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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Food labeling is one of the essentials in informing the buyer at the time of purchase. People have different needs due to their different physical conditions, hense pay attention to the contents and labels of the food they consume. Due to the increasing use of packaged products, the public awareness and health of the community, Labeling is an important tool for informing consumers and measuring the health of products that should be used optimally and with high efficiency to play an important role in reducing noncommunicable diseases. The present study was conducted in the form of a library study using related articles in databases and search engines. Also, the laws and regulations for labeling of Canada, England, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, South Africa, UAE, Malaysia, Turkey, the European Union and the food codex have been reviewed and compared with the existing criteria in Iran. The results of this study showed that about 90% of the international laws related to labeling in different countries are the same as in Iran. According to previous studies, due to the excessive amount of information contained, the time limit while buying food products on the one hand and the illegibility of some information in the labels and their distortion, as well as their incomprehensibility on the other hand, The labeling policy has not been met. This study reveals the need for a coherent plan and the need to unify the labels of all food products to avoid consumer confusion and indecision in the field of food labels.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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jazaei Mohadeseh | Sabbagh Kalateh Hosseini Elham



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The spread of the Covide-19 virus has had such a profound effect on politics and international relations that there has been talk of dividing history into pre and post-Corona periods. With the spread of coronavirus, the cleanliness and quality of food is now important more than ever, and thus, serious attention to the halal food industry is logical and acceptable. Although the consequences of this virus are becoming more apparent on various aspects of human social life and many institutions are trying to find a way to reduce the pain and suffering caused by the coronavirus, emphasizing halal food can be considered as a preventive measure. Given the importance of micro-identities in the process of increasing globalization, the concept of paradiplomacy can be used to refer to these subnational political entities. Accordingly, this study is based on the question of how paradiplomatic approaches evolved as a result of the spread of coronavirus and tries to emphasize the position of the halal food industry as a solution to prevent and also a good opportunity to promote and spread halal food culture. The theoretical approach of this paper is a constructivism according to which, not only structures and agents but also small groups can influence the existing relations in the international arena. In this approach, states are as social beings whose behavior is derived from rules, norms, institutions and identities. The question of the evolution of paradiplomatic approaches in the post-Corona era and the position of the halal food industry, based on the constructivist approach, is one of the focal points of this paper.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Safety is one of the most important factors in human nutrition. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has developed a special protocol on food security, according to which the availability of food to all is considered a factor in food security. The FAO's main focus in this protocol is on distribution security. This protocol also provides tips on food safety. On the other hand, the Halal standard, using the teachings of Islam, considers food security and safety as an important indicator for all humans. Since man is a multidimensional being from the point of view of Islam and has body, mind, soul and spirit, so food safety and security from the prespective these dimensions can provide a higher quality index for halal food, than the FAO’ s food security program. The halal nutrition system does not view the food itself as the end product of nutrition, but also considers the production chain to consumption and its aspects, so the consumer as one of the important pillars of the food chain could have the necessary food justice and security, and this matter is only achievable through upholding the justice in distribution of sufficient and quality food. In the present article, the proposed indicators of halal food safety and security are compared with the FAO World Food Safety Program, and the quantitative and qualitative differences between food safety and security factors in both programs are judged.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this research, an attempt is made to investigate the existence of a rule called the rule of purity in thematic and jurisprudential doubts, and to pay attention to the use of such a rule of narrations, and whether the verdict used by them is real or apparent. In this article, by searching in the books of most famous fundamentalists and jurists, the most important views in this regard have been identified, quoted and examined. An examination of the words of these scholars shows that although the fundamentalists have accepted the principle of this rule, they do not have the same view on its details, and also there is no consensus on the matter that the narrations which are known as evidence of this rule, refer only to the rule of purity or express the true purity of objects and other principles, such as Istishab. The results showed that the most important reason for the rule of purity is the authenticity of Ammar, which confirms the opinion of those who claim that this narration refers only to the rule of apparent purity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Ethics and law are the most important pillars of development for any sector, Especially when it comes to development at international levels and in the vital field of health and medicine. Despite the rapid growth of medical tourism, this industry faces serious legal and ethical challenges. The most important issues related to health and medical tourism rights are access to services, health insurance, licensing and legal licenses of international health care service providers. There are a number of legal issues and challenges in the field of medical tourism that, if left unresolved, could pose serious obstacles to its formation and development. Given the nature of medical tourism, in order to resolve ethical and legal issues, it is first of all necessary to amend the laws and regulations in accordance with the international level and to explain the necessary standards correctly in the text of the laws. Maintaining the trust of patients in order to choose a center that provides medical business and tourism services depends on compliance with quality and safety standards. Then, it is necessary to provide the necessary legal supervision to ensure the implementation of laws and regulations and compliance with standards, and at the same time, adequate international insurance to cover these services.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Adabi Hossein



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Human resource management in organizations and companies is one of the most important concerns of managers and their owners. Concerns about high productivity and increasing the manufacturing capacity of products and providing services in companies and organizations, forces their owners to use arrangement systems designed to manage human resources. The 5S system is based on the management of physical and environmental arrays. Therefore, beyond the discipline, it does not enter the field of behavior and internalities of employees, especially managers. However, the added value of human resource productivity depends on the management of internal and behavioral arrays of employees. Halal adornment system based on behavioral arrays derived from religious recommendations in the field of interactive behavior, provides the basis for growth of quality indicators and productivity of human resources in the workplace. This system, using system management theory and by changing step by step in the attitude, behavior and speech of employees, along with taking advantage of the psychological effects of individual awareness and social capabilities, has taken the work environment out of a monotonous and sluggish environment for employees. And based on the theory that "the best entertainment is work", it makes the work environment enjoyable for them and increases the quality and quantity of products and services in the work environment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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