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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The rise in the rate of addiction among women and the resulting increase in women’ s vulnerability has been a predominant debate in social pathology during the past few years in Iran. Accordingly, this study, with the guidance of the principles of the method of descriptive phenomenology, aims to analyze the addiction narrative as told by drug-addicted women. The data were collected using targeted sampling and deep and semi-structured interviews from women with a history of drug abuse residing in the city of Isfahan. According to the findings, the five themes of pleasure-seeking and pain-avoidance, a vulnerable character, weakness in life skills, an unsafe family, dominance of male norms and facilitating processes have been the most important reasons and motivations behind drug abuse among women, which have caused the formation of certain inner-personal and outer-social consequences for addicted women. The Necessity to leave, family’ s dual behavior, and the challenges around harm-reduction services have respectively been the most important challenges for women on their path to rehabilitation. In total, 11 third-level categories, 29second-level categories, and 413 semantic terms were discovered and extracted.

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    4 (30)
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The present research seeks to describe the experience of insecurity in everyday life from the point of view of divorced women in order to achieve their semantic interpretations and implications. The data of this qualitative study were collected through semi-structured interviews and the basic theory method for data analysis was used. An objective and objective sampling method was used for interviewing 20 divorced women in ilam. The results of this study indicate that social welfare, social insecurity, lack of social support, as a result of the circumstances have led to insecurity. Sexual predilection and double control have served as intervening conditions. Divorced women are confronted with desperate strategies, women's aggression and suicidal attempts, hidden resistance women, and suicide attempts. The feeling of insecurity of divorced women in everyday life has led to psychological disturbances, frustration of public space, and double discrimination.

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    4 (30)
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The aim of this is study it investigate the relationship between CEO gender with regards to risk aversion and women moral sensitivity conditional and unconditional conversation. To investigation the relation, the number of 132 companies during 2011 to 2015 were selected. Data analysis using panel data and is performed using a fixed effects model. In order to measure conditional and non-conditional conservatism, Ahmad and Dolman's model (2007) was inspired by Giwiel and Hayen (2000) and then the effect of Managers gender on conditional and non-conservative conservatism was investigated. The results showed that female senior managers in compared with men with higher conditional conversation, the result indicates that women than men reporting bad news faster. However, a significant relationship was observed between women senior managers and unconditional conservatism. As well as between women senior managers and conditional conservatism in the face of business risk significant positive relationship, therefore, there is no to express an opinion regarding the acceptance or rejection significant relationship between women senior managers and conditional conversation. But relationship women senior managers and conservatism in the face of financial risk and business risk in model of conditional conservatism no significant relationship was observed. Also between women senior managers and conditional and unconditional conservatism was no significant relationship in the face of sensitive companysize, the result was contrary to theoretical expectations.

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    4 (30)
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Women’ s issues have always been among the most controversial topics in various fields of study, especially in policy making. Accordingly, the two main discourses of the Islamic Republic of Iran, namely the fundamentalist and the reformist ones, have formed their own specific discourse. Rouhani’ s moderate discourse, passing the two major ones, claims to have a balanced approach towards women’ s issues. The aim of this study has been to explore the articulation of women’ s cause in the present moderate presidency of Iran through discourse analysis. Laclau and Mouffe’ s approach was used for this purpose. The data analysis showed that “ gender equality” has been the nodal point of Rouhani’ s discourse. Moreover, such issues as “ chastity centrality” , “ the equivalence of public and private spaces” , “ meta-traditional social roles” , “ the Islamic-revolutionary rereading of gender” , “ women’ s widespread social presence as a non-security issue” are the critical points which have been joint together around the nodal point mentioned above. It also seems that the discourse of moderation is rather socio-economical than political (regarding the reformists) or cultural (regarding the fundamentalists). However, the sum of the points under emphasis has more to do with the reformist discourse than the fundamentalist one.

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    4 (30)
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The present research was done with aim of exploring reasons for dropout of one rural girl student. The method of present research is descriptive and by narrative research approach. This research focused on rural girl student, has dropped out. For gathering data were used of semi-structured narrative interviews and survey notes. In the process of analysis have been used of narrations and encoding. In analyzing of narrations has been leveraged of Struass and Corbin’ s paradigm pattern {1990}. The results show that central category in dropout of this student is environmental poverty {Family and educational environment of the village} is affected by different factors such as economical poverty, illiteracy of parents, gender discrimination, student employment at home, distance to home and co-educational student; also background like culture faith of rural people, employing teacher soldier and effect of the group of peers have been effective along with above situation. These factors were influenced by the centralized structure of educational system include effective factors, the lack of educational content fit with needs of environment and school schedule with rural situations, have led to dropping out of student.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (30)
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of organizational democracy indicators on women's psychological capital in the organization. The statistical population in this study is female employees in the Humanities and Cultural Studies Research Institute. The present study is descriptive-objective in terms of practical purpose and in terms of type of method. Standard questionnaires have been used to collect the data required in this study. Analysis and testing of research hypotheses have been done in two sections: descriptive and inferential statistics. In the inferential statistics section, through the laser software, using the model of structural equations and path analysis coefficients, the effect of organizational democracy indicators on women's psychological capital has been studied. Based on the results of the structural equation model, the indicators of critical participation, justice and accountability have had a positive and significant impact on women's psychological capital in the Humanities Research Institute and Cultural Studies. Also, there was no significant relationship between transparency and equality indicators with women's psychological capital.

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    4 (30)
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The Bible as the main text in Judaism and Christianity has an important role in religious studies. In 20th century, the emergence of new translation theories paved the way for a new approach in Bible translations, based on egalitarian values and principles. Some translators of the Bible tried to reduce the exclusivity and patriarchy in the texts by eliminating the sexist elements, revising the patterns of power and using the inclusive language, according to modern criterion and values. The article, beside a short review of theoretical translation principles, aims to demonstrate the effect of egalitarian thought on bible translations a. it is also intended to clarify how successful the inclusive translations were from the aspect of gender equality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
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    4 (پیاپی 30)
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رشد نرخ اعتیاد زنان و افزایش آسیب پذیری زنان از ناحیه این پدیده یکی از مهم ترین بحث های پیرامون آسیب های اجتماعی چند سال اخیر در ایران بوده است. این مطالعه با راهبری اصول روش پدیدارشناسی توصیفی درصدد تحلیل روایت اعتیاد از منظر زنان مصرف کننده مواد است. داده ها با استفاده از نمونه گیری هدفمند و ابزار مصاحبه عمیق و نیمه ساختاریافته با نوزده زن دارای سابقه سو مصرف مواد مخدرجمع آوری شدند. پنج تم لذت جویی و دفع رنج، شخصیت آسیب پذیر، ضعف در مهارت های زندگی، خانواده آسیب زا، استیلای هنجارهای مردانه و فرایندهای تسهیلگر مهم ترین دلایل و انگیزه های مصرف مواد در زنان بوده اند که موجب شکل گیری برخی پیامدهای درونی-فردی و بیرونی-اجتماعی برای آنانشده اند. ضرورت ناگزیر ترک، رفتار دوگانه خانواده و چالش های پیرامون خدمات کاهش آسیب مهم ترین چالش های زنان در مسیر رهایی از اعتیاد بوده اند. درمجموع 11 مقوله سطح سوم، 29 مقوله سطح دومو 413 عبارت معنایی کشف و استخراج شد.

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    4 (30)
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One of the issues that is of interest to all segments of society is media literacy, which has been examined in various dimensions. Media literacy in cyberspace has created a new phenomenon called information filtering in social networks. In this research, the main question is whether there is a significant difference between media literacy and cyber filtering among male and female students. Been paid. The method of this research is qualitative and quantitative. To determine the variables under study, the viewpoints of female teachers with high school children were used. Then the relevant questionnaire is set up. The statistical population of this research is 4218 high school male and female students in Ilam. The questionnaires were distributed among 351 individuals. Using Spearman correlation coefficient and sine test, the research hypotheses were evaluated from different dimensions and based on Spearman correlation coefficient between media literacy and its dimensions with cyber filtering. There is a relationship.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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