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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and purpose: This study presents the effects of nitricoxide synthase inhibitor (L-NAME) on WIN55, 212-2 induced state-dependent memory of passive avoidance task, which were examined in mice.  Materials and methods: Mice were anesthetized with intra-peritoneal injection of ketamine hydrochloride, plus xylazine and then placed in a stereotaxic apparatus. Also, two stainless-steel annuals were placed 1 min above CA1. One-trial step-down paradigm was used for the assessment of memory retention in adult male NMRI mice. Results: Post-training intra-CA1 administration of WIN55, 212-2 (0.5 and 1 mg/mouse), dose-dependent decreased the memory retrieval. The memory impairment induced by post-training administration of WIN55, 212-2 (1mg/mouse), was restored by pre-test administration with the same dose of drug (1mg/mouse, intra-CA1). Single intra-CA1 administration of L-NAME (0.3, 1 and 3 mg/mouse), 5 minute pre-test could not alter memory retrieval. Also, in animals in which retrieval was impaired due to post-training administration of WIN55, 212-2 (1mg/mouse), pre-test intra-CA1 administration of L-NAME (0.3, 1 and 3 mg/mouse) 24 hours after training, could not restore memory retrieval. Furthermore, in animals which received both post-training (1mg/mouse) and pre-test injection of WIN55, 212-2 (1mg/mouse), the injection of L-NAME (3 mg/mouse, intra-CA1), 2 minute before pre-test administration decreased retrieval. Conclusion: These findings may demonstrate the involvement of NO in state-dependent memory induced by intra-CA1 administration of WIN55, 212-2.

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Background and purpose: Chitin, which entails the most abundant biopolymer in nature after cellulose, having found numerous applications in food processing, cosmetics, agriculture, medical and environment. Natural sources of this polymer are component of exoskeletons of crustaceans and insects as well as cell walls from some bacteria and fungi. Chitosan is a partially deacetylated polymer of chitin, which is more soluble than chitin. The goal of this research is to investigate the diversity of antimicrobial effects of deacetylated chitosan extracted from a certain Persian Gulf shrimp waste (Penaeus semisculcatus), against clinical Pseudomonas aeroginosa.Materials and methods: At first, chitin and chitosan were extracted from Penaeus semisulcatus waste by chemical and microbial methods at optimum situation. Deacetylation process of chitin was carried out in alkaline solution at 85°C for 15, 20, 45 minutes and 10 hours respectively and subsequently washed with anhydrous EtOH to remove the residual water. Degree of deacetylation of chitosan samples and its structure were measured by FTIR and Scanning electronic microscopy respectively. Antimicrobial activity was tested against clinical Pseudomonas aeroginosa by agar disc diffusion method.  Finally, wound band was made by these compounds and antimicrobial activity was studied invitro.Results: The result of present study confirmed the degree of deacetylation of chitosan samples up to 65% by FTIR method. There was no indication of shift on increasing acetylation degree by heating duration from 15 minutes to 10 hours. Pore diameter was decreased from 0.5-1 m to 0.065-0.25 m by the increasing of heating duration. Increased clinical Pseudomonas aeroginosa growth inhibitory up to 50% was obtained by usage of more effective materials up to 3 times on disc.Conclusion: The result of our study showed that there was no relationship between increased heating duration and deacetylation degree. Membrane pores were smaller and antimicrobial activity was more effective by increasing of deacetylation and Ca+2 presences. The method which was used in this research to prepare porous chitosan membranes with different pore diameter, is suitable and cost effective. Because chitin and chitosan are not toxic, better antimicrobial activity results can be obtained by using more concentrated versions of these components.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and purpose: In the present study, we compared the intensity of physical dependency, mortality rate and weight changes in some common methods for inducing morphine dependency. Materials and methods: Six common different methods for morphine dependency were chosen in wistar rats. In all methods, morphine dependency was induced by repeated morphine injection. Precipitation of morphine withdrawal signs were performed on the last day in each method, 4 hours after the last morphine injection for 20 minutes. The withdrawal signs included: vertical jumping, wet dog shakes, diarrhea, teeth chattering, ptosis, head shakes and rearing. Results: Our results demonstrated that all groups of treated rats showed withdrawal signs following naloxone challenge. However, the intensities of withdrawal signs (vertical jumping, wet dog shakes, diarrhea, teeth chattering, head shakes and rearing) were significantly different among these methods. Also, mortality rate and amount of weight loss were significantly different among the different methods. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that different experimental methods of morphine dependency can induce different intensities of withdrawal signs, mortality rate and weight loss.

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Background and purpose: Leptospirosis is a common zoonosis throughout the world and common in the flat area of Guilan, Iran, with seasonal incidence, especially in rice farmers. Clinical diagnosis of leptospirosis is difficult, because its symptoms are similar to several acute infective diseases. Serological assays are important in diagnosis of the disease and microscopic agglutination test (MAT) is a gold standard, however, it is not a routine test in diagnostic laboratories. Thus, a simple and reliable test is a necessity. In this study, we evaluated a latex agglutination test using native strains of leptospires. Materials and methods: A number of 98 positive cases and 54 negative cases which were  screened by MAT, along with 30 sera of other diseases as control samples, were examined by latex agglutination test, using an antigenic suspension (whole antigen), which was extracted from 4 common  native strains. Results: False positive and false negative rate were 15 and 12 consequently. Sensivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy were 89.0%, 84.5%, 86.7%, 87.2%, and 87.0% respectively. Conclusion: Regarding the considerable rate of sensivity and specificity of the test which is compatible to other performed studies, in addition to the simple performance test, does not need a complex laboratory facility, which may also be carried out in rural regions, therefore, this test is valuable for primary screening.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 899

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Background and purpose: Onychomycosis is a nail fungal infection caused by various species of dermatophytes, yeasts and non-dermatophytic molds and represents about 30% of cutaneous mycotic infections. The goal of this study was to investigate the frequency of onychomycosis and its associated factors in patients referred to Boali Sina Hospital and Toba dermatology outpatient clinics, Sari. Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study, nail specimens were collected from 101 patients suspected of onychomycosis during a 14 month period. Nail specimens were examined by direct microscopy, using potassium hydroxide (KOH) 20%, KOH + CFW, KONCPA (KOH treated nail clipping+PAS) and also culturing on sabouraud’s dextrose agar, containing chloramphenicol (SC), and sabouraud’s dextrose agar containing cyclohexamide and chloramphenicol (SCC) mediums. Results: In this study, 79 (78%) of patients were female and 22 (22%) were male. Yeasts were isolated in 30% cases of onychomycosis, mainly from fingernails. Candida albicans, and C.krusei was the most prevalent species. Non-dermatophytic filamentous fungi were yielded at 24%, especially from toenails, with Aspergillus terreus being the most prevalent species. Dermatophytes were found in 7% of the samples, especially from toenails. Trichophyton mentagrophytes was the predominant species. Unknown filamentous fungi were identified in 19% of samples, while mixed infections were identified in 20% of samples. The highest prevalence rate of onychomycosis was identified in the patients within the 30 to 49 years of age group. Distal and lateral subfungual onychomycosis (DLSO) was the most prevalent clinical types with (88%), followed by WSO (5%), PSO (5%), TDO (1%) and DLSO + PSO (1%). Conclusion: The results of our study showed that onychomycosis is one of the most prevalent infections in patients who are suffering from nail disorders. Yeast and yeast like organisms cause these infections more than other fungus in this region. Women are more infected, as they are in daily contact with detergents and moisture.

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Background and purpose: Matrix metalloproteinase are a family of proteolytic enzymes that have specific functions in digestion of cells cohesive extra cellular matrix and also, increasing metastasis behavior of acute human tumors. It has been reported that MMPs in two forms, namely proenzyme and active enzyme in biological samples. It is distinguished that among this family, (MMP-9) Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 has function in both initiation and invasion steps of breast cancer. In our previous study, we reported a correlation between C/T polymorphism at promoter region of this gene and metastasis step of breast cancer.Considering few findings regarding the relationship between the active form of this enzyme and occurrence of cancer, and also the correlation between active form and allelic genotype of persons, in this study we decided to do a parallel study on measurement of active plasma MMP-9 and its relationship with allelic genotype of breast cancer patients.Materials and methods: After analysis of data, we found that concentration of active MMP-9 has a significant difference in breast cancer patients in comparison with control group, as the concentration of active form of this enzyme was less in control group than the breast cancer patients group (0.7 ng and 1.7 ng respectively). Thus, the level of active MMP-9 showed a significant increase in persons with CT and TT genotypes in comparison with CC genotype (1.5 folds).Results: The present data suggest the concentration of active MMP-9 in breast cancer patients has significantly increased in comparison with the control group and the increased in plasma level of this enzyme is related with the existence of T allele at this gene promoter and also in progression of breast cancer in these patients. We can use the active plasma level of this enzyme or the existence of T allele as a diagnostic tool for discriminating subgroups of breast cancer patients and also, for diagnosis of susceptible breast cancer women for metastasis to other tissues.Conclusion: The present data suggest that the concentration of active MMP-9 in breast cancer patients has a significant increasing comparison with the control group and the increasing in plasma level of this enzyme is related with the existence of T allele at this gene promoter and also progression of breast cancer in this persons, we can use the active plasma level of this enzyme or the existence of T allele as a diagnostic value for discriminating subgroups of breast cancer patients and diagnosis of susceptible breast cancer women for metastasis to the other tissues.  

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and purpose: Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is plasticizer used commonly in a variety of polyvinyl chloride- based consumable products. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of DEHP on body weight, testis weight, seminiferous tubular diameter, seminiferous epithelium height, seminiferous lumen diameter, number of sertoli cells and round spermatids per seminiferous tubule in mice. Materials and methods: The protocol for DEHP administration was that adult male NMRI mice (the age group of 4 weeks) received 2g DEHP/100ml corn oil/kg, and vehicle group received 100 ml corn oil/ kg by gavage for 14 days. The control group did not receive DEHP. All animals were weighed on the first and terminal day of the experiment. The left and right without fat testis, weights were recorded for each animal. Left testis was fixed in Bouinś solution, routinely processed for embedding in paraffin and staining of 5 mm sections with hematoxilin and eosin (H&E) for histopathological examination. Results: Administration of DEHP induced the reduction of body and testis weight significantly (p<0.05). Furthermore, DEHP decreased the seminiferous tubular diameter, seminiferous epithelium height, and seminiferous lumen diameter. The number of sertoli cells and round spermatids in seminiferous tubule was significantly low, compared with control group. Conclusion: These results demonstrated that DEHP administration has toxicant effects on body and testis weight, spermatogenesis process, along with male reproductive system.

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Background and purpose: India and Iran are an important endemic focus of cystic hydatid disease (CHD), where several species of intermediate host are commonly infected with Echinococcus granulosus. Strain characterization of E. granulosus is significant for the development of an effective control programme and to asses the infectivity. In present study, genetic variations in tapeworms causing cystic echinococcosis in the North of India and Iran were investigated and compared. Materials and methods: Isolates of E. granulosus were collected from buffalo (India) and sheep, cattle, and camel isolates from Iran. PCR linked RFLP approach of ITS1 region of rDNA. Repeat was used in the present study to characterize buffalo isolates from sheep, cattle and camel. 17 pooled samples of protoscoleces from various animals were used for DNA extraction and PCR-RFLP analysis respectively. The PCR products of each isolates were digested separately with 5 restrictive endonucleases enzymes (AluI, HhaI, MspI, TaqI and EcoRI).Results: Based on the PCR-ITS1 method, the buffalo (liver and lungs) isolates have shown different genotypes and the sheep, cattle and camel isolates appeared to have the same genotype. The RFLP patterns of buffalo lung isolates differed from liver isolates with Taq1 and Hha1, however, showed a similarity with Msp1, EcoR1 and Alu1. Furthermore, differences in numbers and sizes of bands were also observed between buffalo, sheep and camel isolates with Taq1 and Msp1. The sheep and camel isolates differ in the number and sizes of fragments with Msp1 and Taq1. The buffalo lung isolate were quite different from other isolates, with the liver isolate showing a similarity with the sheep isolate. RFLP pattern of isolates from sheep and camel origin was identical, along with the same patterns. Moreover, the existence of buffalo strains (G1 and G3) and sheep strain (G1) were confirmed and our results support the previous studies in Northern India and Iran. These results are relevant for the possibility of transmission of G1 and G3 genotype, between livestock, animals and humans.Conclusion: It can be speculated that buffalo lung isolates represent G3 genotype and liver isolate as G1 genotype. Further, the existence of sheep (G1) strain was also confirmed in Iran by this study. However, more molecular studies, particularly, mitochondrial gene and amino acid sequencing are required, which can provide valuable data for a better understanding of the differences between different cysts localization.

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Background and purpose: Anterior knee pain is one of the most common symptoms for referral reasons to orthopedic clinics specially knee clinic. This type of pain is one of the most common complaints in adolescents and adults, for various. The most common cause is patellar chondromalasia, but in many cases, no definitive cause is found through clinical examinations, paraclinic and imaging procedures. This type of pain has no detectable pathologic factor and is called anterior knee pain syndrome. The aim of this study was to access the relationship between the anterior knee pain and patellar index in patients who were referred to the orthopedic clinic.Materials and methods: This case-control study was performed analytically on 44 patients that were selected randomly and were divided equally in two case and control groups. Patients in case group had anterior knee pain and patients in control group had come to the clinic for another reason. In all patients, lateral knee radiography was used to calculate patellar index.Results: In this study, after analyzing the data, we found that there was no significant difference in age factor between the two groups. We found this syndrome to be common in female housekeepers, than in others group. Other notable findings showed there was no significant correlation between BMI and patellar index in females and males. Lastly, we found there is a significant difference regarding patellar index in case group.Conclusion: Presently, despite several studies regarding knee pains, many authors have no common agreement in this field. Many diseases were not detectable in the past and even their etiology was unknown, however, today we know their etiology and even their mechanism in detail. We now understand the pathologic factor of Anterior Knee Pain Syndrome and even its etiology for the future. In this study, we found the relationship between Patellat Index and Anterior Knee Pain Syndrome and a significant difference between the case and control groups.

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Background and purpose: Radiographic film repeat rate assessment is performed to appropriate profiting of existence resources in therapeutic wards. Multiple exposures of x-ray generators due to repeated radiographic examination can lead to amortization of the radiographic facilities and decrease their longevity and also increases the cost of facilities repair. On the other hand, its therapeutic services are necessary to be carried out for patients as soon as possible. Recognition of radiographic film repeat rate and its related causes will help to eliminate the problems and are cost effective. Materials and methods: In this descriptive study, samples were garnered with data collection and non random model during three months in eight radiographic rooms and four darkrooms belonging to four governmental hospitals, namely Imam Khomeini, Booali Sina, Fatemh Zahra and Zare in Sari. All rejected radiographic films were seen by resident experts in each center and information was entered into designed forms. Radiographic repeat rates were calculated through data available from all recipients and the number of used films. In this article, related causes responsible for repeated radiographic examination including errors in selection of exposure factors (over exposure and under exposure), positioning, centering, film size, equipment, processing or darkroom, movement and others were assessed. Results: In four hospitals, 36,758 films were received during investigation and the number of repeated films was 2,155 (5.9 % were estimated as radiographic repeat rate). The maximum repeat rate belonged to Booali sina Hospital (7.2 %) and the minimum one was Zare Hospital (0.7 %). The most important causes were due to overexposure selection (1.4 %) and the least one was due to improper selection of film size (0.08 %). The percentage of other factors include, under exposure selection (1.12%), centering (0.92%), others (0.84 %), darkroom (0.78%), positioning (0.32 %), equipment (0.27 %), and movement (0.14 %). Conclusion: This study indicates that radiographic repeat rate is reasonable for governmental hospitals in Sari, rather than other published data. Booali Sina hospital has more repeat rates caused by movement factor during radiographic examination than other centers. As a matter of fact, Zare hospital has the least radiographic repeat rate. In order to decrease radiographic repeat rate and avoiding extra payment, one should educate the inexperienced staff, perform quality control of x-ray generator sets and processors regularly and also select appropriate diagrams of exposure factors.

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Background and purpose: Considering some restrictions of serum low density lipoprotein (LDL) as a marker for Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) risk factor and also the importance of apo B as a signinificant risk factor for CAD, measurement of non-HDL cholesterol has great value as a risk factor for CAD. Non-HDL cholesterol (total cholesterol minus HDL cholesterol) contains all lipoproteins including apo-lipoproteins.Materials and methods: In this study, 200 hospitalized patients (100 men and 100 women) with the diagnosis of CAD, documented by coronary angiography and 100 persons with normal angiography were recruited as case and control groups, respectively. Non-HDL cholesterol non-HDL-c was compared with LDL- cholesterol as a risk factor for CAD.Results: Measured levels of triglyceride, total cholesterol, lipoprotein atherogenic a (Lpa) and non-HDL-c were significantly higher than those in control group. HDL level was lower in patients group. Correlation analysis showed that non-HDL-c (and not LDL cholesterol) had a higher reverse correlation Triglyceride level.Conclusion: Measurement of non-HDL-c could be a good marker in atherogenic lipoproteins. Furthermore, due to potential power of its other atherogenic lipoproteins, it cannot be measured by LDL alone.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between stress & time management skills. In this descriptive study, 103 personnel were selected from Sari Health Center, by stratified random sampling, and data was gathered by two questionnaires from samples. Results: There is a significant negative relationship in two component study. Also, females´ stress level was higher than in males. However, these groups did not have a significant difference in time management. Regression analysis showed there is a significant relationship between gender, with stress and time management scores. For reducing stress and increasing organizational productivity, it is recommended to train these skills in orientation and employee training.

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