Background & Aims: Nurses work in stressful and challenging environments, which threaten their mental health. Among nurses, those in the intensive care units (ICUs) of hospitals are more likely to experience occupational, psychological, and physical stress compared to others. Due to their special working conditions (heavy workload, the need for a quick response to emergency situations, heavy responsibilities of care for critically ill patients, frequent contact with emotional situations, and being in unwanted situations to deliver bad news to the families of patients), these nurses are forced to endure more psychological pressures, which brings up the grave concern of their psychological empowerment being jeopardized. Psychological empowerment in nurses could increase organizational trust and commitment, thereby resulting in job satisfaction, productivity, participation in decisionmaking, provision of high-quality care, patient satisfaction, self-sufficiency, independence, self-confidence, responsibility, job control, and ultimately organizational effectiveness and occupational stress reduction. Therefore, it seems that nurses working in hospitals (especially in ICUs) need to improve their psychological empowerment. Meanwhile, resilience is one of the factors associated with the psychological empowerment of nurses. Resilience results in the better professional performance of nurses and is also a feature to help them adapt to the stresses of their work environment and improve their professional health. In the current century, nurses need to skillfully develop their resilience as it helps them to overcome their negative experiences and turn them into positive experiences. Therefore, nurses who are exposed to high stress levels could be trained to enhance their ability to overcome these pressures and gain a sense of worth. From a deeper perspective, resilience knowledge is a key to professional development in nursing. It has become increasingly important for nurses to be resilient as resilience with a preventative approach improves their mental health. Resilience training also seems to improve the psychological empowerment of nurses. The present study aimed to assess the effects of resilience training on the psychological empowerment of ICU nurses...