Today Olympic games is the most important worry of managers and official in sport. Therefore, the research is to study the success model of the Iranian sports caravan to the Tokyo Olympics 2020 in depth procedure. Recent research has been done in the framework of qualitative approach by using Strauss & Corbin theory in data theory. Targeted sampling was carried out & participants included 17 Olympiants were interviewed. The data analysis was done by Strauss’ s instruction & Curbin coding about the successful components in Olympics with using MAXQDA12 software. 54 Codes were achieved in management axes, communication, educational, economic, motivational, political-social, demographic, cultural, motivational, geographic, ideological, political-social, talent, and the medal records. Then, the selective codes are identified as casual factors: economic factors, talent identification, political and social factors, underlying factors such as population and geographical, interventional factors that include the background of mediation, culture, strategies, including management, education, communications and contexts, including optimal performance, achieving the goals set, gaining numerous medals, ranking, winning gold and increasing the number of participants. Finally, it is suggested that the reliance on the technical associations & coaches of federations, the reliance on the technical knowledge of coaches & athletes, the efforts to increase the per capita country, increase the life expectancy of individuals, pay attention to the changing of laws, efforts to obtain additional quotas, rich culture. Managers should plan short and long term programs and also monitor, cordinat and allocate sports appropriate to support Olympic project to gain significant successes in the 2020 Olympic.