The present research, has tried to evaluate the performance of the middle school students’ councils in attracting students cooperation committees through dividing the council into eight cooperation committees. The research method used is descriptive observational and the research sample comprised of thirty middle schools in city of Isfahan from which the students were selected through cluster sampling proportionate to the volume and simple random sampling. The research instrument was the observation check-list and collected data were analysed through descriptive and inferential methods. The major findings of the research were: 1) Students cooperation with socio-political committee was low, and with educational, and scientific, welfare, aid and hygiene were medium whereas students’ cooperation with religious and cultural, sports, administrative and disciplinary were considered high. In addition, the average cooperation of students in propagation and ceremony committees were very high.2) Inferential analysis, showed an effective and significant students’ cooperation with cultural and religious, sports, propagation and ceremonies, and disciplinary committees rating higher than the average cooperation.3) Inferential analysis also showed a significantly higher rate of students’ cooperation in propagation and ceremonies committee depending on the school type (girls), the principal’s experience (over 5 years), the principal’s gender (female), gender of the principle assistant (female) and the principle’s representative in students’ council (cultivation instructor), in welfare, assistance and hygiene committees depending on the gender of the principle’s representative in students’ council variable (female) and in disciplinary committees depending on the principle’s experience (over five years) variable as well as the principle’s gender variable (female).