The aim of the study was to compare two strategies in Mazandaran native fowls using computer simulation. Simulated traits included body weight at birth (BW1), at eight weeks of age (BW8), at twelve weeks of age (BW12), at maturation (BWM), age at sexual maturity (AFE), weight of first egg (EWM), mean egg weight from 28 to 32 weeks of age (EW28-32) and egg number (EN). The first strategy was to select cockerels based on breeding value of BW12 and hens based on a selection index with 4-traits including BW12, AFE, EW28-32 and EN. The second strategy was to select cockerels and hens using a selection index based on a 4-traits including BW12, AFE, EW28-32 and EN. After 10 generations, the first strategy improved BW1, BW12, BWM, EW28-32 and EWM to 1. 49, 573. 81, 397. 58, 3. 96, and 3. 75 grams and AFE and EN to-3. 51 days and 2. 09 eggs, respectively. After 10 generations, the gain for traits in the second strategy for BW12, BWM, AFE and EN was 415. 78, 218. 74 grams and-9. 77 days and 9. 45 eggs, respectively. At the end of the tenth generation increase of inbreeding in the first and second strategies was 0. 048 and 0. 070, respectively. The results showed that the first strategy was suitable for a breeder flocks with the aim of chickens suitable for broiler production and the second strategy was suitable for a dual-purpose flocks with the aim of producing egg and meat.