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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Keshvari Babak | Sanagouye Moharrer Gholam Reza

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Background and Objective: One of the main components of obsessive-compulsive disorder is disturbing thoughts. Cognitive infrastructures, schemas and avoidance coping styles in obsessive-compulsive disorder have always been the subject of attention by clinical psychologists. The purpose of the present study was to compare early maladaptive schemas and coping strategies among people with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and normal people. Materials and Methods: The present study was of casual-comparative style. The statistical population of this study included patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder referred to psychiatry and psychiatric clinics in Tehran in 2017 and a control group. Among 140 patients, 70 obsessive-compulsive disorders and a control group of 70 participants were selected through convenience sampling. Data were collected using MCMI-III Questionnaire, Coping Strategies Questionnaire and early Maladaptive Schema Questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using multivariate analysis of variance using SPSS software version 18. Results: The mean (SD) age of the obsessive-compulsive group was 37. 6 (8. 4) and the control group 35. 2 (7. 8). The mean (SD) score of the coping style of submission was 418. 3 (107), extreme compensation 152. 4 (20. 7) and avoiding 133. 8 (18. 4) in participants with obsessive-compulsive disorder which were higher than the control group: submission 382. 5 (97. 3), extreme compensation is 136. 8 (16. 2) and avoidance of 109. 6 (12. 1). In the obsessive-compulsive group, the score of components of the emancipatory/unstable schemas was 17. 2 (6. 8), unreliability/mistreatment (19. 3), emotional deprivation (20. 9) (7. 8), deficit/shame 7. 18 (5. 7), and social isolation 16. 16 (9. 8) which were higher than the control group: abandonment/unstable 14/14 (1. 5), unreliability/mistreatment 12/6 (4. 6), emotional deprivation 7. 13 (7. 1), defect/shame 11. 11 (2. 5) and social isolation 2. 12 (7), P<0. 001. The level of impact or difference is 0. 42 which implied that 42% of the individual differences in the scores of the subscales of the research were related to the impact of group membership. Conclusion: It can be concluded that mean scores of early maladaptive schemas of relapse/insecurity, lack of trust/mistreatment, emotional deprivation, defect/shame and social isolation and coping styles of avoidance, extreme compensation and submission of the obsessive-compulsive group are higher than the average the control group.

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Background and Objective: One of main factors threatening family commitments is extramarital relations. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the relationship and role of emotional and spiritual intelligence in predicting the attitude of students toward extramarital relations. Materials and Methods: The study was of descriptive-correlational design. The statistical population of the study included all master students of Islamic Azad University North Tehran Branch during the academic year 2017-2018. From this population, 351 students were selected using multistep cluster sampling method. Data were collected via Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire and the Questionnaire for Attitudes toward Extramarital Relations and analyzed with Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression analysis by SPSS-25. Results: The mean (SD) age of students was 27. 6 (4. 8). Increased emotional intelligence score with mean (SD) 215. 7 (19. 2) and the spiritual intelligence score with mean (SD) 57. 7 (6. 8), correlated with decreased score of attitude toward extramarital relations with mean (SD) 28. 8 (4. 1). The results of stepwise regression analysis indicated that in the first step, spiritual intelligence could solely explain 4% of the changes in the attitudes score toward extramarital relations, which increased to 6% in the second step with the introduction of the emotional intelligence as predicting variable. Therefore, spiritual intelligence was the strongest predictor variable in reducing the score of the attitudes toward extramarital relations students. Conclusion: The study showed that the higher the emotional and spiritual intelligence, the less carefree are the attitudes towards extramarital relations, and that spiritual intelligence was the strongest predictor for reducing the score of attitudes towards extramarital relations among students.

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Background and Objective: Anxiety is one of the most common psychiatric disorders and negatively affects cognitive function. Training ethical intelligence could be effective in reducing anxiety. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of moral intelligence training on cognitive distortions in women with generalized anxiety disorder. Materials and Methods: This semi-experimental study with control group and pre-test and post-test design was conducted with participation of 60 women with generalized anxiety that were referred to the psychiatric clinic in Tehran. Participants were selected through convenience sampling and divided into two groups. Data were collected via Ellis’ s Cognitive Distortions Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using covariance analysis test in SPSS. 22 software. Results: The mean (SD) of participants age in experimental group was 33. 1 (4. 7) and in control group was 33. 7 (4. 1). The mean (SD) cognitive distortions score in women with general anxiety in the pretest of the experimental group was 4. 1 (0. 50) and was decreased to 0. 2 (0. 28) in post-test (P<0. 01, F=48. 2). The mean (SD) cognitive distortions score in the control group was decreased from 3. 2 (0. 74) to 3. 0 (0. 38): P>0. 05, F=0. 75. Conclusion: The study showed that moral education training improved cognitive distortions of women with general anxiety.

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Background and Objective: The strength of marital relationships is compromised without satisfying sexual relations, and sexual dysfunctions can lead to decreased satisfaction and sexual self-efficacy. The objective of this study was to determine the association of sexual dysfunction and sexual satisfaction with the mediating effect of sexual self-efficacy among married women in Tehran. Materials and Methods: This study was of descriptive correlational design. The statistical population of this study included married women who were referred for consultation District 7 of Tehran, among whom 133 were selected via convenience sampling method. Data were collected using Larsson Sexual Satisfaction Questionnaire (LSSQ), Gender Sexual Function Questionnaire (FSFI), and self-efficacy questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation in SPSS software version 22, and path analysis in AMOS software version 22. Results: Increased sexual dysfunction, mean (SD)=15. 2 (5. 4), was associated with decreased sexual satisfaction, mean (SD)=98. 5 (15. 3), P<0. 01. Increased self-efficacy, mean (SD)=18. 3 (5. 7) was associated with increased sexual satisfaction, P <0. 01. In addition, the direct effect of sexual dysfunction on sexual satisfaction was-0. 54, and the indirect effect by sexual self-efficacy was 0. 14, which suggests that sexual self-efficacy decreased the negative impact of sexual dysfunction on sexual satisfaction. Conclusion: The study showed that sexual self-efficacy played a significant mediating role between sexual dysfunction and sexual satisfaction, as sexual self-efficacy was associated with lower impact of sexual dysfunction on sexual satisfaction.

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Background and Objective: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), due to its chronic and debilitating nature, can lead to undesirable effects which can reduce quality of life, decrease self-esteem and increase the mental stress of a person, especially among women. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy on resilience and self-discrepancy among women with SLE in Tehran. Materials and Methods: This study was of experimental design with pre-test, post-test and control group. The study was conducted from June to September 2018. The statistical population included all women with SLE in Tehran, among whom 60 women were selected by available sampling method and were randomly categorized into two groups of experimental and control, each containing 30 participants. Data were collected via Conner-Davidson Resilience questionnaire and Self-Discrepancy questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using multivariate covariance analysis and one-way covariance analysis via SPSS software version 20. Results: The mean (SD) age of the experimental group was 33. 5 (6. 9) and control group 34. 7 (5. 9). The mean (SD) score of resiliency in the experimental group in the pre-test was 42. 5 (5. 3), which increased to 50. 4 (8. 5) in post-test (P<0. 01), but the mean (SD) score of the control group was 28 (9. 2) in the pre-test and varied to 30. 2 (8. 7) in the post-test, which was not statistically significant. The mean (SD) score of selfdiscrepancy in the experimental group was 44. 8 (4. 2) in the pretest, which decreased to 32. 4 (5. 3) in the post test (P<0. 01), but the mean (SD) of the control group in the pre-test was 48. 2 (3. 6), which varied to 48 (3. 2) in the post-test and was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy was effective in increasing the resilience and reducing the self-discrepancy of patients with SLE.

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Background and Objective: Extensive efforts have been made in the field of child psychotherapy to involve parents in the treatment of children with psychiatric pathology syndrome. The present study was conducted to investigate and compare the effectiveness of Parent-Child Interaction Training and AdlerDreikur Parenting Training on children’ s clinical syndrome. Materials and Methods: The present study was of semi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test, and control group. The statistical population included divorced mothers who were referred to counseling centers of 11th District in Mashhad city in 2017, among whom 60 mothers with their children were selected through purposeful sampling method and randomly divided into three groups of experimental and control groups. The Parent-Child Interaction group (N=20) received 15 sessions and Adler-Dreikurs group participants underwent 10 training session, the control group did not receive any intervention. For assessing of clinical syndrome, Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) was used in pre, post, and follow-up stages. Data analyzed using repeated measure variances via SPSS software version 21. Results: The mean (SD) age of mothers and children in three groups were 32. 2(4. 5) and 9. 0(1. 5) in ParentChild Interaction group, 33. 9(3. 7) and 9. 6(1. 5) in Adler-Dreikurs group, and 32. 7(4. 2) and 9. 0(1. 4) in the control group. The mean (SD) score of clinical syndrome in the Parent-Child Interaction group was 170. 5 (9. 6) in the pre-test, which varied to 153. 4 (13. 0) in the post-test, and 155/9(9/0) in the follow-up (P<0. 05). In addition, the mean (SD) score of clinical syndrome in the Adler-Dracis group, was 173. 1 (19. 1) in the pretest, 134. 9(8. 1) in the post-test, and 136. 6(11. 0) in the follow-up (P<0. 05). However, the clinical syndrome scores in the control group showed no significant differences in three stages of pre-test 169. 1(14. 4), post-test 163. 5(9. 5) and follow-up 165. 9 (11. 7). The mean (SD) scores of Adler-Dreikurs intervention decreased significantly more compared with the parent-child method. Conclusion: The study showed that it is important to educate mothers based on two Parent-Child and Adler Dreikurs approaches to reduce the clinical symptoms of children, and that the education of mothers based on Adler-Dreikurs approach was more effective.

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Background and Objective: Mindfulness is a multidimensional construct and its various dimensions can play an important role in reducing and improving the symptoms and physical and emotional symptoms of people with various disorders which makes the evaluation of mind-awareness necessary. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the factor structure and psychometric properties of a comprehensive inventory of mindfulness experiences among university students. Materials and Methods: The method of this study was correlation and factor analysis. The statistical population of this study included all students of Islamic Azad University of Roudehen Branch who were studying in the first half of the academic year 2018-19, among whom 473 students were selected by convenience sampling method. To obtain data, the comprehensive inventory of mindfulness experiences (CHIME-A) and mindfulness scale (MAAS) were used. Data were analyzed by using correlation coefficient and exploratory factor analysis methods via SPSS software version 22. Results: The mean (SD) age of the participants was 25. 1 (6. 2) among male students and 23. 8 (5. 4) among female students. CHIME-A consisted of three components. The mean (SD) score of the component of perception with active insight and decentralization was 52. 3 (9. 5); component of knowledge of internal and external experiences 48. 7 (6. 5); action with knowledge, acceptance and orientation without judgment 26. 4 (5. 9) and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0. 85, 0. 72 and 0. 61, respectively. The mean (SD) total score of the questionnaire was 127. 5 (14. 8) and its Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0. 90. The three components of CHIME-A and their total score were positively correlated with the scores of MAAS (P <0. 01). Conclusion: The study showed that the comprehensive inventory of mindfulness experiences among students has an appropriate internal consistency and validity.

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Background and Objective: Internet addiction among young people and especially university students has become a major social problem. The positive social and psychological effects of participation in sports activities could potentially compensate the harmful effects of addiction to the Internet. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between participation rate in sports activities and Internet addiction among university students in Shahrekord city. Materials and Methods: This field study was of correlational design. The statistical population of the study included university students of universities in Shahrekord including Shahrekord University, Azad University, Applied Sciences University, Medical Sciences University, Technical University and Payame Noor University. Approximately 24, 300 students studied in the academic year 2017-2018, among whom, 379 students were randomly selected. Data were collected using a demographic questionnaire, a researcher-made questionnaire on participation in student sports activities in terms of minutes per week, and the Young's Internet Addiction Inventory. Data was analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient in SPSS software. Results: Participants included 188 (49. 6%) male and 191 (50. 4%) female students. Increased sports participation score with mean (SD) 105. 3 (8. 3) was associated with decreased Internet addiction score 2. 2 (0. 8) Internet addiction, P<0. 05. In addition, the sports participation variable has the predictive power over Internet addiction, as increasing one unit in the variable of sports participation, Internet addiction decreased by 0. 33 units. Conclusion: The study showed that participation in sport activities was had a positive impact on reduced rate of Internet addiction among university students in Shahrekord.

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Background and Objective: Resiliency is one of the factors that can prevent mental illness among young people and adolescents. This study aimed to explore the relationship between social support, problemsolving skills and resilience through hardiness among high school students in the city of Sari. Materials and Methods: This correlation study used a structural equation model approach. The statistical population of this study included all high school students in Sari city who were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method to collect the sample size of 360. Data were collected through Resiliency Scale, Social Support Questionnaire and Hard-Working Scale. Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling via SPSS-22 and AMOS-22 software were used to analyze the data. Results: The mean (SD) age of male students was 13. 4 (2. 4) and female students (13. 8) (2. 5), age range=1314 years. Increased social support with a mean (SD) of 45. 3(7. 7) was associated with increased hardiness 89. 1(16. 1) and resiliency 84. 3(14. 6) are higher. Hardiness also played a mediator role in the relationship between social support and resilience. Among the components of social support, the most influential factor was family support with factor load of 0. 87, the concept of competence and acceptance of affection with factor load of 0. 75 were the most influential factors in resilience, and commitment was the most influential factor in hardiness with factor load of 0. 89. Conclusion: The study showed that increased social support was associated with hardiness and resilience. In addition, increased hardiness was associated with increased social support impact on resiliency.

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Background and Objective: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, progressive and degenerative disease of the central nervous system myelin, which affects sensory-motor function and causes physical disability due to mental disorder in individuals. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of mindfulnessbased-cognitive-therapy on the symptoms of disability and psychological well-being among patients with multiple sclerosis. Materials and Methods: The statistical population of the study included patients with multiple sclerosis in Tehran, among whom 60 were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly assigned to case and control groups. Mindfulness-based-cognitive-therapy was trained for 8 sessions of 90 minutes and the control group remained on the list. The data were collected using Vickrey's physical health questionnaire and Ryff's psychological well-being, and were analyzed using SPSS software version 19 and covariance analysis tests. Results: Among participants, 27 (45%) were male and 33 (55%) were female. The mean (SD) of disability score in case group decreased from 3. 9 (0. 5) before intervention to 2. 8 (1. 3) after intervention and 3. 0 (1. 4) in the follow-up period, P=0. 001; however, changes in control group were not significant. The mean (SD) of psychological well-being score increased from 45. 5 (7. 7) before intervention to 65. 9 (6. 4) after intervention and 67. 7 (4. 5) in follow-up period. Independence score increased from 9. 9 (3. 2) before intervention to 12. 6 (2. 5) after intervention and 12. 7 (6. 2) in follow-up period, P=0. 02; mastery of the environment increased from 7. 7 (1. 5) before intervention to 9. 7 (1) after intervention and 9. 7 (1) in follow-up period, P=0. 03; personal growth increased from 6. 8 (2. 1) before intervention to 8. 5 (2. 6) after intervention and 8. 7 (2. 5) in follow-up period, P=0. 04; positive relationship with others increased from 7. 6 (2. 5) before intervention to 10. 1 (2. 1) after intervention and 10. 8 (2. 4) in follow-up period, P=0. 04; goal-oriented life increased from 6. 8 (2. 7) before intervention to 11. 7 (2) after intervention and 12. 1 (2. 6) in follow-up period, P=0. 01; and acceptance increased from 6. 9 (2. 2) before intervention to 13. 3 (3. 6) after intervention and 13. 1 (3. 8) in follow up period, P=0. 004. Conclusion: The study showed that mindfulness-based-cognitive-therapy can improve physical health and psychological well-being among patients with multiple sclerosis.

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Background and Objective: Nowadays, with the expanding Internet access and increasing prevalence of pornographic products consumption among different segments of the society, dealing with pornography use and its adverse personal and social consequences has drawn the attention of community health professionals. The objective of the experimental study was to determine the effectiveness of the integrated couple counseling package on tendency to internet pornography among three married men. Materials and Methods: This study was an intervention without control that was considered as a pilot study. Participants included three men with high daily use of pornography and their wives who were selected by purposeful sampling among couples referred to counseling centers in districts 3 and 5 of Isfahan from January to March 2019. The intervention included 14 therapy sessions based on integration of emotion regulation strategies and techniques and sexual teaching. Men’ s tendency to internet pornography use was measure by the Pornography Craving Questionnaire before intervention (3-5 times), during Intervention (4 times), and follow up (3 times). Analysis was conducted by descriptive statistics and visual analysis. Results: The mean (SD) score of tendency to internet pornography of participant number 1 before intervention was 76. 3 (0. 58) that during intervention phase decreased to 50. 2 (18. 5) and at follow up phase to 25 (1). The mean (SD) score of tendency to internet pornography of participant number 2 before intervention was 70 (1. 6) that during intervention phase decreased to 47. 2 (13. 7) and at follow up phase to 28. 6 (1. 1). The mean (SD) score of tendency to internet pornography of participant number 3 before intervention was 74. 2 (0. 84) that during intervention phase decreased to 50. 7 (16. 8) and at follow up phase to 25. 33 (0. 58). The Percentage of Non-Overlapping Data (PND) indicated that the intervention was effective with 100% confidence for all three participants. Conclusion: The study showed that the integrated couple counseling package reduced the tendency to internet pornography among married men.

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Background and Objective: Marriage and family formation are among the factors affecting mental health and lifestyle, and their role in reducing individual and social disorders has been identified. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral training on regretting spouse choice among married university students. Materials and Methods: This is a semi-experimental study with pre-test, post-test, follow-up and a control group. The statistical population of the study included all married university students in Gonbad-e-Kavus city in the academic year 2017-2018. Participants included 60 married men and women selected by convenience sampling method and assigned to experimental and control groups. Data were obtained by using a regretting the spouse choice scale. All participants took the pretest. The experimental group underwent ten 90-minute cognitive behavioral training sessions while the control group received no interventions. Both groups took the post-test after 45 days. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 22. Results: The mean (SD) age of participants was 33. 1 (48. 4) in the experimental group and 34. 6 (6. 8) in the control group. The mean (SD) regretting the spouse choice score in pre-test of the experimental group was reduced from 31. 2 (2. 4) to 20. 1 (3. 1) in the post-test and 18. 4 (1. 7) in follow-up, P<0. 001; however, the mean (SD) regret scores did not very in the control group's spouse in pre-test, post-test and follow-up. Conclusion: The study showed that cognitive-behavioral training resulted in a reduction in regretting the spouse choice regret among married university students.

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