Background and purpose: Presently, computers and the development of information technology have resolved many limitations in the health and medical arena, and have also opened many doors to improve communication, information and ability for better patient care, in health and medical care provider centers. Moreover, they have many applications such as virtual reality, medical data-bank, tele-health, expert systems and information-networks. The purpose of this study was to evaluate reporting software of ADS9 counteri’s program.Materials and methods: This research is a descriptive study which was performed in 2008. Population of this study include employees in office of statistics of Medical Universities in Iran, that work in conjunction with Hospimp software and is answerable regarding Hospimp software in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. For data collection, researcher used a two-part questionnaire for evaluating general and specified criteria pertaining to the software. The analysis of data was used in descriptive manner with SPSS. The grade of variables studied in this research involved: evaluation of general properties, specified properties, statistical reporting, data-bases, goal of groups and aim of the program with Hospimp software, that is, in average 37.5, 22.58, 41.66, 57.14, 36.36 and 27.27, with a standard deviations of 0.09, 0.08, 0.15, 0.2, 0.15 and 0.14.Results: Technical tissue fall in the slide was not observed. 93.93 % of SCC was stained by p63. None of the small cell carcinoma was stained by p63. In the first 2 months, 53.34% of distained section’s had similar staining intensity, compared with re-cut sections, 46.66% of cases were decreased in staining intensity and none were negative.Conclusion: Generally, in the evaluated dimensions, Hospimp software has more blind spots rather than strength spots. General properties of the software have a better intensity level, than its specified properties. In order to improve and develop useable software’s in the health and medical arenas, we will recommend the development of international standards in designing, production, testing, measuring and software conservation.