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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives: The widespread prevalence of Coronavirus disease and the resulting epidemic and implementation of quarantine has increased Coronavirus anxiety. On the other hand, collective tragedies, especially those involving infectious diseases, often increase waves of fear and anxiety that appear to cause widespread behavioral disturbances and threaten the mental health of many people in the population. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of coronavirus anxiety on self-esteem, life satisfaction and mood of women with moderate to moderate physical activity during the Covid-19 quarantine period. Material and Methods: The present study is a descriptive survey study. The sample consisted of 165 women with regular moderate physical activity who participated in the study through available sampling through telegram and WhatsApp virtual networks by distributing online questionnaire link. Required data through standard questionnaires including coronary anxiety Alipour, Brumez Mood Scale (BRUMS) Items, Life satisfaction of Diener. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and IPAQ physical activity questionnaire was provided. Data in SPSS 26 software were analyzed using descriptive statistics and path analysis using SMARTPLS software. Results: The results showed that anxiety caused by novel coronavirus pandemic has an inverse relationship with self esteem (β =-0. 238) and life satisfaction (β =-0. 307) in women with moderate regular physical activity during the quarantine period, but a positive significant relationship with on the mood (β =0. 573) of women with moderate regular physical activity the goodness of fit was calculated (P<0. 05). Conclusion: Coronary anxiety disorder plays an important role in the self-esteem, life satisfaction, and mood of women with moderate-to-moderate physical activity during the Covid-19 quarantine period. Reducing coronary anxiety through appropriate exercise programs can be effective in improving the self-esteem, life satisfaction, and mood of women with moderate to moderate physical activity during the Covid-19 quarantine period.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives: Safety is one of the main dimensions of quality of health services. Considering the expansion of imaging equipment in diagnosis of diseases and the importance of maintaining and improving the safety of patients and staff in these wards, this study aimed to investigate the safety status of imaging wards in hospitals. Material and Methods: This study is a cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study. The sampling method was the census so that all public and private hospitals in Tabriz city of Iran (7 public hospitals affiliated to Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and 6 private hospitals) were enrolled in the study. The instrument used was a researcher-made checklist whose content validity ratio was 0. 82 and the Content Validity Index was 0. 86. The safety status of the wards was evaluated in 9 domains. Data were analyzed by SPSS software version 24 using descriptive statistics and Mann-Whitney test. Results: The mean safety score of imaging wards was 79. 78 ± 6. 2 The average safety scores in public hospitals were 79. 7± 5. 91 and private hospitals were 79. 8 ± 7. 29. Radiation safety was the highest score in public and private hospitals (92. 85 ± 8. 09) and private (95. 8 ± 9. 17). The lowest standards compliance in public hospitals was related to electrical safety (69. 28 ± 10. 96). In private hospitals, employee safety had the lowest score (62. 96 ± 9. 07). There was a significant difference between the mean score of employee safety and the type of hospital ownership (public and private) (p value=0. 019). Conclusion: Safety improvement in imaging should be studied as one of the priority issues in all hospitals. Employee safety had the lowest score thus it is necessary to implement strategies to improve employee safety including providing appropriate protective clothing, daily distribution of milk and proportionate compensation such as paying to work with radiation, reducing working hours and increasing annual leave according to existing laws.

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives: The main purpose of this research is to design an innovation ecosystem model in the field of biotechnology in Tabriz and to determine the components of the innovation ecosystem that has been done by the ecosystem data method. Material and Methods: This study was conducted by grounded theory. Semi-structured interviews were used for data collection and data analysis was performed using Strauss and Corbin method and paradigm model. The statistical population of this study consisted of 18 faculty members of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, directors of research and technology and higher education planning, and the university's relationship with industry and innovation institute of the province, managers of knowledge-based companies and experts of Iran's Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, managers of Zahravi Pharmaceutical Factories, Razi Serum Manufacturing, Dana Pharmaceutical Compan., whichwas done through purposive sampling and snowball method. The interviews were continued until saturation was achieved. Results: The components affecting the innovation ecosystem led to the creation of a data-based theory in the field of health innovation ecosystem by analyzing the results of the content of the interviews during the open, pivotal and selected coding process. The model designed in this study includes effective dimensions and components, barriers and strategies, causal, contextal, mediating and constituent elements that show the pivotal phenomenon, consequences and strategies. The identifiers and factors of the innovation ecosystem of 150 codes and 40 concepts, 5 main components of interviews and research literature were developed in the form of a conceptual model of data foundation. Based on the results of the research, causal factors (government, financial capital), central issue (university and research institutes), strategies (establishment of universities and research-based institutions, shortening the process of obtaining necessary permits, government support for research and development, material and spiritual incentives and increasing risky investment), consequences (economic development and growth) and underlying factors (attractiveness of place, banking services, intellectual property rights) intervening conditions (culture) were identified. Conclusion: The studied process was explained in the form of a story line of data foundation theory. Finally, the model of biotechnology innovation ecosystem was designed and analyzed

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives: Among the many factors, researchers have pointed to the existence of a wide range of models and tools for knowledge management success, which makes it difficult for companies to choose the right model according to the internal conditions of the company. Given the knowledge of many health businesses, increasing managerial skills will not be possible without considering the success of knowledge management. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to develop a causal model to improve knowledge management in knowledge-based companies in the field of health by combining themes of analysis methods and structural-interpretive modeling. Material and Methods: The research method is mixed using the qualitative research method of theme analysis, the success factors of knowledge management in knowledge-based companies in the field of health are identified and in the next step, based on confirmatory factor analysis, the results of the qualitative section in the statistical community of knowledge companies The foundations of the field of health have been examined and in the next step, using the interpretive structural modeling method, the causal model of success factors has been developed. Results: The results of the research in the qualitative section show nine main themes including knowledge management strategy, industrial environmental factors, cultural factors, IT infrastructure development, individual factors, organizational factors, Knowledge management incentives, subjective norms and central category (knowledge management). It came with forty-two sub-themes. Also, the results of confirmatory factor analysis indicate the appropriateness of the main themes extracted from the qualitative part. The results of structural-interpretive modeling also showed that knowledge management strategy and environmental and industrial factors are considered as the main factors in the success of knowledge management. Conclusion: The results of this study created a model of knowledge management success and also showed the results of a quantitative part of the exact model's quality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives: Accompanying the patients' family members in hospital creates feeling of empathy, safety of and help with fulfilling their expectations. Because both the patients and careers suffer from high stress due to lack of awareness about medical condition and treatment process. It is important for health system to understsand the expectations of patients and family members to be responsive and fullfill it correctly. This study was conducted to discover the patients carers (family members) experiences and expectation of patients undergoing surgery. Material and Methods: This qualitative phenomenological study was performed on 15 family members of patients undergoing surgery by purposive sampling until complete saturation of information. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and recorded using word software. Items were extracted and qualitative content analysis method was used to analyze the data. Results: By analyzing the data, the main theme is "anxious minutes" and 5 main categories including "associated internal conflicts, behavioral changes while waiting, concerns about the prognosis of surgery, concerns about the outcome of the treatment process, and doubts about Hospital components" were extracted. Conclusion: While waiting for the end of the surgery, families experience many anxieties and worries about the patient's health and the treatment process. Considering the concerns of the patient's companions with principled planning, appropriate and practical interventions can improve the mental health of families and improve the quality of patient care.

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives: One of the most important factors in mental health is cultivating happiness and reducing anxiety in students. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 12 weeks of aerobic exercise on anxiety and happiness of female high school students. Material and Methods: The present study was a quasi-experimental study and was performed as a pretest-posttest with a control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of all female high school students in Urmia city of Iran, of whom 40 vulentiarly agreed to participate in the study and were randomly divided into two groups of 20 experimental and control. For the experimental group, aerobic exercises were performed for 12 weeks, three sessions per week and and each session takes 45 to 60 minutes. The Oxford Happiness and Spielberger Anxiety Questionnaire were used in this study. Data analysis was performed by analysis of covariance using spss22 software. Results: The results showed a significant effect of aerobic exercise on promoting happiness variables and reducing anxiety in students (p < 0. 05). Conclusion: Aerobic exercise improves students' cognitive functions, so using this approach has been recommended in order to promote students' mental health.

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives: The aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment based therapy on immune function, quality of life and physical symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Material and Methods: This research was an experimental with pre-test, post-test and 90 days later follow-up with the control group. The research sample were selected as available and included 30 patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Using available sampling method with the consent of the patients, They randomly sampled into two groups of 15 experimental and control, using availa be sampling method with the consent of the patients. The experimental group received acceptance and commitment group therapy for 8 sessions, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Both groups were assessed before and after the intervention and in the follow-up stage using quality of life questionnaires, irritable bowel syndrome evaluation questionnaire (Rome IV) and fecal calprotectin test for immune function. Data analysis was performed first by repeated measures analysis of variance and then by repeated measures analysis of variance by considering the protein variable in the pre-test stage as a covariate variable. Results: In the repeated measures method, the results showed that the effect of time on all three variables of safety function (F = 8. 597, P = 0. 001), physical condition (F = 63. 95, P = 0. 0001) and quality of life (F = 65. 93, P = 0. 0001) is significant. In the method of repeated measures with covariate, the effect of time on the safety performance variable is not significant (F = 0. 217, P = 0. 645) and it is significant in the variables of physical condition (F = 11. 302, P = 0. 0001) and quality of life (F = 13. 154, P = 0. 0001). The results of intergroup test also indicated the significance of the effect of treatment (control and experiment) in all three variables studied in both methods. Conclusion: The findings of the research showed that acceptance and commitment therapy can play an effective role in reducing physical symptoms and improving patients' immune function and improving their quality of life. Therefore, this treatment is recommended as an adjunctive therapy in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives: Depression disorder during pregnancy and after childbirth is one of the mental illnesses that has adverse effects on maternal and neonatal health, especially infant growth and development. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and factors affecting depression disorder during pregnancy and after childbirth in Azarshahr in 2017-2018. Material and Methods: In this case-control study, all pregnant women with depression and the total number of women with postpartum depression in Azarshahr were considered as the case group. For the control group, 150 pregnant and delivered mothers were selected by systematic random sampling from Apple system. Statistical calculations were performed by using SPSS software version 16. Logistic regression test was used to compare the data in the case and control groups. Results: The prevalence of depression during pregnancy was 4. 15% and the prevalence of postpartum depression disorder was 2. 14%. There was a significant relationship between postpartum depression disorder and postpartum depression disorder with age, body mass index, spouse's job, number of previous children, number of previous daughters, household income, having a smoker husband, mother's daily physical activity and history of abortion. Conclusion: The prevalence of depression disorder during pregnancy in Azarshahr is higher than the provincial average. So, providing screening, diagnosis, treatment and support services for depression disorder in pregnant women in this city is essential. Considering the factors, high-risk mothers can be identified, and these services can be tailored for the high-risk group.

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives: Elderly people need to pay more attention to promoting health promotion and improving quality of life in comparison with other people. On the other hand, the interest and desire to work with the Internet and social networks of internet plays an indelible role in improving the health literacy of the community. This study was carried out with the aim of evaluation the subjective explanation of health literacy through social networks for retired of fund beneficiaries. Material and Methods: The present study is a phenomenological study with emphasis on Van Mennen's perspective to discover the experiences of retirees from the phenomenon of health literacy through social networks. The data were collected through a deep interview. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 retirees of the State Pension Fund in Tehran in 2020 using purposive sampling. All interviews were recorded and implemented and the theme analysis method was used to analyze the interviews. Results: Data analysis resulted in the extraction of 71 primary codes and 33 sub-themes, which was classified in four main themes of experience in the field of "access to health information", experience in the field of "understanding health information" "Experience in the field of" health information evaluation ", experience in the field of" application of health information ". Conclusion: Retirees, who make a large part of the country's elderly population, are embedded in social networks, and all organizations that play a role in the health and education of retirees can create rich educational content and using Simple, understandable multimedia content by social networks as well as the introduction of networks with reliable information for retirees, to improve the level of health literacy and increase useful health information for them, which is an effective factor in maintaining health and increasing the quality of life.

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives: Evaluating the effectiveness of health information systems and users' satisfaction with system performance is important. The success of an information system is directly dependent on the system responding to user needs. Due to the importance of this issue, a tool has been designed to evaluate users' satisfaction with Integrated Health System. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2018 to design a questionnaire to assess the users' satisfaction with Integrated Health System. In the first step, the areas of user satisfaction were identified by reviewing literature and reliable scientific sources. Then a bank of questions was created and after classifying the indicators and identifying related questions the primary tool was developed in several areas. Face validity and content validity of the questionnaire were determined using CVI and CVR indices. Reliability over time was assessed by 20 users of in an Integrated Health System with two-week intervals. Results: The final questionnaire included demographic information and 55 questions about the components of a System Satisfaction Questionnaire. Questions related to each component included system interface, system functions, system performance, system information and statistics, system supportive services, System services, and and total satisfaction from the system. The average CVI and CVR for total questions were 0. 84 and 0. 73, respectively. For reliability over time, the coefficient (ICC) for the whole structure was 0. 98. The reliability of the questionnaire evaluated by Cronbach's alpha and internal consistency method, that this value was obtained 0. 914 for total questionnaire. Also, separately for each structure was obtained in the "good" range. Conclusion: In this study, we tried to provide a brief and expressive user satisfaction assessment tool that required the least amount of time to respond. The high response rate of all questions indicates that designed tool achieved the objectives of the study. The most emphasized component by users is the system support component. Ease of use of the system, usefulness and support of the system from performing daily activities are other things that are more important for users.

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Depiction of Health

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Background and objectives: Incompatibility in the workplace causes destructive behaviors and the desire to withdraw employees from the organization. Therefore, identifying the factors affecting its occurrence is inevitable. The present study investigated the relationship between work-related addiction and workplace incompatibility: the role of family-work enrichment and gender. Materials and Methods: This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive correlational study in terms of method. The statistical population is 590 employees of Qom Health Center. A total of 233 samples were selected randomly according to Krejcie & Morgan sample size determining table. Data analysis was performed by Structure Equation Modeling using SPSS 25 and AMOS 18 software. Results: Work addiction has a positive effect on incompatibility and work-family enrichment has a negative effect on it. Work addiction has a positive effect on work-family incompatibility and enrichment. Also, family-work enrichment plays a median role between work-to-work addiction and incompatibility. In addition, gender only moderates the relationship between work-related addiction and incompatibility. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that reducing workplace incompatibility can be done by considering the status of work addiction and enriching the employees' work-life and implementing methods to improve them.

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