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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Mirabdulbaghi Mitra


Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives The objective of this research was to find the relationship between iron and zinc nutrient in flowers at full bloom and the amount of calcium carbonate equivalent in soil and the effectiveness on the leaf parameters {leaf-N,-P,-K,-Mg, Ca,-Fe,-Zn and leaf-B content; leaf area; chlorophyll (SPAD-Value); Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (F0: minimum fluorescence; FM: maximum; fluorescence and value of photochemical capacity of photosystem 2 (FV/FM)}, growth traits (shoot length and diameter of shoot), number of flowers at full bloom/tree, number of fruits/trees and yield of quince cultivars seedlings (Cydonia oblonga Mill. ) from Iran. Materials and Methods The experiment was laid out in a RCBD with split plot arrangement at Kamalabad Research Station in Karaj/Iran. The main plot treatments included calcium carbonate equivalent in soil (13%, 14%, 15%, 16% and 18%) and sub plot included 28 quince cultivars seedlings in Horticulture Research Station of Kamalabad, Karaj during 2016 and 2017. In the present study, a test was carried out using Pearson’ s regression and correlation coefficients at P ≤ 0. 05 to evaluate the relationships among all studied parameters as well as all 20 parameters with the amount of calcium carbonate equivalent in soil. Cluster analysis (based on Ward’ s method) was derived only from traits that were related to the increase of soil lime (zn-, Fe-nutrient in flowers and number of flowers/trees at full bloom, leaf-N content and diameter of shoot). A test for evaluating the relationships between studied parameters by using Pearson’ s correlation coefficients at P ≤ 0. 05 was the other statistical analysis included in this research. Results After numerous calculations in this research, in the first step, quince cultivars seedlings of the second group (including, Unknown, NB3, AS2, KVD4, NB2, PK2, ET1, ASM3, ASP1) and for the second step, quince cultivars seedlings of the third group (SVS2, NB4, KVD1, ASM2, Oghafespehan, ASM1) of resistant groups and quince cultivars seedlings of the first group (KVD3, Moghavem2, SVS1, KVD2, PH2, ASP2, Sahelborjmoghavem, Moghavem1, SHA1, Gardandar, KM1, Khosro, Behtorsh(of dendrograms of sensitive to high amounts of calcium carbonate equivalent to soil (14-18 %) were evaluated. Discussion Soils are called calcareous with more than 10% calcium carbonate (Henin, 1977). However, the amount of lime for more than 60% of Iranian soils is variable in a range between 10 to 44% (Anonymus, 1991). Lime-induced iron chlorosis is the most important problem of the quince production in Iran. One of the best alternatives to prevent lime-induced iron chlorosis problems is the use of tolerant plant species or genotypes. Our hypothesis in this study was that flowering indices were highly efficient for estimating the resistance of fruit trees to soil lime, which has also been confirmed by many researchers )Sanz et al., 1993 and 1995 and Adane, 2015). The results of this two-year study were in agreement with the results of the mentioned researchers: the flower indices have the potential to be used for evaluating the tolerance of selected quince genotypes when grown in different soil lime levels.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Gerbera is one of the important cut flowers in the floriculture industry, but it is sensitive to early wilting and neck bending which reduce its postharvest vase life. In cut flowers, water deficits are created when transpiration is more than water absorption. Therefore, petal wilting and neck bending increase in these flowers. These conditions are mainly due to occlusion of the vascular bundle, which can occur in different ways, such as the activity of pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms in vascular bundle. In recent years, due to the adverse effects of chemical antimicrobial compounds on human health and the environment, many studies have been conducted to find replacement materials to maintain the quality and vase life of cut flowers in postharvest. Therefore, in this study, the effect of different concentrations of harmel aqueousalcoholic extract (Peganum harmala L. ) on bacterial population and vas life of ‘ Stanza’ and ‘ Pink Elegance’ cultivars of Gerbera cut flower were studied. Materials and Methods The effect of concentrations 0, 0. 25, 0. 5, 0. 75 and 1% of the aqueous-alcoholic extract of Harmel plant was studied in a factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with four replications. At harvest time, 3, 6 and 9 days after harvest (at 20 ° C and 70% relative humidity), the effect of treatments on the bacterial population of the vase solution and end stem, vase life and some characteristics of ‘ Stanza’ and ‘ Pink Elegance’ Gerbera cut flowers were studied. Results The results showed that the inhibitory effect of harmal extracts on gram-positive bacteria was higher than gram-negative bacteria. Also, ‘ Stanza’ cultivar had better quality and longer vase life than ‘ Pink Elegance’ cultivar. By increasing the vase life of flowers, the quality of these flowers decreased. In the first place, however, concentrations of 0. 25% and then 0. 5% of the harmal extract performed better than other treatments in various aspects: first, they reduced the bacterial solution, stem end, and electrolyte leakage in stem and petals; second, they preserved quality (discolored of vase solution, discolored of petals and stem), relative fresh weight, stem diameter, total soluble solids, catalase activity and phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity; and finally, they increased vase life of gerbera flowers in both cultivars. Concentrations of 0. 75% and 1% increased allelopathic substances in cut flower. While these treatments decreased the bacterial population in vase solution and stem end, they did not have a significant effect on the quality and vase life of gerbera cut flowers. Discussion The results of this study showed that the different concentrations of harmal extract significantly reduced the growth of microbial agents, including the bacterial population, but by increasing the concentration of the harmal extract, the allelopathic effects of this plant extract on gerbera cut flowers were harmful and did not affect their vase life and quality. Therefore, the concentration of 0. 25% then 0. 5% reduced the bacterial populations in vase solution and stem end of cut flowers and preserved the quality and vase life of ‘ Stanza’ and ‘ Pink Elegance’ cultivars. Therefore, the use of low concentrations of the harmel aqueous-alcoholic extract is recommended to reduce the microbial population of the vase solution and maintain the quality and vase life of the gerbera cut flowers.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Improving forage yield and quality is a major concern for the producer. Sustainable crop production requires careful management of all nutrient sources in agroecosystems. Biological fertilizers, including Azospirilum, Azotobacter, Bacillus and Pseudomonas bacteria, can increase plant growth and yield through biological nitrogen fixation and increased solubility of macro elements such as phosphorus. Iron is the most important micro element for crops. Iron is required to perform many plant metabolism and growth activities. The experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of biological fertilizers combined with chemical fertilizers and iron micro element on yield and quality of maize (MV 500 cultivar) forage. Materials and Methods The experiment was conducted as a split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications. The main plots consisted of different levels of urea fertilizer: Nitrokara biofertilizer, 150 kgha-1 urea + Nitrokara biofertilizer (Azorhizobium caulinodans), Super Nitro Plus biofertilizer (Azospirillum, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas fluorescens), Super Nitro Plus biofertilizer + 150 kgha-1 urea without nitrogen fertilizer 450 kgha-1 urea, Nitrokara biofertilizer -1 +300 kgha urea, and Super Nitro Plus biofertilizer + 300 kgha-1 urea. The subplots consisted of two iron levels, including 10 kgha-1 iron chelate (Fe EDTA) and without iron application. The measured traits were crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, ash, leaf to shoot ratio, ear to plant ratio and forage yield. Data were analyzed using MSTATC software. Results Analysis of variance showed that the interaction effects of nitrogen fertilizer sources and iron levels were significant on crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, ash, ear/plant ratio and forage yield. The highest crude protein and ash of maize forage were obtained from supernitroplus + 300 kgha-1 urea and iron application. Control treatment (without nitrogen and iron fertilizers) produced the most ADF and NDF values. The highest dry forage yield belonged to Super Nitro Plus + 300 kgha-1 urea with iron fertilizer and the lowest value obtained from control treatment without N and iron fertilizers. Discussion The results of this study showed that the combined application of supernitroplus biofertilizer and urea fertilizer along with iron micro element increased maize forage quality and yield compared to the sole application of urea chemical fertilizer. Microorganisms constituting biofertilizers are very benefitial to the plant. They have the ability to enhance plant growth through increasing nutrient availability and uptake with minimal contribution to the environmental pollution, unlike the use of pure mineral fertilizers. The integration of biofertilizers and moderate mineral N fertilizer application accompanied with iron micro element is highly recommended in the production of maize forage.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Tomatoes are considered the favorite and most widely consumed vegetables in the world since their fruit is rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidant compounds. Tomato fruit is harvested after physiological maturity at different color stages based on consumption type. Mature unripe tomato fruit could be stored for long time and be ripened according to market demand, but this tropical product is susceptible to low temperature, which imposes serious constraints in postharvest period and supply chains. Several techniques or chemical treatments have been used to decrease low temperature deleterious effects. Gamma-mino butyric acid (GABA), as an efficient tool, could increase plant resistance to chilling injury (CI) during postharvest life. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of pre-harvest GABA spray on postharvest quality changes and chilling of tomato fruit during cold storage. Materials and Methods In this study, the effect of pre-harvest application of GABA at three concentrations (0, 5 and 10 mM) on postharvest quality and chilling of tomato cv. Newton was evaluated. The spray was carried out 2 weeks before harvest. Fruits were harvested after physiological maturity when the fruit color changed from pink to red. During storage period at 4 ° C and 90-95% relative humidity, some fruit quality attributes such as weight loss, firmness, chilling injury of tomato fruit, soluble solid content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA) and fruit bioactive constituent were analyzed at days 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20. Results Chilling in control fruit was 25% at final assessment, while in 10 mM GABA treatment it was only 8. 33% at the same time. GABA treatments decreased the rate of weight loss and retained fruit firmness during storage. Also, vitamin C and titratable acidity in GABA treatments were higher than those of untreated fruit. Fruit lycopene content increased during fruit storage in both treated and untreated fruit, but the value was greater in GABA treatments than the control. SSC increased during fruit storage, but it was greater in control than the treatments. While superoxide dismutase enzyme activity decreased in both treated and untreated fruit, the rate of decline in control fruit was greater than GABA treatments. Discussion Pre-harvest foliar application of GABA ameliorated chilling injury induced by cold storage, maintained quality properties of tomato fruit, and increased lycopene content. GABA treatments probably lessened deteriorate effect of low temperature through keeping fruit cell integrity and higher bioactive constituent levels.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Algae are usually aquatic photosynthetic organisms that sequester CO2 in their biomass. They are rich in organic matter and nutrients, and thereby can be used in agriculture as an organic fertilizer. Their application will lead to the production of healthy and qualitative foods. To the best of our knowledge, so far the effect of application of marine algae has not been evaluated on saffron qualitative parameters. Therefore, the aim of present study was to investigate the effect of algae in different levels of mother corm weight on qualitative indices of petals and stigmas in saffron. Materials and Methods To investigate the effect of growth promoting fertilizer containing seaweed extract and mother corm weight on qualitative parameters in petals and stigmas of saffron (Crocus sativus L. ), an experiment was conducted at Research Field of College of Agriculture at University of Birjand in 2017. The experimental factors included seaweed extract (0, 15 and 30 l ha-1 ) and corm weight [0. 1-4 (small), 4. 1-8 (medium) and 8. 1-12g (large-sized)], which were tested in a RCBD with three replications. Results The use of algae extract had a significant effect on the petal yield, carotenoid content and antioxidant activity of petals (antioxidant and anthocyanin content) and quality of stigma (picrocrocin, safranal and crocin content). The highest amounts of dry petal yield (0. 027 g plant-1 ), carotenoid content (1. 83 -1 mg g FW), anthocyanin (24. 49 mg 100g-1 DW), antioxidant (29. 80%), safranal (42. 43), crocin (198. 78) and picrocrocin (74. 57) were obtained when seaweed extract was used at the rate of 30 l ha-1. However, no significant difference was found between the two levels of algae extract in terms of all mentioned parameters. The lowest values of petal yield (0. 023 g plant-1 ), carotenoid (1. 04 mg g-1 FW), anthocyanin (22. 29 mg. 100 g DW), antioxidant (25. 54%), safranal (40. 61 λ ), crocin (176. 64 λ ), and picrocrocin (72. 60 λ ) were obtained from control treatment. Mother corm weight also exerted a significant effect on antioxidant activity, petals anthocyanin content and safranal content in stigma and the highest of them were gained when large-sized mother corms were planted. The interaction effect of experimental factors was not significant on measured parameters. Discussion Overall, the results of this study indicated the beneficial effects of seaweed extract on improving biochemical traits and effective ingredients, which is appropriate for organic production of saffron. The positive role of algae on plants is related to providing micro-and macro-nutrient as well as production of biologically active biotical substances against plant-infecting pathogens. In addition, they have a significant role in improving soil physical and chemical properties, which lead to better growth and development of the plants. Better quality of saffron produced from larger mother corms may also be related to more nutrient reservoir in such corms.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives As the world's population grows, increasing demand for edible oils is inevitable. In addition to plant genetics, environmental variability plays a key role in plant yield. Drought is one of the most important environmental stresses that reduce the productivity of sunflower and other crops. Understanding the nature of phenotypic traits that improve performance under stress conditions and identifying the complex physiological and genetically mechanisms is fundamental to plant stress. Improving drought tolerance and increasing water productivity in plants is one of the most important goals of the breeders. Gaining knowledge of the amount of phenotypic and genetic parameters in the plant species for genetic and plant breeding studies is very important for the exact selection of the genotypes according to the objectives of the breeding programs. Understanding the nature of morphological, physiological, genetic and molecular mechanisms under the influence of drought tolerance can play an important role in the development of drought tolerant genotypes for cultivation in arid and semi-arid areas. The main aims of this study included investigation of genetic diversity of sunflower germplasm (to understand the relationships between morphological traits and their heritability) and accurate identification of the most important traits that affect the sunflower yield in each of the normal conditions and drought stress. Materials and Methods An experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in normal and drought stress conditions in 2014 growing season on 12 sunflower genotypes in a research field of Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch. Each block consisted of 12 plots and each plot contained five rows. Each row was 5 meters length with 60 cm spacing, and plant spacing on rows was 20 cm. The studied traits included grain yield, seed length, seed width, seed diameter, leaf length, leaf width, plant height and stem diameter. Results The results of combined analysis of variance confirmed the significant diversity among genotypes for most traits. Grain yield showed higher values for parameters of genetic efficiency, genotypic and phenotypic variation coefficients under drought stress and non-stress conditions compared to other traits. While the highest percentage of heritability in the normal condition belonged to grain yield, it belonged to plant height in the stress conditions. Plant height, leaf width, stem diameter and leaf length showed the highest change in terms of traits in stress conditions compared to normal conditions. Dendrograms derived from cluster analysis classified genotypes into three groups based on studied traits under both drought stress and non-stress conditions. According to the cluster analysis, under drought stress condition, the Sor and Progress genotypes were identified as tolerant genotypes and, in contrast, genotypes of Favorite, Record, SHF81-90, Master and Lakomka were recognized as sensitive genotypes. Discussion In the combined analysis of variance the significance of the environmental effect shows that drought stress has significantly affected all traits. Therefore, the applied stress reveals the differences between the cultivars and the evaluation of the cultivars in the stress environment can lead to the selection of suitable cultivars. The effect of genotype was not significant for some traits, which suggests that the selection of cultivars for these traits is complex because the differences between the cultivars are not clearly defined. Selection is more reliable for traits that are significant, such as grain yield. The interaction between genotype and environment also increases the complexity of selection, which was significant only for plant height in this study. The high coefficient of phenotypic variation for traits indicates that the expression of these traits is greatly affected by the environment. Also, the high coefficient of genotypic and phenotypic variation for some traits indicates the wide range of changes for these traits. In general, the correspondence of the phenotypic coefficient and the genotypic coefficient in some traits indicates that the environmental effects on trait expression are negligible. However, when the phenotypic variation coefficient is higher than the genotypic variation coefficient, it indicates a high environmental effect. The low difference between the phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation for some traits suggests that these traits are more controlled by genetic factors. Therefore, the selection of parents for these traits is appropriate for hybridization programs.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives GF677 is a widely used rootstock for peach, nectarine and almond. It is vigourous and adapts well to limestone soils and drought. Due to low efficiency of propagation trough cutting, tissue culture is a good and fast method for propagation of disease-free plants of GF677. In vitro multiplication efficiency in GF677 is widely dependent on the type of culture medium and growth regulators. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the conditions required to optimize micropropagation methods for GF677 rootstock from nodal explants. Materials and Methods This experiment was conducted during 2015 at the laboratory of plant tissue culture at Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Kermanshah, using a factorial in a completely randomized design with three replications. Sterile nodal explants were cultured onto different media of MS, WPM and B5 supplemented with benzyl adenine (BA) at concentrations of 0. 25, 0. 5, 1, 2 and 4 mg/L and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) at concentrations of 0, 0. 1, 0. 25 and 0. 5 mg/L. Elongated shoots of GF677 were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0. 25, 0. 5, 1. 0 and 2. 0 mg/l IBA and 0. 0, 0. 1, 0. 2 and 0. 5 mg/l BA for rooting. Factorial analysis of variance was carried out and differences between means were scored with LSD tests. Results The effect of different culture media (MS, B5 and WPM) and plant growth regulators (BA and IBA) on a number of shoots per proliferated explant of GF677 proved that the highest rate of adventitious shoot initiation, percentage of egeneration, shoot length and diameter, number and length of nodal, leaf number and multiplication was obtained in MS medium containing 1 mg/l BA + 0. 5 mg/l IBA. Cytokinin stimulates the initiation and activity of axillary meristems, which result in shoot formation. This study showed that the number of shoots increased as concentration of BA increased to a certain amount. As concentration of BA increased to 1 mg/l, the number of shoots increased, too. It seems that there is a positive correlation between concentration of BA and the number of shoots to a certain concentration of BA. At concentrations higher than 1 mg/l BA the number of shoots increased. One of the possible reasons can be the reductive effect of higher concentrations of BA. Apparently, a certain amount of BA is required to obtain the best effect. Higher concentrations of BA cause formation of high amount of callus, which is not appropriate in tissue culture. The results of this experiment confirmed the positive influence of the growth regulator on the number of roots per shootlet. Among the various plant growth regulators used, the highest rate of rooting (33%) and the number of roots per shootlet (1. 62) were obtained on MS medium containing 1. 0 mg/l IBA and 0. 5 mg/l BA. The concentration of auxin during rooting period strongly influenced the quality of root system during the rooting period. Rooted plants were transferred to a combination of terrestrial environments, including perlite, sand and soil in the ratio of 1: 2: 1, respectively. Among rooted plantlets that were acclimatized and transferred to the potting mix successfully, 90% survived and grew naturally after strengthening and transferring to the soil. Discussion The shoot multiplications are influenced by the media and growth regulators. The MS medium gave the best results for the proliferation of cultures from explant among the tested media (MS, B5 and WPM). Growth regulators compounds have significant effects on different traits and these changes depend on type and concentration of hormone. Both cytokinin and auxins are important in micropropagation for GF677 rootstock.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Nettle (Urtica dioica L. ) is considered a valuable plant with high level of various beneficial phytochemical, which has been used centuries in traditional medicine. Since it contains various secondary metabolites and shows noticeable activity against different Gram-positive and Gramnegative bacteria, nettle has been identified as an appropriate choice for wider applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries in the recent years. This plant is native to Asia, Europe, Africa and North America and grows naturally in different regions of Iran. Although nettle is an important medicinal plant worldwide, there is no information about optimization of its tissue culture conditions. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of different plant growth regulators, explant types and light condition on the callogenesis properties of nettle plant under in vitro condition. Materials and Methods A factorial experiment was carried out on the base of completely randomized design with three replicates. Different explants including young leaves, old leaves, nodes and seeds of nettle plant were cultured in the solid MS medium supplemented with 30 g l-1 sucrose and different concentrations of plant growth regulators of 2, 4-D (1, 2 and 3 mg l-1 ) and BA (0. 1, 0. 5 and 1 mg l-1 ). Callus-related characteristics, including time of callus induction, callogenesis percentage, and their color and texture were analyzed. Analysis of variance was carried out by SAS software ver. 9. 3. 1 and mean comparison was conducted using Duncan multiple range test. Results According to the results, callus induction was significantly influenced by explant type. The highest callus induction was attained from young leaves, nodes and old leaves, respectively. The results also showed that callus induction and its properties were significantly influenced by light condition. Preservation of cultures in dark condition resulted in higher callus induction than light condition. In addition, the effect of plant growth regulators was significant on callus induction and its properties. The highest percentage of callus induction was obtained from young leaf explants in the medium containing 1 mg l-1 2, 4-D and 1 mg l-1 BA in dark condition followed by node explants in the same plant growth regulator treatment. However, medium supplemented with 1 mg l BA showed to be more effective for old leaf explants. Based on the results of this research, young leaf explants in the MS medium containing 1 mg l 2, 4-D and 0. 1 mg l-1 2, 4-D and 1 mg l-1-1 BA in dark condition are suggested for callus induction from nettle plant. Discussion Type, color and amount of produced callus in different plant species are highly dependent on the genotypes, compositions of tissue culture media as well as the levels of both endogenous and exogenous plant growth regulators. Auxin and cytokinin are two main plant growth regulators playing important roles in callogenesis of different plant species. There is an interaction between the level of plant growth regulators and color of produced callus. Based on the results of present study, it seems that in the nettle plant, node explants endure a higher level of plant growth regulators and hence produce a brighter callus than the leaf segment explants when they are treated with high concentrations of these chemicals.

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Joushan Zeinab | SODAEIZADEH HAMID | HAKIMZADEH ARDAKANI MOHAMMAD ALI | Yazdani Biouki Rostam | Khajeh Hosseini Sarah


Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Spearmint is a perennial plant with creeping and underground stems, which belongs to the Labiatae family. After drought, salinity is the second most common environmental agent that restricts agricultural production. Glycine betaine is the most widely used organic solution known for its quadrature ammonium compounds and the largest and most abundant compound in response to stress. The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effect of glycine betaine on some quantitative and qualitative properties of mint under salinity stress. Materials and Methods A factorial experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design with three replications in 2017-18. Experimental factors included salinity stress (4 levels, control, 30, 60 and 90 mM NaCl) and glycine betaine (at 3 levels of 0, 100 and 200 mM). In the present study, some growth traits, height of plant, fresh weight and dry weight of shoot, root volume, fresh and dry weight of root, photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a and b and total), protein, proline and soluble sugars were measured. Results The results showed that salinity stress was significant for all characteristics, so that by increasing levels of salinity all traits were reduced except chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, proline and soluble sugars. Salinity reduced plant height (29. 47%), fresh weight of shoot (49. 56%), dry weight of shoot (56. 87%), root volume (47. 89%), fresh weight of root (52. 15%), dry weight of root (43. 92%), photosynthetic pigments (a) (18%) and (b) (29. 41%), protein content (17. 79%), proline (30. 98%) and soluble sugars (3. 58%). Application of glycinebetaine reduced the negative effects of salinity stress, but it caused reduced height (9. 16%) and chlorophyll b (26. 31%) compared to control. Also, interactions between salinity stress and foliar application of glycinebetaine were significant for shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root fresh weigh, root dry weight, proline, protein (p<0. 01), root volume and soluble sugars (P<0. 05). The highest values of the studied traits were obtained for the interaction between 7 mM NaCl and 200 mM glycinebetaine. Discussion Salinity stress reduces the growth of plants through osmotic stress, ion toxicity and nutritional imbalance. However, glycine betaine, as an important osmolite in plants, increases the osmotic potential and improves the water relations and increases the activity of photosynthesis and the production of hydrocarbon materials. In this way, glycine betaine can protect against the stress of salinity by increasing the mechanisms of tolerance to salinity and will provide better conditions for plant growth in a saline environment.

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Plant Productions

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ackground and Objectives High degree of evaporation from soil surface (due to high temperature of environment and low relative humidity), poor soil organic content and instability of soil structure are considered indicators of arid regions of Iran. It seems that in a regional management, conservation of plant residues with irrigation operations in the absence of a negative effect on yield can be used as a way to improve the above-mentioned conditions. The management of plant residues has been interesting to researchers in recent decades due to its various effects on the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. On the other hand, protective tillage can help to maintain more soil moisture, reduce erosion and less use of agricultural machinery, thereby achieving sustainable agriculture and reducing costs. This research was conducted to investigate the effect of application of wheat residues and green manure along with different tillage systems on corn. Materials and Methods This experiment was conducted in Shush, Khuzestan Province in 2015-2016, as strip-plot in randomized complete block design with three replications. The main treatment consisted of conventional and minimum tillage methods. The sub-plot treatment applied mulches such as wheat residue, two types of green manure (mung bean (Vigna radiata L. ) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. )) and control (no fertilizer application). The characteristics in this research included grain yield, biological yield, number of rows in corn, number of kernels per row, 100 grains weight, and weed growth indices (density, variety and dry weight in two stages: 4 to 6 leaf and maturity of corn). Results Maximum grain yield of corn was obtained in wheat residue (10399. 27 kg ha-1 ). Also, there was no significant difference in plants treated with green manure of cowpea (10013. 49 kg ha-1 ). The lowest economic yield was seen in control (7382 kg ha-1 ). Similar to grain yield, the highest biological yield of corn occurred with application of minimum tillage (16139. 14 kg ha-1 ), wheat residue (17170. 89) and cowpea green manure (16790. 37 kg ha-1 ). Besides, the best treatment to reduce the number, variety and dry weight of weeds, was achieved with green manure in minimum tillage. Based on the results, the dominant weed of the field in conventional tillage in 4 to 6 leaf stage was physalis (Physalis alkekengi) while it was common purslane (Portulaca oleracea) in the minimum tillage. In maturation of corn, both in conventional tillage and minimum tillage, the dominant weed was physalis, which had the highest dry weight of weeds in every stage. Discussion Based on the results of this research, application of wheat residues and cowpea green manure combined with minimum tillage can be a suitable way to increase corn yield and reduce weed diversity and biomass in sustainable agriculture.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ex. Hook f. ) is known as the world's fourth cut flower and silicon (Si) is considered the second most abundant element (28%) of the Earth's crust. Silicon deposition in most tissues and organs, such as plant cell wall, the space between the cells of the epidermis, roots, leaves, and reproductive organs causes resistance to environmental stresses, insects, and pathogens into the plant. Greenhouse whiteflies (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) are the most important pests in several crops such as gerbera, which have herbivorous insects with piercing-sucking mouthparts and have 4 to 15 in their generation. Materials and Methods Considering the numerous environmental risks posed by using pesticides in pest control especially under greenhouse conditions, this study was conducted to compare whiteflies control with imidacloprid pesticide and nano-silicon fertilizer (NSF) as a quasi-essential element in plant nutrition and their impacts on improving resistance to pest. This research was designed as a pot experiment in a soilless greenhouse with polyethylene (PE) coated and controlled environmental conditions. Flower quality components, including flower diameter, flowering stem height and vase life, relative water content (RWC), vase solution uptake, the total phenol content, leaf Ca ++ + and Si content and whiteflies contamination (egg, nymph, pupa, and adult) were evaluated using a factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with three replications in a hydroponic greenhouse. Results The results showed that NSF caused a significant increase of flower diameter, stem length and vase life of flower compared to imidacloprid. Also, NSF increased total phenol content. Leaf calcium and Si concentration in treatment with NSF showed a significant increase compared to other treatments. In addition, the percentage of whitefly population significantly decreased under applying NSF and imidacloprid compared to the control plants. Spraying imidacloprid despite whitefly control led to the reduction of flower diameter and total phenol content. Also, imidacloprid significantly increased flowering stalk height and the contamination of whitefly nymph with respect to NSF. Discussion According to the results of the present research, foliar application of NSF not only reduced the environmental impact caused by using chemical pesticides but also led to the control of whiteflies population and improved the quality of gerbera cut flower. Therefore, we recommend the use of NSF as a fertilizer-medicine in greenhouse cultivation of gerbera 'Stanza'.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is a fruit tree that originated from Iran and has been cultivated since ancient times. Classical propagation methods of pomegranate like stem cutting and air-layering have seasonal timing and a higher risk of pathogens contamination. Micropropagation by tissue culture could be considered a method for production of steady and pathogen free plants in this species. However, factors such as lack of rooting and browning due to the oxidation of phenolic components under in vitro culture can limit its micropropagation efficiency. To overcome these problems, the effects of various factors, including media, ironchelating agent, and plant growth regulators, were examined on the pomegranate propagation through in vitro conditions. Materials and Methods To obtain sterile explants, stem cuttings of the pomegranate cultivar Shishe Cap Ferdos were treated with different disinfection treatments. Then, the effect of DKW, MS and WPM basal media and two types of iron chelating agents (EDDHA and EDTA) were evaluated to decrease the secretion of phenolic compound from explant and subsequent browning. In the next step, the effect of plant growth regulators treatments, including 1-2 mg/l of BA in combination with 0. 2 mg/l of various auxins (IAA, NAA or IBA) on shoot development and proliferation was studied. After that, rooting of regenerated plantlets was explored at WPM medium supplemented with 0. 5 or 1 mg/l IAA, IBA or NAA. Finally, pomegranate plantlets were transferred to different soil mixtures, including eat moss and perlite (2: 1), cocopeat and perlite (2: 1), peat moss and vermiculite (2: 1) and cocopeat and vermiculite (2: 1) for acclimation. Results The results indicated that sterilization with 2% sodium hypochlorite for 15 minutes followed by washing with 1g/l carbendazim for 10 minutes, and finally culturing the explants in the medium containing 1 g/l carbendazim had the best effect on reducing explant contamination. Among different basal media and iron chelating agents, WPM resulted in the lowest explant browning. Also, EDDHA was more efficient compared to the EDTA so that explant browning in WPM media containing Fe-EDDHA reduced by 55. 8% compared to DKW containing Fe-EDTA. In addition, WPM basal medium supplemented with 2 mg/l BA and 0. 2 mg/l IAA induced higher shoot proliferation in node explant of pomegranate. For rooting treatments, after 45 days, WPM supplemented with 1 mg/l IAA induced higher rooting percentage, root length and number in pomegranate shoots. Among different acclimatizing treatments, plantlets that grew on peat moss and perlite (2: 1) had the highest leaf number and stem height. Discussion Our results suggested that the medium composition and chelating agent affected pomegranate explants browning. EDDHA appears to have a positive effect on reducing browning by chelating copper, which is a phenol oxidase cofactor. Also, EDDHA was more efficient compared to the EDTA.

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