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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of electronic human resource management and organizational creativity development with the effectiveness of HR in Sport and Youth Ministry of I. R. Iran and to design a model. The method of this study was descriptive / correlation and applied in terms of aims. The population included all staff of Sport and Youth Ministry in Iran in 2016 (N=901). Random sampling method was used. The sample consisted of 269 subjects by Morgan and Krejcie Table. Electronic human resources management questionnaire (Jamali, 2013), effectiveness of human resources questionnaire (Nick Pour, 2011) and organizational creativity questionnaire (Hasan Beigi, 2010) were used. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated by Cronbach's alpha (0. 88, 0. 72 and 0. 81 respectively). For data analysis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson correlation coefficient, factor analysis and path analysis were used. The results of multiple correlation coefficient showed a direct and significant relationship between the criterion variable and predictor variables. Also, human resource management had more effect on the effectiveness of human resources than the development of organizational creativity, and it can be concluded that electronic human resource management plays more important role in explaining organizational effectiveness. The managers of Sport and Youth Ministry can not only increase staff’ s perception of effectiveness but also increase staff’ s creativity which influences organizational effectiveness using electronic human resource management.

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Awareness of goals of participation in sport and leisure activities is one of the major targets of sport marketers. Serious leisure inventory and measure (SLIM) scale is one of the valid tools made to be aware of the consequences of participation in the leisure activities in the management of leisure time. The aim of the present study was to examine the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the serious leisure inventory and measure scale in premier league spectators (summer 2017). The original version of the scale has 18 subscales and 54 constructs. 670 men (18-65 years old) who watched football premier league matches purposively, randomly and voluntarily completed SLIM scale (Gould et al., 2008). Confirmatory factor analysis was used to estimate construct validity of the scale. The reliability of the scale was calculated using Cronbach's alpha. The results showed that the Persian version of the scale supported the original structure (6 constructs and 18 subscales) and its reliability and validity were confirmed. Therefore, the Persian version of the serious leisure inventory and measure scale is recommended for awareness of the outcomes of sport spectators’ participation so sport marketers can design purposive marketing programs based on this scale.

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The aim of this study was to design a relationship model for trust in the coach and the dimensions of teamwork process in the first division league of Iran football clubs. The research method was descriptive-survey based on structural equation modeling that was conducted as a field experiment. The statistical population included all players of Iran football first division league in 2016 (N=450). 200 subjects were selected as the sample of the study by convenience sampling method. To measure the variables of the study, two standard questionnaires (leadership trust by Senjaya and Pekerti (2010), and a researcher-made teamwork questionnaire) were used. In order to determine the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used. The coefficients for the questionnaires of trust in coach and teamwork were 0. 84 and 0. 94 respectively. For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling) were used. The results showed that the trust in coach variable had a direct and significant effect on teamwork (impact factor: 0. 73). The findings indicated the important role of trust in coach variable in teamwork; therefore, trust as a positive and rational relationship should emerge between athletes and coaches.

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Due to increased competition in various industries, brand equity is one of the essential factors which creates competitive advantage for organizations. In sport, creating and promoting a powerful brand are of utmost priority among major clubs around the world. So they could achieve unique privileges. This study aimed at determining the validity and reliability of customer-based brand equity scale by Ross (2008) Spectator-Based Brand Equity (SBBE) scale. The statistical population included those spectators present at Azadi stadium and sample consisted of 375 spectators present at stadium who were randomly selected by Cochran Formula based on the available sample in factor analysis. After the copyright permission to use the questionnaire was received, the questionnaire was translated in three stages and its content and face validity was confirmed through a panel of experts. The reliability was equal to 0. 73 based on Cronbach’ s alpha (P<0. 01). Confirmatory factor analysis technique was employed to determine construct validity using Lisrel software. This questionnaire included two dimensions: brand association with 46 items and brand awareness with 8 items. Indices and outputs from Lisrel software revealed that the selected indices enjoyed adequate validity to measure brand equity factors and could satisfactorily measure brand equity of national volleyball team (RMSEA≤ 0. 08 and AGF, GFI, NFI, CFI≥ 0. 90). Also, all factor loadings of brand equity factors were accepted. Given these findings, it can be concluded that the corresponding scales of brand equity based on the views of the spectators could be used as a valid tool in the case of Iranian sport spectators.

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The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of information systems on sporting goods marketing based on the mix model. 440 students who had sport insurance were selected as the sample. A researcher-made questionnaire with 27 items was used; eventually, 23 items (mixed price 6 items, product 6 items, advertising 4 items, and distribution 7 items) were selected after its construct reliability was confirmed. Content and face validity of the questionnaire were confirmed by professors’ viewpoints; its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient (0. 91) and its construct validity was confirmed by measurement model test. Data were analyzed by 3 methods: Friedman, Topsis and SAW. In order to achieve a similar result, an aggregation of three prioritizing methods (average, Borda, Copland) was achieved by a minor ranking collection. The results showed that information systems had better performance than other items examined in mix marketing components in introducing products at different prices, introducing products tailored to the needs of customers, providing advertisements from different brands and finally introducing the easiest route to access the product in question.

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In this article, those factors influencing the privatization of professional soccer clubs in Iran were analyzed. The method was qualitative and its data were obtained by interviews and using the grounded theory. The population consisted of 15 experts. After conducting interviews and implementing the texts of the interviews related to the field of effective components, 186 open codes were detected at the initial stage of open coding, and at the second stage, 93 secondary codes were obtained. Subsequently, firstly the secondary codes with semantic and thematic affinity around a subset were collected, and a total of 63 subsets were obtained in order to form subsets in this domain. At the next stage of axial coding, the subsets related to the components influencing the privatization of football clubs were classified according to the semantic and conceptual affinity to 20 groups. Finally, the economic evolution in the club structure in line with the privatization, strengthening, liberalization and expansion of the capital market for soccer, comprehensive monitoring of all affairs, and support for sport and football, and the combined selling, testing and support methods were recognized as strategies which could direct the flow of privatization to a positive position.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the role of sport tourism development in attracting spectators through the mediating role of advertising in the wrestling events. This study used a mix method and was developmental applied in terms of goals and a field study. The statistical population included the members of Sports Tourism Commission of National Olympic Committee, heads of the Wrestling Federation, Sport and Youth Ministry and of the National Olympic Committee in the qualitative part, as well as the spectators who participated in the final competitions of the wrestling professional league in the quantitative part. It must be noted that these two parts of the statistical population were selected by convenience sampling method. In order to collect data, researcher-made questionnaires were used as their face and construct validity as well as their reliability were identified and confirmed. The results of this study using the structural equation modeling showed that sport tourism development (direct impact factor=β =0. 87) had a positive and significant effect on spectator attraction, but the direct impact factor of advertisements had no significant effects on the spectator attraction (β =-0. 013). Also, the indirect significant effect of sport tourism development on the spectator attraction was not observed and advertising does not play a mediating role.

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The aim of this study was to investigate those factors affecting the development of wisdom-oriented sport organizations. The research method was survey. The present study was designed to identify and prioritize effective factors. In the first part, the statistical population consisted of university professors, PhD students and managers and experts of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, and 200 of them were selected as the sample of the study by convenience sampling method. In the second part, the statistical population consisted of experts in the field of wisdom in sport, and 17 of them were selected as the sample by snowball sampling method. In the first part, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. In this study, exploratory factor analysis and group AHP method were used. The whole process of analyzing the data was performed in SPSS and Super Decisions software. The results showed that 5 factors (cultural, human, leadership, environment and vision) explained about 75% of the variances of wisdom-oriented development. The results of the ranking showed that leadership factors with a normal score of 0. 318 were most important in the development of wisdom-oriented sport organizations. Therefore, the improvement of wisdom-orientation in sport organizations depends largely on leadership and its related indicators, which creates conditions to improve wisdom-orientation in sport organizations.

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