming are one of the most widespread and important environmental hazards. The purpose of this study is to investigate the trend of minimum, maximum and rainfall temperatures in the past period of Bushehr as a coastal province of the Persian Gulf and predict its climatic future by the end of 2100 AD, as well as the possible effects on the mangrove forest ecosystems of the Persian Gulf. Method: In this research, the statistical down scaling model (SDSM) along with two different GCMs entitle CanESM2 in three RCP2. 6, RCP4. 5 RCP8. 5 scenarios and HadCM3 in A2 scenario, were used to simulate climatic variables during base (1961-2005), current and future (2010– 2099) periods in Bushehr synoptic station. Furthermore, model evaluation and uncertainty assessment performed by five different statistical criteria and a non-parametric bootstrapping technique, respectively. Findings: The linear regression of the observed winter and summer mean temperature showed that mean temperature has increased +1. 8 and +1. 7° C over the past 47 years, respectively. Both, CanESM2 and HadCM3 model simulation results demonstrated that the most raise of minimum and maximum temperatures will occur in the future cold seasons. But, CanESM2 simulation analysis revealed that a decrease trend will occur in the minimum and maximum temperatures through future warm months. Also, HadCM3 simulation results showed that precipitation will rise in summer and fall seasons, while CanESM2 results presented an increase in rainfall variable throughout the year. Discussion and Conclusion: Both of models have predicted warmer winter in the next several decades. Based on CanESM2 model results that we will have longer warmer seasons, there is a possibility of prolonging reproduction (germination and flowering) season in Persian Gulf mangroves from 3 to 6 months. Based on our results, future rainfall is more likely to become more frequent and intense. If those precipitations do not occur in extreme events, accompany with high temperature can cause more mangrove expansion and growth in future decades.

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    2 (93)
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Background and Objective: Today, urban sprawl and the desire for urbanization have increased the need for people to use transportation, and therefore, the existence of a safe, efficient and economical public transportation system, with the least bio-destructive effects, is a necessary step towards sustainable development. It seams the urban transport is one of the main areas of economic development; an issue that emphasizes the need for proper planning in the field of urban transportation. Therefore, this article has been compiled with the aim of investigating air pollution caused by public transport in Yazd city and estimating the pollution caused by them in this route. Method: The data required for this study were collected by refer to relevant organizations and also field visit of the drivers, then for estimation and analysis software Excel were used. Findings: The results show that the traffic of public transport in the city of Yazd cause annual emissions of 306 tons of particulate matter, 730 tons of Hydrocarbons, 1, 424 tons of carbon monoxide, 68, 934 tons of carbon dioxide, 389 tons of sulfur dioxide and 4 tons of sulfur trioxide and 666 tons monoxide is nitrogen. Discussion and Conclusion: Rail transport is recommended as appropriate and practical way to improve the traffic situation in the city of Yazd, high efficiency velocity and efficiency of private vehicles and the costs and reduction of pollution is the benefits.

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    2 (93)
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Background and Objective: Due to the contamination of northern forests with heavy metals by activities such as mining, the aim of this study was to use zero-valent iron-nano-particles and cellulosic-waste for reclamation of soil contaminated with lead and to establish oak seedlings. Method: One-year-old oak seedlings were planted in plastic-pots filled with nursery soil in March-2014. Lead was added to the pots at concentrations of 0, 100, 200, 300 (mgkg-1) using lead-nitrate solution. Cellulosic-waste with levels of 0, 10% (W1), 20 %( W2) and 30 %( W2) was added to the pots at the same time of planting. Zero-valent iron-nanoparticles with levels of 0, 1(N1), 2(N2) and 3(N3) mgkg-1 was injected into the soil. The diameter, height, dry weight, bioavailable concentration of lead and amendments efficiency was measured at the end of the growing season. Findings: With increasing levels of amendments (from 10 to 30% for cellulosic-waste and from 1 to 3 mg kg-1 for iron-nanoparticles), an increasing trend in seedlings biomass was observed for all levels of contamination. The highest efficiency for all contamination levels was observed in highest level of each amendment. The efficiency of N3 treatment for Pb 100, Pb 200 and Pb 300 was 79. 5, 84. 4 and 67. 8%, respectively and the efficiency of W3 treatment was 55. 6, 74. 9 and 63. 1%, respectively. Discussion and Conclusion: The use of zero-valent nano-particles had a better efficiency than cellulosic-waste to reduce the bioavailability of lead; therefore, planting native species and using such amendments in planting holes can help the reforestation of contaminated areas.

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Background and Objective: Nowadays, the use of bacteria to clean oil pollution from water and soil has been considered by scientists and this method is more economical than other methods and does not cause toxic compounds in the environment. Method: In the present study, the results of the bioremediation process have been presented to identify the most optimal bacterial isolates of petroleum degraders in physicochemical and textural conditions of contaminated soil of Tabriz refinery. Gas chromatographic analysis with thermal detection (Gc-FID) was used to evaluate the removal rate of hydrocarbons. Findings: The 7 isolates of bacteria were purified in this study. A Pseudomonas isolate was introduced as a strain with the highest efficiency. Discussion and Conclusion: After 30 days, as a result of Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter performance, the amount of TPH in contaminated soil samples was decreased in rate of 65. 25 and 42. 39 percent, respectively. Based on this investigation, the Bacterial Bioremediation method to clean up contaminated soils by petroleum hydrocarbons due to simplicity of implementation, environmentally friendly, safety and low cost is highly proposed to conduct in other oil refineries in Iran.

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Background and Objective: Todays, due to the antibacterial properties, silver compounds are used in various industries. The effects of non-essential heavy metals such as silver are irreversible in aquatics body. In the present study, the sub lethal effects of silver nitrate were investigated on hematological and immunological indices of goldfish (Carassius auratus) as a model in the Cyprinid fishes. Method: 105 Fish were randomly assigned to in 15 fiberglass tanks (Per tanks 400 liters). 12 tank for different concentrations of silver nitrate and 3 tank for control groups. Each treatment was separately exposed to effective concentrations of silver nitrate 0. 01, 0. 025, 0. 05 and 0. 1 ppm and for hematological and biochemical test, 9 fish were randomly selected from each treatment. Findings: The results showed that different concentrations of silver nitrate affected (reduce) blood erythrocyte (P>0. 05) but did not affect blood leukocyte. Discussion and Conclusion: These results may be due to the resistance of the Goldfish compared to others and blood erythrocyte indices can be used as a suitable biomarker of silver pollution.

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Background and Objective: Soil, as one of the key systems of the earth, provides goods, services and resources for humankind. So, if it is being damaged, the foundation of an important part of human needs will be collapsed. The purpose of this study is to investigate the amount of pollutants and pollutant sources in the surface soils of Qal'ehno and part of Kahrizak district villages in south of Tehran. Method: The research has been done in autumn 2017 through an analytical-descriptive method. The data used in the analysis are based on the measurement of contaminants in the samples. 144 sample points were selected by grid method and soil samples were taken and measured, then the results were entered in the GIS. We used IDW method for interpolating the point and introducing zoning maps. The analysis is based on separated and overlapped maps of the spatial distribution of pollutants in accordance with quantitative data and the conditions of the contamination sources. Findings: Data analysis and zoning maps showed that the concentration of barium, cobalt, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, uranium and zinc in the region soils was higher than the permitted limits and the concentration range of the pollutants studied (in mg / kg) and the concentration area of each of them was as follows: lead from 6 to 168 and the highest in the northeast, cadmium from 0. 6 to 2 and the highest in the north-west, arsenic ranges from 0. 6 to 13. 4 and the highest in the northeast, nitrate from 80 to 700 with the highest in the south-west, organic carbon from 0. 6 to 3 and maximum concentration in the north-west, and finally, TPHs with an average of 0. 051 and concentration of the highest densities in the center of the region. Discussion and Conclusions: Although soil contamination is high in the whole area, the severity of density is generally higher in those parts that use more untreated wastewater in irrigation. The permeability channels through which sewage is passed, the use of untreated wastewater in irrigation the oil refining industry and the storage and distribution of oil products have affected soil contamination.

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    2 (93)
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Background and Objectives: Study area of this study is Gadarchay Catchment (Part of Urmia Basin) that has been affected by the agricultural and industrial activities as well as population points. In this study, quality and pollution of Gadarchay Catchment Using Iran Water Quality Index and WRASTIC Vulnerability Model has been investigated to improve water quality, preventing of pollution and reducing pollution load by using management mitigation plans. Method: After collecting the history of study and completing the information, the catchment area have been assigned and divided to eight zones. Then sampling stations have been chosen by some criterions and sampling program have been started seasonally and the water quality index using IRWQISC have been estimated. Findings: The quality of rivers was in partly bad to partly good. The vulnerability of the catchment area has been calculated 59 that show the high sensitivity of the river catchment area. Availability of pollutants in the study area for example fisheries, bird houses, slaughter house, industrial areas and urban and rural areas by the river and discharge of waste water, causes wide pollution in river specially in mid-zone and downstream of the catchment area. These pollutants are increasing due to the growth of population and industrial and agricultural development. Discussion and Conclusion: For improvement of water quality and preventing of pollution, management mitigation plans are used and proposed plans including one structural plan, four non-structural plans and two joint plans are planned. Also it’ s useful to detect pollutant sources and quality conservation acts and pollution control in case of monitoring of water quality projects and reforming the existing water quality monitoring.

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Background and Objective: The use of environmental impact assessment methods is one of the important tools in environmental management studies and the reduction of potentially harmful environmental factors in sensitive areas such as wetlands to achieve sustainable development. The purpose of this study is to investigate the status of spatial composition and distribution of Miankaleh International Wetland and also to evaluate the efficiency of land features measurements to assess environmental effects. Method: For this purpose, first Landsat 7 and 8 satellite images of ETM + and OLI sensors related to 2001 and 2016 were prepared. Then, by performing the necessary processing and preprocessing, the land use map was prepared and the raster maps were entered into FRAGSTATS 4. 2 software was performed. Findings: According to the results, it can be said that the water zone of the wetland (which is the most important part of the wetland) and consequently the wetlands of the wetland have a large area and has not become fine and stained, but during the study period Deleted part of its domain. The use of vegetation and man-made lands has also disrupted the natural environment by creating new spots and fragmentation. Agricultural use has not been in the form of spots and the increase in its area has been in the form of large spots. Discussion and Conclusion: According to the stated results, proper management in the wetland environment is not implemented. Because the current management of Miankaleh wetland is a hardware and old management, also due to the location of this wetland in two provinces, it does not have an integrated management and the management plan is scattered and multiple. As a result, by creating an integrated and coherent management plan, the problems of this wetland can be overcome to some extent. The present study well showed that land use measurements are a suitable tool for assessing environmental impacts in the shortest time.

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Background and Objective: Evaluation of ecological capability is a process which attempts to establish an appropriate and balanced development between human and nature through adjusting their relationship. The aim of this study is to evaluate ecological capability of urban development landuse in Ahar, Kalibar and Varzeghan cities. Method: Evaluation process of ecological capability of current study involves three main parts: the ecological capability of the underlying studied area was determined after identification of ecological resources, data analysis and conclusion. Information layers used in this study involved: soil, climate, plant cover and land shape. Findings: Ahar, Kalibar and Varzaghan cities are located in the northwest of East Azarbaijan province with a total of 930214 hectares. The surveys show that about 300, 000 are in the first floor, about 293, 000 are in the second floor and about 141, 000 are in the third category of urban development. Discussion and Conclusion: The findings indicate that the integration of information layer using GIS has the high ability to evaluate the urban development landuse. According to the result and findings and the three mentioned cities have good potential for urban development.

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Background and Objective: The study has been done with the aim of chemical Analyze of water sources in area with the help of Aq. QA software and compared with national standard. Method: Chemical quality of ground water sources of area were under study during two stages of sampling the drinking water from 37 station of sampling water in the year of 2010-2011and tested 19 chemical parameters of drinking water. The results were compared with standard values of drinking water and chemical diagrams of water were drawn with Aq. QA software. Water types by using stiff diagram and balance or imbalance of anion-cation by ion balance diagram to separate the sources and chemical specification of water by piper diagram were compared for all of the water sources. Findings: Results of the research showed that water type is calcium bicarbonate, in 97% of times. Concentration of florid is less than the authorized limit in 100% of times and concentration of nitrate in both low-water and full water seasons are more than the maximum limit in 3% of sources. Discussion and Conclusion: The type of water was present in all sources of calcium bicarbonate, except for the village of Bauleh, which was sodium bicarbonate, so calcium and bicarbonate ions, cation and anion are predominant. Ion Balance diagram was balanced in 11 water supply sources and had anion and cation balance. Fluoride concentration in 100% of cases was less than the minimum allowed and nitrate concentration in 3% of sources in both low and high water seasons was higher than the maximum allowed.

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Background and Objective: Concerns about environmental degradation have increased over the past decades. In response to these concerns, consumers are helping to protect the environment by purchasing and using green products. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the theory of consumption values on green purchasing behavior, with emphasis on the role of mediator of environmental concern of consumers of green products under the supervision of the Organic Society of Iran in Tehran. Method: This research is an applied and methodological research of correlation type. The statistical population of this research is customers of stores under the supervision of the Organic Society of Iran located in Tehran. A total of 320 customers were selected as the sample. Data were collected using standard questionnaires and data analysis using structural equation modeling with Smart-PLS software. Findings: The results of the research show that environmental concern of consumers of green products mediates the impact of consumption theory on green purchasing behavior, and there is a positive and significant relationship between the theory of consumption values and environmental concerns of green consumers in Tehran. Discussion and Conclusion: In general, considering the environmental concerns of consumers, buying green products is influenced by the value of consumption. Consumers with high environmental concern support green products more, and show greater readiness to choose them.

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Background and Objective: Recreation use assessment is considered as an important tool for sustainable tourism development and also ecotourism management development causes local economic growth and biodiversity conservation. The main objective of this study is to identify and prioritize the potential ecotourism site in Hassanabad forest park. Method: Analysis system Makhdoom and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) combined with Geographic Information System (GIS) was used. In AHP method after identification effective factors on recreational potential, a matrix is formed and factors were compared by the experts in the form of questionnaire. Next factors were weighed and ranked the regions for recreational potential. In Makhdoom method after identifying ecological sources, the data were collected and analyzed to ecological homogenous units. Finally the map of final resorting capacity was provided by comparing ecological traits of each unit with Makhdoom tourism ecological model. Eventually maps obtained by the two methods in GIS were overlapped. Findings: Results of AHP model showed that the total area of the park (434/6 ha) has recreational potential of medium to high class. This area has no zone with very low recreational potential. In makhdoom method, this area includes all of recreational classes except concentrated recreational potential zone of first class. Discussion and Conclusion: In both methods, the recreational potential classes have 50% overlapping. Since after applying two methods, the park has no inappropriate zones for tourism, this area is suitable for the development of ecotourism plans.

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Background and Objective: Our dependence on plants for survival is so strong that its exploitation and management are special sciences. One of the key rangeland species is Agropyron trichophorum. Awareness of its ecological information is of particular importance. The aim of this study was to determine the seasonal changes in production and consumption of Agropyron trichophorum in summer rangelands of Lorestan province. Method: In this study, production inside the enclosed part and consumption outside it (control), from 2007 to 2010 were investigated. Each year, 50 average rootstocks of the species were identified at the beginning of the growing season and 5 medium rootstocks were selected at the beginning of the season for each month of the grazing season inside the enclosed plot and 5 similar rootstocks outside the grazing area and cut and weighed in each month of the grazing season. Data were analyzed in MSTATC software and the mean was compared with Duncan's multiple range tests. Findings: The difference between the mean effects of year, month and the interaction of year, months are statistically significant (P <0. 01). The difference in production in different years was large, so that the forage produced in the year of low production was about 42% of the forage produced in the year of high production. On average, about 80% of the production of this species was used by livestock during the grazing season, which fluctuated between 75% and 87% in the study years. Discussion and Conclusion: Production in June, which is the result of plant metabolism in the second half of May and the first half of June, is higher and decreases in July and August. In total, this species produces an average of 149. 4 kg / ha of forage, of which 119. 8 kg / ha (80. 2%) is consumed. In July and August, the pressure of grazing was transferred to the back of the fields; this is due to the presence of forage in the lands near the village, as well as increasing the temperature and reducing water resources in the rangeland.

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Background and Objective: In the last decade, the valuation of public goods has been considerably taken into account. Today, countries which are more likely to consider their economic development consider the tourism industry as a necessity and since naturalism or ecotourism is one of the major tourist attractions, serious attention is paid to this. The purpose of this study is an investigation of simultaneous usage of Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choices (DBDC) and one and one-half bounded Dichotomous Choices (OOHB) in determining the recreational value of Sysangan Forest Park with contingent valuation method in 2014. Method: For this task, according to the theoretical literature of each choice, a questionnaire prepared for each choice, and necessary information gathered. Then with using Logit model and maximum likelihood method, effecting parameter on the recreation value of park estimated. Findings: According to the results; the annual number of visits, consequence or ethical oriented of visitors and monthly family income of visitors have the significant effect on willingness to pay of visitors for recreation in this park. Expected willingness to pay in DBDS choice is relatively 12. 2 percentages more than the similar amount in the OOHB choice. According to the results, the recreational value estimated of Sisangan forest park, with using of DBDC and OOHB choices are respectively 14949 and 11324 million Rial in 2014. Discussion and Conclusion: Although the results of this study can not be described as a general rule, but it can be said that based on the information collected by DBDC and OOHB selections in the studied samples, the model estimated by OOHB selections to In terms of good indicators, the fit is better and the recreational value of the park is more adjusted than the model used by DBDC selection.

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Background and Objective: This study aimed to assess the mental health of citizens and their distribution in the city of Boroujerd. Method: The present research is of applied type and the method of conducting the research is descriptive-analytical. The method of data collection is based on documentary and field sources. The community and research space is 17 districts of Boroujerd. Initially, the sample size of 384 people was estimated by Cochran sampling method. In order to collect information about the mental health of citizens in 17 districts of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) was used and its statistical analysis was performed through SPSS and various statistical indicators and statistics such as t-test, Pearson and Kendall t-test, regression and Kruskal and Alkis test. Findings: Findings indicate that there is a direct relationship between people's place of residence (17 districts) and mental health of residents. So that the regions with prosperous economic conditions are in a favorable condition in terms of mental health compared to other regions. Discussion and Conclusion: Ensuring the health of the society is one of the basic issues of any country that should be considered from three physical, psychological and social dimensions. Mental health, in addition to being the goal of any society, is also a measure of an individual's health. The term has several meanings that vary from community to community, culture to culture, and from person to person. The results of the studies of this study show that there is a direct relationship between the place of residence of individuals (17 districts) and the mental health of residents. As some areas are economically prosperous (District 8) with an average mental health rating of 290. 33 had the best mental health and the lower part of the city (District 14) had the poorest mental health. The lowest rank of social dysfunction is related to district 10 and the highest rank of social dysfunction is related to district 5. The results show that the lowest mental health rank is in District 9 and the highest mental health rank is in District 14.

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Background and Objective: Emptiness is a concept that appears in form and content. Beyond the meaning of being and not being. On the other hand Existential Identity depends on the dialectical relationship of that thing with its opposites. This study seeks to clarify the role of this concept in the vernacular architecture of Iran By understanding the concept of emptiness. Method: The research, by explaining the principles of empty concept, has investigated the quality of the realization of this concept in the form of fabric dimensions of Yazd's houses. The three pillars obtained from theoretical foundations were tested in five vernacular houses in Yazd. The research was conducted with qualitative study, and data collection tools: field observations, and the study of written resources. Findings: The emergence of empty concept coincides with two elements or opposite qualities in such a way that the two opposites are interconnected without diminishing one another. Based on theoretical findings, the expression of the empty concept is conditional on the existence of three pillars: The first: the contradiction, the second: interaction, the third: balance and unity. Discussion and Conclusion: Based on research emptiness as a sublime concept is the result of the existence of opposing elements, their interaction and their unity. Vernacular architects with the perception of the necessity of the conjunction of the opposing couples and by recognizing the elements such as geometry, color, light, have caused the interaction of the opposites and their balance and they have come up with an empty concept in the form and fabric of these houses.

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Background and Objective: Four elements of Water, Earth, Air and Fire have been considered as the foundation for describing all natural science phenomena since bygone era and have been respected during different periods in Iran. These four elements have been thought as one of the common aspects between Iranian myths and beliefs in different eras. By emphasis on the values of the past culture, this research tries to reintroduce the values of nature and present the general pattern for designing the four elements park through reminding the concepts of these four elements. Method: The concept of four elements, Earth, Water, Fire and Air have been studied in the historical record of Iran since prehistoric era, ancient times of Iran and Islamic era ( Avicenna's era and traditional – Islamic medicine) and the characteristics and symbols of four elements have been surveyed. Then by summarizing these concepts and using some parks and gardens in Iran and other countries, some symbols and parameters were presented for describing these elements in the design and then this data was evaluated by using the questionnaire in Shahreza as the case study. Findings: According to the symbols and parameters used for representing these elements, amenities are divided into four groups. Finally by analyzing the connection between these four elements in arranging spatial organization, a pattern for designing the four elements park is presented. Discussion and Conclusion: There are a lot of concepts in scientific, cultural and historical records of Iran that can be turned into spatial elements. According to the symbolism characteristic of four elements, this issue is one of the concepts that can be used in park design. Visiting this park is influential in reminding Iranians of their identity.

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Background and Objective: Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ), corn (Zea Maize), and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) are among the most important components of food. This paper provides the first quantitative information on accumulation of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, and arsenic) in ground (soils) overground (leaves) and underground (roots) parts of wheat, corn, and tomato around the Kashafroud River in Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, Iran. Method: The concentrations of lead, cadmium, and arsenic were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry, graphite furnace (GBC GF3000). Results: Statistical analysis showed that there is a significant difference among the cadmium concentrations of soil, roots and leaves/grain in various plants (p<0. 01 for wheat and corn and p=0. 0004 for tomato). There was not a significant difference among the lead concentrations of soil, roots and grain in wheat (p>0. 05), but there was a significant difference for other plants (p<0. 01 for corn and tomato). Furthermore, statistical analysis was done for arsenic concentrations of soil, roots and leaves/grain in wheat and tomato (p>0. 05 for wheat and p=0. 026 for tomato). Discussion and Conclusion: The results of this study were compared with global standards. As well as in this monitoring, health risk assessment by EPA/WHO instructions has been done. The concentrations of lead, cadmium, and arsenic in soil were below the limits proposed by WHO, EPA, and EU. The results of the present study aimed to provide data from Kashafroud River as indicators of natural and anthropogenic impacts on aquatic ecosystem as well as to evaluate the human hazard index associated with wheat consumption. Health risk assessment of consumers from the intake of metal contaminated was evaluated by using Total Hazard Quotient (THQ) calculations. In this study, the THQ through consumption of wheat was less than 1, indicating that there is no significant potential health risk associated with the consumption of wheat from the around the Kashafroud River.

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Background and Objective: The wide area of Iran is effected by salinity. So, study on salinity tolerance of plants are too important. Therefore this study was conducted to investigate effect of salinity on germination and viability of wild Pistachio seed. Method: Seed sampling was done randomly and based on land unit map. Before germination test, stratification treatment was performed on seeds for 6 weeks in 4 ° C. Germination test was done as factorial and completely randomized deign in tree repetition. After salinity treatments, seed germination, shoot length, root length and algometric ratio was measured. Findings: Results showed that salinity increasing was caused significantly decrease of seed viability, algometric ratio, root and stem length (p<0. 01). Also, increase of salinity in deferent altitude levels was caused significantly decrease of seed viability. Results of algometric ratio in different height and slope classes showed that there was not significant difference in zero salinity level and this ratio was significantly higher in this level comparing to other levels. Discussion and Conclusion: Regarding to results of this research, increase of salinity causing decrease of Pistachio growth and germination. Pistachio seed germination is more in higher altitude, while in some species altitude have opposite effect.

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Mohammadi Ashnani Mohammad Hossein | MIREMADI TAHEREH | DANEKAR AFSHIN | Makhdoom Farkhonde Majid | MAJED VAHID

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    2 (93)
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Background and Objective: Althoughthe progress of science and technology promoted industrial productivity and competitiveness, as well as the standard and quality of life has widely improved, but these factors are the root causes of present instability and they have caused new problems that need complex specialized sciences and technologies that are more expensive. Method: The research method of this paper is based on the content analysis paradigm and system analysis method. Given the limitations of the traditional economic model, new approaches to environmental economics and innovation have been analyzed and the challenges of achieving sustainable development and its components have been addressed. Findings: Humanity's future depends on whether it can develop an economic and social system with the "throughput" of matter and energy that respects ecological limits, and this is the ultimate challenge for the learning economy. Based on the obtained analytical results, choice framework of policy instruments, the characteristics of each and the timing of the use of these policy instruments to promote of sustainable development is presented. Discussion and Conclusion: This study showed that although we are rapidly reaching the threshold of operational growth and at that point, there is no capacity for more net harvesting from nature, growth is still possible by focusing on the principles and capacities of of environmental economics.

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The government has a number of commitments to water that it has not yet been able to meet, and so far no research has been conducted on the critique and evaluation of good governance indicators in the water sector so that the government achieves sustainable governance of water resources. Therefore, this purpose and necessity led to the writing of this research. This research is a descriptive-analytical method. In this research, governance indicators based on international documents and relevant laws are studied and analyzed and adapted to the current situation of water governance in Iran. In the field of good governance, based on the indicators provided by the Asia-Pacific Economic and Social Commission, the current state of water governance in Iran was adjusted and examined. It is generally believed that water problems today and tomorrow in the country are more the result of unfavorable governance than absolutely water shortage. Good governance in the water sector never comes to an end; as a process, it depends on the repetition of activities that deepen trust. Good governance in the country's water sector through changes in the policy-making and decision-making structure of the country, ie through systemic management with respect to the establishment of a powerful organization As the custodian of the country's development, standardizing the ways of doing things, demarcating the boundaries of powers and decisions, regulating and systematizing behaviors, legalizing government officials and employees, immediate reflection of violations, transparency in work, meritocracy, elitism and use of expert and academic capacities. It is possible to evaluate the performance and accountability of the country's economy to a competitive private sector.

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Background and Objective: It is necessary to be aware of the destructive factors in the ecosystem. These factors cause shelter and biomass destruction, thus decreasing species diversity. Livestock over grazing is one of the most physical destructive pressures on rangeland that leads to a decrease in diversity and vegetation elements. The aim of this study has been conducted to investigate the effect of different grazing intensities on the diversity and richness of plant species in the semi-arid rangelands of Mohammad Abad area of Jiroft, Kerman Province, Iran. Method: We selected 3 sites that included light, moderate and heavy grazing intensities. Sampling was performed using 90 plots (2 m2) along 18 transects. The list of specie, canopy coverage and number of individuals per species were recorded for each sampling unit. To evaluate diversity and richness of the plant species, Margalef and Menhing richness indices, and Simpson, Shannon, Hill N0 and Hill N1 diversity indices were calculated. SPSS software was applied for data analysis. Comparison of different indices of diversity and richness among study sites was performed by the Tukey test. Findings: The results of Margalef richness index showed significant differences between all grazing sites. No significant difference existed in the Menhing richness index of different grazing categories (p<0. 01). Results of calculations of diversity indices for Simpson, Shannon, Hill N0 and Hill N1 showed that there were significant difference (p<0. 01) between all grazing sites. Discussion and Conclusion: Generally, diversity and species richness indices due to low rainfall and placement in the semi-arid region are relatively low in the case study. Therefore, because of the sensitive and fragile nature of these types of rangelands in the operation, we should pay more attention to prevent further destruction and amended the composition.

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Karbalaei Hossini Ghiyasvand Abolfazl | Tavakolinia Moein

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    2 (93)
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Background and Objective: With the start of the industrial revolution, the invention of cars and the expansion of cities and relatively the priority of the pedestrian and pedestrian spaces in the cities and urban spaces were dimmed and the spatial qualities of the public areas of the city and open spaces of the city were reduced. Considering the formation of the first steps in designing the walkway streets in Iran, and considering the great impact of these streets that have on the formation of various types of social interactions and the promotion of the quality of citizens life, this paper introduces and prioritizes the effective indicators for promoting social interactions in the walkway streets. Method: The research method that was used in this paper is based on objective, applied and on the basis of descriptive-analytical nature. In the first stage of the research, the background and theoretical framework of the research were collected by using library and documentary information and Based on that, an analytical model was presented. In the next step, which was done on the field, the criteria obtained in the first stage were prioritized by using the hierarchical analysis method. And also were evaluated on the samples (Khayyam and Sepah Qazvin streets). Finding: The results showed that among the principles and criteria under consideration, "vitality" and "readability" with the weights "0. 41" and "30. 0" have the most role in promoting social interactions in the walkway streets. Discussion and Conclusion: This research includes a scientific method for recognizing and prioritizing the criteria for promoting interactions on the walkway streets. The proposed operational strategy can be used in urban planning for designing these streets in order to promote citizen interactions.

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Background and Objective: With increase in the number of factories and industrialized cities, soil contamination is becoming an environmental problem in recent century. Considering the industrial activities of Arak city, the aims of this study was to evaluate metal contamination status of soils around Aluminum smelting factory of this city. Method: Ten composite samples were taken from the surface layers (0-15) of soils located in north-west and north-east directions of the factory with a distance interval of 1 km and up to a distance of 5 km from the factory. Total concentration of aluminum, iron, manganese and lead were extracted from the soil samples by acid and determined using ICP device. To determine the pollution intensity of the soils studied, contamination coefficient, degree of contamination, index of geo accumulation and enrichment factor were calculated for the soil samples. Findings: The results showed that the pollution intensities of soils by aluminum, iron, manganese and lead were higher in North West direction compared to North East direction and the total concentration of these elements were 41316. 5, 23282. 1, 567. 13 and 71. 04 mg/kg soil respectively. Discussion and Conclusion: According to the contamination coefficients calculated for the soil samples, the pollution intensity of the soils, in the north-west direction, was considerable for aluminum and moderate for iron, manganese and lead and indicated that industrial activities of the factory caused moderately soil pollution by metals.

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Background and Objective: Rapid and heterogeneous urban growth and also imbalance between urban environment and urbanism culture have caused many problems. Some of these problems that caused by occupations and urban industries affected on urban fabric, social stratification and citizen life directly and indirectly. In order to protect human health and urban environment all of the disturbing industries should be transmitted on suitable sites. In this regard, choosing the best site in the urban landscape is a very important issue. Indeed, this study is done to select suitable site for Azna nuisance industries. Method: In this research, after standardizing the layers and preparing the constraint maps, the weighted linear composition method was used to combine them. In order to determine the most suitable area, the competency approach of land areas was used and all patches with values higher than 200 and further than 5 hectares were identified. Finally, 15 zones were obtained, which were prioritized using mathematical programming and 5 factors of distance from the city center, road, nearest village, area of zones and average value of competencies. Finding: The results showed that the 10th and 2nd patches are most suitable site to establish urban nuisance industries respectively. Discussion and Conclusion: Overall, it can be concluded that simply determining the appropriate zones is not enough to transfer industries, but determining the best zone and also prioritizing other zones is of special importance that can help managers in choosing the most appropriate zone.

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Background and Objective: Decision making about location is considered as one of the most fundamental decisions of organizations that can play a major role in the organization's strategic orientation and profitability in the long term. This study aimed at providing a new model for locating gas stations. Criteria and factors affecting site selection of Qom Gas Company gas stations were based on Dimensions of Sustainable Development. Method: Researcher through literature review and interviews with experts of Gas Company and preparing a questionnaire to identify the factors taking into consideration the dimensions of sustainable development. In this study, two linear goal programming techniques to determine the weighting of criteria and fuzzy similarity methods for ranking alternatives are used. Findings: Criteria were included the economic cost of construction, proximity to the high-pressure gas lines, easy access in times of crisis, to cross the boulevards of the station in the network, including the environmental dimension distance from residential areas due to noise pollution, pollution in the environment and the social dimension of the security station. In this study paired comparisons carried out by fuzzy goal programming. In addition, fuzzy based similarity technique as a new method of fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making, in order to rank the options used. Discussion and Conclusion: According to the results of fuzzy similarity, A5 has been chosen as the best option.

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Background and Objective: Given the current energy crisis, daylight gained considerable momentum in architectural designs. Apart from energy efficiency considerations, the importance of using daylight in educational spaces is due to the pivotal role of light in visual perception of students and quality of educational spaces. This article addressed light shelves as window attachments with effective role in desirably lighting a classroom. Given the function of light shelves in clear and sunny climates and high number of educational centers in Tehran, this geographic area was selected to be investigated. Method: This research was founded on data from previous studies to determine the suitable depth of interior and exterior light shelves for window day lighting in this city. In this quantitative study, six types of light shelves with different layouts and heights from the floor were defined, and Diva for Rhino was used for simulation. These six light shelf layouts were analyzed by this software to determine the best one for providing the optimum day lighting. Performance of the light shelves was tested through simulation and their effects on the amount of light in a simulated classroom were examined. Findings: Results showed that all six light shelf layouts made the level of illumination bounce up and reduced energy consumption. Since the south side receives the most sunlight, south-facing light shelves are more efficient. Discussion and Conclusion: According to software simulations, the best results in terms of even illumination and glare reduction are achieved by using intermediate light shelves positioned 240 cm away from the floor (Type 1).

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Background and Objective: Assess the diversity of the understanding of ecosystem function; maintain genetic resources, checking environmental changes, and success or failure will help natural resource management programs. Over-grazing and uncontrolled usage of rangelands are the most common and the most important factor of rangeland degradation which causes a reduction in species diversity. Method: In order to investigate the effect of different grazing intensities on species diversity and uniformity in the rangelands of the southeastern slopes of Sabalan, three habitats with different grazing managements including light, medium and severe grazing were selected and one square meter plots along three 200-meter transects were sampled. In each plot, the list of available species, canopy percentage and number of individuals of each plot were recorded. Simpson, Shannon and Brillon diversity indices and Camargo, Simpson and Smith-Wilson uniformity indices were calculated. Findings: The results showed that the area with medium to light grazing intensity has the highest diversity and uniformity compared to the area with heavy grazing intensity which indicates favorable conditions for the establishment of several species. Discussion and Conclusions: Due to the significant effect of grazing intensity on diversity and richness indices, it is necessary for rangeland managers to control grazing intensity through management methods to maintain the diversity of rangeland ecosystems. Therefore, it is enough to target the management based on moderate grazing and bring the areas with intense grazing to the conditions of moderate grazing so that the good and tasty species gradually replace the woody and poor species. Desirable species and plant species and woody species are poor.

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Background and Objective: Optimization of urban waste collection and transportation system has the largest part of waste management costs. Therefore, improving this system and reducing its operating costs as a necessity in urban waste management has always been considered. Method: Due to the high volatility, changes in the size of the waste, climate change and demographic and substructure tissue, the use of artificial neural network system (ANN) is a suitable method for predicting the production waste size, and on the other hand, for The optimization of the management system of these wastes is also used by the surface response method (RSM). Findings The results of this combined method show that the best combination of factors affecting urban waste transport system was proposed by RSM considering the largest loaded pack with about 26 workers, 10 pickups and 6 trucks. This combination is capable of carrying around 34836 tons of cargo at a cost of 596696000 Rials, which represents a high efficiency over actual values. Also, to predict load, the back propagation algorithm (BP) with 9 neurons in the hidden layer was selected as the best model with a predictive power of 99/19% in prediction of weight and 96/62% in cost prediction. Discussion and Conclusion: The results showed that using the combination of two methods of surface response as a statistical method and artificial neural network as a mathematical method, we can find suitable results for evaluation and optimization of waste collection and transportation system.

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Background and Objective: Due to the limitation of fossil energy resources and problems caused by greenhouse gas emissions, it is essential to focus on renewable energy resources, because it can be used to achieve sustainable development goals. Thus, the purpose of this research is to investigate relations among renewable energy, CO2 emissions and sustainable development and compared to non-renewable energy in Iran. Method: In this study, dynamic interrelationships in the sustainable development-energy-CO2 emissions nexus is examined by applying bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR) in Iran over the period 1980-2013. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the indicator commonly used to measure economic growth and sustainable development, but this indicator is inefficient for evaluating development. One of the most prominent alternative indicators for sustainable development is the Index of Genuine Savings (GS). For this purpose, in this study GS is used as an indicator of sustainable development. Findings: Results reveal that the impact of creating positive shock on renewable and non-renewable energy consumption on sustainable development in Iran is positive. Also, positive shock on renewable and non-renewable energy consumption causes an increase in CO2 emission. Moreover, the impact of an increase in sustainable development is positive on renewable energy consumption and is negative on non-renewable energy consumption. Discussion and Conclusion: It is suggested that policy makers prioritize the promotion of energy supply diversification policies, especially renewable energy.

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