Background and Aim: Part of the mission of Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences is to teach professional behaviors to police students and to institutionalize these behaviors in them. Although many factors are involved in institutionalizing these behaviors, the role of queue commanders is very significant due to the close and close relationship with students. Therefore, the present study examined the role of queue commanders in institutionalizing professional police behaviors in students. Methodology: This research was performed using a qualitative method of in-depth case study, which was performed by studying "behavioral pattern of 12 people" from sample students. Students who were judged by non-probabilistic sampling method and selected by queue commanders were interviewed, and the results of the interview were analyzed using directional content analysis. To increase the credibility and reliability of the research, great attention was paid to the use of various methods, including great care in formulating the theoretical framework and the use of multiple and related sources. It is also possible to access a collection of recorded notes and interviews for review by critics and, if necessary, re-analyzed by others. Results: From the interviews, 9 indicators were extracted for the commanders of the queue, which include the personal characteristics of the instructor (commander) such as honesty, generosity, good character and appearance, maintaining the dignity and personality of the student, being fair, accompanying the student and being the agent of the instructor. What it says is that students are involved in institutionalizing what they are learning. Conclusion: Commanders must be the agents of what they say and act on it before asking students to do it themselves, as well as all the things they want to institutionalize in students because they see the commander as their role model. Institutionalizing Behavior, Professional Behavior, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences, Student, Police, Line Commander.