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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to test the existence of the relationship between social intelligence of librarians and promotion of social responsibility of public libraries in Markazi Province. Methodology: This study has been accomplished in correlation type in form of prediction. The statistical universe includes all public librarians of Markazi province that were 184 people, 89 people was selected by random sampling method. To collect data, the questionnaire of social intelligence, presented by Carrie-Anne Kraven, was used including 21 items and also questionnaire of social responsibility by Denison including 19 questions. The obtained Cronbach's alpha for social intelligence questionnaire was 83% and for social responsibility questionnaire was 92/5%. The validity was determined by experts. Findings: The results showed a significant positive relationship between social intelligence librarians and social responsibility. The determined level of dimensions and elements of social intelligence in librarians was above average. In addition, about the impact of the elements of social intelligence of librarians (including social information processing, social skills and social awareness) on social responsibility of libraries, it was found that all three elements of social intelligence of librarians have a significant impact on the social responsibility of libraries. Friedman test results showed that the greatest impact on the libraries social responsibility is related to the variable of librarian's social awareness. Authenticity/Value: Present research which was trying to study the impact of librarians social intelligence on promotion of social responsibility of public libraries of Markazi Province, causes knowledge creation and improvement of the awareness among researchers and managers of public libraries in Markazi province in this regard and that the findings of this study can inform managers and experts of the situation of social intelligence in the Markazi province and help them in programming for promotion of social intelligence of librarians.

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    3 (94)
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Background and Objectives: Performance evaluation is a process through which the organization is assessed at specific intervals to determine its strengths as well as areas that need to be systematically improved. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance Excellence of Iran Public Libraries by using the Malcolm Baldrige Model. Method: This research was practical in terms of the purpose, and, was survey in terms of methodology with descriptive approach and quantitative framework in data collection. The statistical population of the present study was the employees (librarians and authorities) of the major public libraries, among whom 210 individuals were selected as sample members using proportional Stratified Random Sampling. To evaluate the performance excellence, the Baldrige Excellence Patterns Questionnaire was used for staff and managers (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2015); Before gathering the data, the validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by using the translation validity and determining the face validity. Despite confirmation of reliability of this tool in various studies, here, Cronbach's alpha test was used for reliability calculation and it was 0. 89 and confirmed. Also, to analyze the descriptive information of the study, SPSS 24 and one sample t-test was used. Results: From staff' point of views of the major public libraries of the country, performance excellence in these libraries is in a relatively favorable situation. Motahhari Baravat kerman Public Library ranked first in the performance excellence and Tarbiyat tabriz Public Library had the lowest performance status. The status of the performance excellence of the major public libraries in the provinces of Kerman and Markazi based on the province, in district 5 (Mashhad) and district 3 (Tabriz) based on the district, in standard Public Libraries and second degree Public libraries based on the classification of Public libraries, respectively, received the highest and lowest values. Originality/ Value: The use of the Malcolm Baldrige Universal Excellence Model for evaluating the performance of Iran Public Libraries has been considered in this research. A tool for evaluating performance excellence measures attempted to highlight the status of excellence of Iran Public Libraries from the perspective of the staff.

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    3 (94)
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Purpose: the study aims to survey the place of information literacy components in official documents of Iran public libraries foundation )IPLF (and survey the results with IFLA information literacy guidelines. Research MethodologyThe research is a kind of qualitative approach and is developed on theoretical analysis. The research community includes eight main official documents of IPLF as well as IFLA information literacy guidelines. Therefore", conventional qualitative content analysis ” method is conducted, and NVIVO software, a checklist, by relying on the Gal's technique are used. Findings: 44 concepts related to information literacy components through the surveyed documents identified. The concepts categorized into five main categories namely, education, research, computer literacy, entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning. The concepts related to “ information literacy education” considered the most attention in the official documents, and the 5-year strategic plan document had the most concepts related to IFLA's information literacy components. Despite the importance of information literacy in public libraries, the constructive role of these skills are not considered in the official documents to empower the audience as it should be. Originality /Value: The value of this analysis can be helpful to utilize as a major context to apply information literacy components in the official documents of IPLF more explicitly. Further, it can be fruitful to compile and implement constant programs of information literacy training for audiences of the Iranian public libraries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    3 (94)
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Purpose: the aim of this research is design and test modeling Evaluation knowledge – creation BA environment in Iranian Islamic research Centers Based on Triple-Helix and I-System Theories and investigate the effect of knowledge creation BA environment, Personality Traits on research performance. Methodology: The present study is an applied research. The method of data collection is survey. This research is typically based on structural equation modeling. The main instrument for data collection was a questionnaire with 30 questions for knowledge creation BA environment, 7 questions for Capabilities of researchers and faculty members, 5 questions for Personality Traits. Evaluation research performances Based on of researcher’ s research activities were weighted. The study population consisted of all researchers and faculty members’ Iranian Islamic research Centers. Using simple random sampling, 330 as the sample chosen and research questionnaire was distributed among them. Data were analyzed using LISREL and SPSS software’ s. Finding: The results of the knowledge creation BA environment model showed that Nine dimensions Infrastructure Intelligence, Actors Intelligence, Information Intelligence, Infrastructure Involvement, Actors Involvement, Information Involvement, Infrastructure Imagination, actors Imagination, Information Imagination are Major factors influencing on establishment of the knowledge creation BA environment in Iranian Islamic research Centers. Also the results of all factors Personality Traits, Capabilities of researchers and faculty members and research performance influencing on establishment of the creation BA environment in Iranian Islamic research. Finally, the results of the structural model showed that creation BA environment, Capabilities of researchers and faculty members, Personality Traits have a significantly positive effect on research performance in Iranian Islamic research Centers. Originality / value: This was a study in Islamic research centers. The results of this study, the gap between the current situation and creation BA environment favorable situation Regard to the Triple Helix model and I-systems to measure and analyze.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (94)
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Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate The effect of self-efficiency and Psychological Hardiness on Job burnout with Mediation Role of Job Motivation among employees of public libraries of Khuzestan Province. Methodology: This research is Applied one that has conducted by a descriptive survey research approach. population of this study is all employees of public libraries of Khuzestan Province that 175 person fom them on basis of Kerjesi-Morgan Table were randomly selected by Simple sampling method. For collecting data self-efficiency, Psychological Hardiness, Job burnout and Job Motivation questionnaires was applied. data were analyzed by SPSS 23 an Amos softwares. The results of validity test indicate. All questionnaires are valid. All questionnaires were also high reliability 70/0. Results: Results of the research showed that two variables of self-efficiency and Psychological Hardiness have a significant Direct negative effect on Job burnout employees of public libraries of Khuzestan Province. Also the two variables have a significant Indirect effect on Job burnout with Mediation Role of Job Motivation of employees of public libraries of Khuzestan Province. Value: cultural development of the country is very difficult without neglect of Role of public libraries. Hence Consideration to the problems of employees of public libraries is of significant importance. Results of this research can help Managers of public libraries Foundation of Khuzestan and the Country to increase the efficiency of employees and accordingly cultural development of Khuzestan and the Country.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    3 (94)
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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the advertising effectiveness of Public Library Institution studious projects and user attraction in public library at Zanjan state from view of user. Methodology: Type of research method is survey and for the purpose of this paper 333 user that they are members of public library at Zanjan state are studied. For this article, used questionnaire according to AIDA model. Data analyzed by SPSS 18 Software. Finding: there are relations between attention, interested, desire and action dimensions. User prefer to implement Khetabkhan national project, Khetabkhan festival, virtual Khetabkhan, Khetabkhan Mah and Specialist Khetabkhan. Results: Advertising of Public Library Institution studious projects was effective in user attraction. In addition, these advertising in all of dimensions of AIDA model were effective. From view of user these projects was relative with information needs of users and it was useful.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (94)
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Purpose: In this study, a method was presented based on data mining and Kano model to predict the type of online book stores customers' needs. Methodology: First three groups of needs and factors affecting customer satisfaction of AdineBook online store were extracted, according to expert opinions and Kano questionnaire was designed based on these factors. After data preprocessing, type of customer needs were determined based on the Kano model. So customers were clustered according to type of needs and demographic characteristics. Clustering was done using K-means algorithm and the number of initial clusters were determined by self-organizing neural network. Then the frequency of customer needs in each cluster were prioritize and the clusters were classified accordingly. In the next step, decision tree technique was used to predict future customer needs. According to the result of decision tree, among the demographic variables as education, age, gender and marital status have the greatest impact on determining the type of customer needs. Originality/value: Considering the accuracy of decision tree that is too good, the results show that the proposed method has good efficiency to predict the needs of new customers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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