Background and Objectives: Agricultural combine harvesters play a crucial role in cereal productions. A combine operator performs almost all harvesting activities in seated posture. As an interface of the biomechanical system of operator’ s body and combines’ mechanical system, seat has a major effect on operator’ s safety, health, and comfort. A successful design of seat is not achievable without considering the anthropometric characteristics of user population in geometric design. In current study, the accommodation of common harvesting combines’ seat with Iranian operators’ body dimensions has been investigated. Methods: This study was conducted in Bijar, the widest county of Kurdistan province in the west of Iran. Eight anthropometric dimensions including weight, stature, shoulder height, elbow rest height, popliteal height, buttock-popliteal length, shoulder breadth, and hip breadth were measured on a sample of operators. The accommodation of seat pan width, upper backrest width, lower backrest width, seat height, armrest height, seat depth, and backrest height were investigated based on logical equations. Results: There was a considerable mismatch between evaluated combine seats and the anthropometric dimensions of operators. Selecting 440, 370, 440, 410, 260, 430, and 415 mm for respectively seat pan width, upper backrest width, lower backrest width, seat height, armrest height, seat depth, and backrest height can increase the match percentage to a range of 62. 2% to 100%. Conclusion: The dimensions of available combine harvester seats are not suitable for Iranian population. However, considering the anthropometric dimensions of operators can improve the seats ergonomically. It should be noted that a design based on corresponding national and international standards cannot guarantee the geometrical accommodation of seats.