Purpose: the aim of this research is design and test modeling Evaluation knowledge – creation BA environment in Iranian Islamic research Centers Based on Triple-Helix and I-System Theories and investigate the effect of knowledge creation BA environment, Personality Traits on research performance. Methodology: The present study is an applied research. The method of data collection is survey. This research is typically based on structural equation modeling. The main instrument for data collection was a questionnaire with 30 questions for knowledge creation BA environment, 7 questions for Capabilities of researchers and faculty members, 5 questions for Personality Traits. Evaluation research performances Based on of researcher’ s research activities were weighted. The study population consisted of all researchers and faculty members’ Iranian Islamic research Centers. Using simple random sampling, 330 as the sample chosen and research questionnaire was distributed among them. Data were analyzed using LISREL and SPSS software’ s. Finding: The results of the knowledge creation BA environment model showed that Nine dimensions Infrastructure Intelligence, Actors Intelligence, Information Intelligence, Infrastructure Involvement, Actors Involvement, Information Involvement, Infrastructure Imagination, actors Imagination, Information Imagination are Major factors influencing on establishment of the knowledge creation BA environment in Iranian Islamic research Centers. Also the results of all factors Personality Traits, Capabilities of researchers and faculty members and research performance influencing on establishment of the creation BA environment in Iranian Islamic research. Finally, the results of the structural model showed that creation BA environment, Capabilities of researchers and faculty members, Personality Traits have a significantly positive effect on research performance in Iranian Islamic research Centers. Originality / value: This was a study in Islamic research centers. The results of this study, the gap between the current situation and creation BA environment favorable situation Regard to the Triple Helix model and I-systems to measure and analyze.