Classical classification with two-value logic is the basis of most of the classification schemes, while with the emergence of interdisciplinary sciences, this has become challenging in properly determining their stance in the classification of science. The method adopted in this study is analytic consisting of document analysis and content analysis. In the first, applying the targeted sampling method, the texts and documents related to the subject are assessed and in second, 125 methods (75 science and 50 library-bibliographic classification). The information related to categories, subcategories, indicators, etc. are identified and registered in the checklists. Here, the census method is adopted. As to the 75 classification systems of science, the oldest is the Vedic classification. In relation to Bibliographic Classification Systems, 50 classification systems, they are of four categories of ancient, medieval, new and modern centuries. The study of main categories, and subcategories of classification of science systems and library-bibliographic classification systems indicate that basis of “ division of science” or “ division of written sources” in these systems are subject or field and interdisciplinary sciences are not considered in an independent manner. Therefore, we are faced with binary, triple, quaternary etc. in most library-bibliographic classification systems and in the classification systems of sciences, which are in fact derived from classical logic. The results of the research indicate that the interdisciplinary science fields lack an independent position in 125 classification systems. In brief, the fuzzy logic is proposed as a substitute methodology and logic in the classification of sciences and library references.