Introduction: Emerging infections have a great impact on the health of pregnant mothers and their fetuses. Due to the importance of contracting this virus during pregnancy and due to the emergence of this virus and the limited number of studies on the consequences of contracting this disease during pregnancy, this review study aims to summarize the reported studies on covid-19 infection. Performed during pregnancy and childbirth. Materials and Methods: In this study, a review of all studies conducted in English on covd-19 in pregnancy and childbirth from 2019 to March 2020, in the databases Scopus, Google Scholar, Pubmed, Science Direct, Cochrane, and keywords covid-19, sars-cov-2, coronavirus-2019, 2019-ncov, pregnancy, delivery. Results: In these studies, a total of 103 pregnant mothers with covid-19 and their maternal and neonatal outcome and the incidence of infants of mothers with covid-19 were studied. Most of the studies reported in different cities of China were. Pregnant mothers have been examined. Conclusion: Based on the reported findings, vertical transmission of mother to fetus has not been reported so far and maternal and neonatal outcome have been reported in all well-studied studies, all samples of amniotic fluid, placenta, breast milk and vaginal discharge samples based on studies. COVID-19 was negative and no maternal deaths were reported at the time of this study. Currently, due to the lack of effective treatment and vaccines, the best way to deal with this disease is to avoid infection and prevent its spread through protective measures and personal hygiene.