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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Dastgir Sara | KARIMI JAVAD

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Background: Body dysmorphic disorder is one of the most common adolescent disorders, which is defined as preoccupation with imaginary defect or exaggerated distortion of a minor physical defect. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship of body image-related cognitive fusion, body image psychological inflexibility, meaning of life and mindfulness with body dysmorphic disorder in a group of female students in Khoramabad city. Methods: This is a correlation study and the population comprised of all second-grade female students in Khoramabad city in 2016-17 academic year. Of these, n=364 were selected using random cluster sampling. The data collection instruments were the modified Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale for Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire-Body Image (CFQ-BI), Body Image Psychological Inflexibility Scale (BIPIS), Engaged Living Scale (ELS) and Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS). The collected data were analyzed using SPSS-v22. 0, Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression analysis using a step-wise method. Results: The results showed that body image-related cognitive fusion, body image psychological inflexibility, meaning of life and mindfulness were significantly correlated with body dysmorphic disorder in female students (p<0. 05). Body image-related cognitive fusion, body image psychological inflexibility, meaning of life and mindfulness played a significant role in anticipating the body dysmorphic disorder in female students. These four variables predicted 85. 7% of variation in body dysmorphic disorder. Conclusion: According to the results, body image-related cognitive fusion, body image psychological inflexibility, meaning of life and mindfulness can predict body dysmorphic disorder. Hence, they need to be considered in the treatment of body dysmorphic disorder.

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Background: Today, to accurately assess and measure a variable in the field of psychology and psychiatry it requires efficient tools. The purpose of this study was to construct, validate, and identify the factor structure of a 24-items Emotional Flexibility Scale (EFS). Methods: This research was a descriptive-correlational study. 240 people were selected through available sampling method from all the clients of the health care centers in Hamedan and collected Psychological Well-being questionnaire and researcher-made Emotional Flexibility Scale. Data were analyzed by SPSS and LISREL using correlation coefficient, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis. Content validity index (CVI = 0. 916) was calculated by help of 4 specialists. Results: The factor analysis showed that 3 factors with a specific value higher than one could explain 75. 716 percent of the variance of the items. Also, the rotated matrix of data showed that all of the items are effective. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that goodness of fit statistics is acceptable. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the whole scale was 0. 866 and for positive emotion regulation, negative emotion regulation, and emotion communication were 0. 834, 0. 761, and 0. 641, respectively. Conclusion: Thus, it can be concluded that the 24-items EFS in terms of validity and factor structure is a desirable tool for use in various educational, research, and clinical fields. The applicant of this tool is recommended to all professionals, students and researchers in the field of psychology and psychiatry.

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Background: The excision repair cross-complementing group 2 (ERCC2 ) is a Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) gene. The ERCC2 c. 2251A>C Polymorphism is located in codon 751 of exon 23 which result in amino acid changes (Lys751Gln) in the ERCC2. This Polymorphism is associated with decreased DNA repair capacity cause to genetic instability and carcinogenesis. Thus, we examined the associations between ERCC2 c. 2251A>C Polymorphism and sporadic colorectal cancer in Iranian population. Methods: In this case-control study, 291 incident sporadic colorectal cancer cases and 140 controls were analyzed. ERCC2 Genotyping was done using a polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length poly-morphism (PCR-RFLP). Results: Genotype frequency of c. 2251A>C in ERCC2 in patients and healthy groups was significantly different (p<0. 05). The results indicated that the mutant allele (C) can increased significantly risk of colorectal cancer (OR: 1. 37; 95% CI: 1. 03-1. 83). Also, In ERCC2 genotypes, the CC genotype led to an increase in risk of colorectal cancer (OR: 2. 37; 95% CI: 1. 03-5. 48). Conclusion: According to the Our results the ERCC2 c. 2251A>C Polymorphism involved in colorectal cancer susceptibility in Iranian population.

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Background: One of the powerful carcinogens in tobacco is nicotine nitrosamine ketone (NNK), which can activate annexin a2 and develop the irritation of the lung. Since the Nigella sativa plays a vital role in treating cancer, the aim of this research was to evaluation of annexin a2 expression and histopathologic changes of lung tissue in rats exposed to NNK and Nigella sativa nanocapsules. Methods: In this experimental research, 45 Wistar male and female rats with average weight and standard deviation of 103. 83± 23. 48 grams were haphazardly separated into five groups including supplement, supplement + NNK, NNK, saline and control. NNK-induced groups received NNK subcutaneously one day per week at a rate of 12. 5 mg/kg/bw. Supplemented groups similarly consumed Nigella sativa nanocapsules for 12 weeks at 12. 5 μ g / kg body weight. Annexin a2 expression in lung tissue were quantified by immunohistochemistry technique. One-way ANOVA and Tukey’ s multiple comparisons test were utilized for analyzing the data. Results: Exposure to NNK significantly augmented annexin a2 expression compared to the saline group (p<0. 001). On the other hand, a period of Nigella sativa nanocapsules consumption significantly decreased the annexin a2 expression in supplement + NNK group compared to the NNK group (p<0. 001). Conclusion: It seems that Nigella sativa nanocapsules consumption along with other therapeutic methods can be useful in reducing the role of carcinogenic NNK and inflammation caused by cigarette smoke.

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Background: Pdx1 is a transcription factor that plays a key role in pancreatic development and regulation of insulin gene expression and the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of pregnancy on the treatment of diabetes-induced liver disease and the expression of the Pdx1 gene, an apoptotic gene, and in the event of damage to the anti-apoptotic activity. Methods: In this experimental study, 42 adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 7 healthy control groups, diabetic control, control group, Chartine 150 mg / kg controls, and Three groups received the effective dose of the Chartine (50, 100 and 200 mg / kg). All groups except diabetic control group and control group with streptozotocin chemical injected intraperitoneally. Afterwards, they received a cartilage by gavage for four weeks. At the end, the data were evaluated statistically. Results: According to the obtained data, it can be concluded that the lowest expression is related to the diabetic group (C) and the highest expression among the groups receiving different doses of the Chartine was related to the dose of 100 (F), and the least relevant dose was 50 (E). Conclusion: Evidence suggests that increased expression of the Pdx1 gene was not dosedependent. After the development of diabetes, the patient's severity declined sharply, and after the use of chronitin and metformin, this reduction was some what offset.

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Background: Disability to recognize emotions in children with Autism will cause aggressive behaviors of them against themselves and others, which leads to weakening of social interaction and psychological problems for them. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of face emotion recognition training to children with highfunctioning Autism on their mother-child relationship. Methods: This study was a quasi-experimental and single subject research design (SSRD), which was performed on 5 school-age boys with high-functioning autism. The LFI training software was used to recognize face emotions and was taught in 8 sessions over a month. The Mother-Child Relationship Questionnaire (MCRE) was completed by mothers before and after education, also in baseline and follow-up stages of study Descriptive and inferential statistics (Wilcoxon and Friedman) were used for data analysis by SPSS software version 16 and p<0. 05 was considered as significant level. Results: The results showed that the average score in the first session was the lowest and in the next sessions it was progressively increased up to the 8th session and the samples improved in each session (p<0. 05). There was also a significant difference between the scores of acceptance domain of mother-child relationship before and after training (p<0. 05). Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, LFI training software has a positive effect on improving the mother-child relationship in children with high-functioning autism. Therefore, in addition to recommending the use of this software to improve the mother-child relationship, the research team proposes to examine its impact on other aspects of children with autism.

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Background: The chronic effects of arobic exercise on insulin resistance and protein carbonyl in sedentary postmenopausal women is contradictory. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of walking on blood plasma protein carbonyl in sedentary postmenopausal women. Methods: In this semi-quasi study, 24 elderly women in the Shiraz city with an average age of 59. 65± 4. 94 years and weight 78. 64± 5. 37 kg after completion of informed consent were randomly divided into two groups of experimental and control (n=12). Exercise was held three times a week for eight weeks at 45 percent of maximum heart rate for 25 minutes in the first to three weeks, 55 percent of maximum heart rate for 35 minutes per week in fourth to sixth weeks, and 65 percent of maximum heart rate for 45 minutes in seventh and eighth weeks in the experimental group. Subjects were asked to follow their usual diet during the study period and refrain from changing the diet. The control group was asked to do not participate in any formal exercise program. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) test was used for statistical analysis of data (p≤ 0. 05). Results: The findings of this study showed that eight weeks of walking was increased significantly protein carbonyl (p= 0. 005, F= 10. 242). After eight weeks of walking plasma level of fasting blood glucose (p=0. 05, F=24. 925), insulin (p=0. 007, F=3. 611), insulin resistance (p=0. 023, F=12. 54), body mass index (p=0. 000, F=124. 818) and fat percentage (p=0. 000, F=162. 152) were significantly decreased. Conclusion: In general, eight weeks walking leads to decrease in insulin resistance and body fat and increase in protein carbonyl in sedentary postmenopausal women.

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Background: MS disease has a chronic and progressive nature and affects various aspects of a person's life, and results in psychological problems and poor quality of life in patients. Considering the importance of this issue, this study aimed to investigate the psychological symptoms in MS patients compared with the control group. Methods: This is a causal-comparative study in patients with MS and healthy individuals in Guilan province. In this study, 120 MS patients and 120 healthy people participated in this study. To collect the data, the Symptom CheckList-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) was used. Data were analyzed by using SPSS v. 22 software and Mann– Whitney U test. Results: A survey of cut-off points for GSI showed that 68 (56. 66%) of MS patients and 23 (19. 16%) of healthy people were suspected of psychological disorders. The results of psychological disorder symptoms indicate that the mean score of the somatization (U=4798, Z=-4. 471, p<0. 001), obsessive– compulsive disorder (U=4450. 500, Z=-5. 118, p<0. 001), interpersonal sensitivity (U=4572. 500, Z=-4. 893, p<0. 001), Depression (U= 4775. 500, Z=-4. 513, p<0. 001), anxiety (U=4360. 500, Z=-5. 219, p<0. 001), hostility (U=4411. 500, Z=-5. 204, p<0. 001), phobia (U=5099. 500, Z=-3. 945, p<0. 001), paranoia (U=5375, Z=-3. 401, p<0. 001), pychoticism (U=4154. 500, Z=-5. 689, p<0. 001) mean score of GSI (U=419, Z=-5. 597, p<0. 001) in MS patients were significantly more than healthy people. Conclusion: Overall, the results showed that the psychological symptom was more common in people with MS than normal people. By considering this fact, the psychological issues have an effective role in the treatment of these individuals, however the recommendation is screening and psychosocial interventions based on the psychological symptom of these patients.

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Background: Recently, metal nanoparticles, especially silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), have attracted the attention of researchers due to their biological properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the biological synthesis of AgNPs using Erica carnea extract and its antibacterial, and cytotoxic effects on breast cancer cell line (MCF-7). Methods: In this experimental study, the AgNPs were synthesized by adding E. carnea extract to silver nitrate. Subsequently, its physical and chemical properties were determined by ultraviolet spectrophotometry (UV/Vis), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Subsequently, its antimicrobial, cytotoxic and apoptotic effects were investigate using minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), MTT and flow cytometry (Annexin-V/PI kit) methods, respectively. Results: The UV/Vis adsorption results showed that the synthesized AgNPs had a maximum absorbance at 420 nm. In addition, SEM and TEM results indicated that the AgNPs was spherical and had an average size of 10. 67 nm. The results of MIC show that the AgNPs had significant effect on Gram negative bacteria. The results of cell cytotoxicity at 125. 3 to 100 μ g/ml concentrations showed that the IC50 value was 7. 14 microgram/mL. Apoptotic results showed that AgNPs induced 60% apoptosis in the MCF-7 cell line. Conclusion: Based on results of this study, it can be concluded that the AgNPs synthesized by the E. carnea extract had significant antibacterial and anticancer effects and can be used as a drug candidate for the future.

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Background: The synthesis and secretion of insulin from the pancreas and insulin function in target tissues are one of the most important causes of the prevalence or severity of type 2 diabetes. In present study, the aim is to determine the effect of high intensity interval training (HIIT) training on FOXO1 expression in pancreas tissue of type 2 diabetes rats (T2D). Methods: T2D induced by high fat diet and intraperitoneal STZ injection in 14 male Wistar rats and randomly divided into test (n = 7) or control (n = 7) groups. The test subjects were completed 6 weeks HIIT (5 days/weekly) in the form of running on a treadmill and control remained with no exercise in this period. FOXO1 expression in pancreas tissue, fasting glucose and serum insulin were determined after training program of 2 groups. Independent t-test was used at a significant level of less than 5% for comparing variables between groups. Results: HIIT resulted in significant increase in FOXO1 relative expression in pancreas tissue (p= 0. 017). Compared to control group, fasting insulin decreased by HIIT (p= 0. 007). Fasting glucose was also decreased in exercise than control group (p<0. 0001). Conclusion: Based on this data, improve serum insulin in test rats could be attributed to increased FOXO1 expression in pancreas tissue by HIIT. However, more studies are needed to clarify the mechanisms underling the effects of exercise on the synthesis and secretion of insulin.

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Background: The bio-production method has been respected due to the lack of energy consumption and environmental compatibility. In this study, the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles was investigated from the extract of Fumaria Parviflora and its antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties compared to two common antibiotics. Methods: First, aqueous extract of Fumaria Parviflorawas prepared and admixed with AgNo3solution at a concentration of 1 mM. After changing the color of extract, the reaction product was examined by spectrophotometric, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Finally, antioxidant properties and antibacterial properties of synthesized nanoparticles were investigated using DPPH method and disk diffusion method, respectively. Also, the MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration of growth and MBC (minimum bactericidal concentration) were determined by two methods of microdilution and dilution in the tube. Results: The synthesized silver nanoparticles showed the most absorbance at 430 nm and had a spherical shape with an average size of 10-50 nm. The synthesized nanoparticles have antioxidant properties with IC50 of 21 μ g / ml. The results of the antibacterial studies showed that the synthesized silver nanoparticles had more antibacterial activity against the grampositive bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus than the gram-negative bacteria of Escherichia coli. Conclusion: The extract of Fumaria Parviflora has the ability of reducing Ag+ ion to silver nanoparticles. Also, synthesized silver nanoparticles have good antioxidant and antibacterial activities.

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Background: Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in infertile couples has created a great improvement for treatment of these patients. Unfortunately, despite of high cost of doing ICSI the rate of success is not acceptable and failing pregnancy put a heavy anxiety to couples. This study is aimed to make an effort in order to extract the best predictors for predict the success rate of intra cytoplasmic sperm injection and promote accuracy, sensivity and specificity by the use of artificial neural network and logistic regression. Methods: 345 patients received ICSI treatment and each of which constructed of 54 numerical and nominal records. This database was randomly divided into the estimation (n=276) and validation (n=69) data set. The models were used based on binary logistic regression (BLR) feature selection tools and Levenberg-Marquardth neural network classifier. Finally, models were evaluated using important criteria such as accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. Results: The best output of the B LR model by using 54 variables revealed accuracy (97%), sensitivity (86%)and specificity (%94). The best output of the LMNN model using Reduced dataset consisted of n=29 with a feature vector side yielded the accuracy (82%) and sensitivity (%92) and specificity (%76). Conclusion: Our result demonstrated that BLR model outperformed highlighting the great power of BLR in success rate of ICSI prediction while using binary output.

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Background: Since addiction is a biopsychosocial disease and according to its progressive nature that endangers the life of addicted, his family and the society, the aim of this research was to study the family experience of drug addicts’ stigma in one or more of the family members. Methods: This study was conducted with a qualitative approach using the phenomenological method. Sampling was purposive and the data were collected through interviews of semi structured interviews with 30 members of addicts’ families in the city of Tehran up to data saturation. Results: The findings can be categorized in the four main categories of family members (with four subgroups: softness in speech, family apathy toward the individual and addiction, covering with the hope of self-understanding and struggling with addicted), social relations of family members (with four subgroups: shrinking relationships because of shame and embarrassment, shrinking relationships because of acquaintances blaming, shrinking relationships because of acquaintances questioning and acquaintances attitude), the type of behavior of acquaintances with family (with three subgroup: acquaintances blaming, acquaintances irony and pity) and social stigma (with three subgroup: community rejection of addiction, stigma of susceptibility of addiction and stigma of disease). Conclusion: Due to the research findings, stigma and its consequences can be considered as one of the critical issues for the families of addicts.

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