The purpose of this study was to investigate the internship curriculum with the approach of educating reflective teacher from the perspective of professors of Farhangian University. This study was a qualitative research by using phenomenological method. The method of data collection was semi-structured interviews. 15 professors were purposefully selected. These professors, as internship instructors in 4 consecutive semesters with a reflective teacher approach, provided the researcher with a lot of information on how to implement the program and its effects on students. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and the text of the interviews was analyzed and interpreted using a coding (three-steps) method. The long-term relationship of the researcher as a professor of Farhangian University and the continuous observations of this research environment confirmed the validity of the research findings. Findings showed that the curriculum approach of Farhangian University emphasizes reflective action and situational practice, but content requires the use of combined (PCK) and applied knowledge. Learning is context-based and is organized according to individual situations and experiences. The program are effective by employing the strategy of reflective observation, narration, action research and lesson study; Dialectical dialogue, problem solving in education, providing reflective feedback, self-assessment and peer evaluation based on levels of success in assessment, have been able to focus on professional self-awareness, agency, willingness to learn and change, risk-taking to face challenges, professional interaction and reducing the gap between students’ opinions and actions. In implementation, the program has faced challenges such as: organizational structures, rules and procedures governing the relationship between the university and education, the dominance of traditional methods in schools and the limited conditions for gaining professional experience, lack of scientific and professional support for performers by relevant authorities, scientific and research centers tailored to the requirements of the program.